Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Tuesday Treasures With Ruth Ann

I had my second of four scheduled dental appointments this morning.
Alas, the dentist said the first 'impression' I had done last Tuesday was not good so I needed to make another one.
I said, "Well, I thought you only had one chance to make a good first impression and here you are giving me a second opportunity!"
The thing about that was I had to go back to the dentist for a second time today....meaning Ruth Ann and I had to change our plan which was to spend the day in Dallas. We were going to browse the shops around Addison Circle and eat at lunch at a little bistro over there. On to Plan B!

We shopped the Salvation Army on Inwood Road and ate lunch at the original Sonny Bryan's BBQ!

The food was delicious - as always - and it wasn't even too crowded!


Ruth Ann and I sat on the far back right hand side.
We ate and talked and lingered long over our ice tea.

We hit up the Union Gospel Mission when we got back to Irving and then I went back to the dentist...
which didn't take very long at all.

The lady in charge of the displays at the Goodwill on Beltline does a really good job.
I always compliment her on how attractive they are.
I think she was amused when she saw me posing with the one at the front entrance!

My haul!
All of this for less than $15!

I already had the Trick or Treat Bear on the left (a Goodwill find) and now he has his girlfriend to stand beside him!

Our friend, Dawn, put this on my Facebook post this afternoon!!!
Louis Dean laughed so loud!

I came home and stripped the bed, started the laundry, loaded the dishwasher, remade the bed and set out the art table. Then it was time for ART!

We are knee deep in Christmas paintings!
Ruth Ann had the idea of painting the Red Christmas Barn in landscape mode on the 16 X 20 as opposed to painting it as a vertical. Since I'm painting two of them - I based in the one tonight that way, too! Then I worked on my sunflower painting while Ruth Ann did some more on Sledding Santa.

All too soon it was time to clean our brushes!

This was a good day all the way around!


Linda said...

Love the idea of him & her Halloween bears. I find it hard to believe you’re getting rid of as much as you’re bringing in. Perhaps LD’s next project in the country should be a country store. You already have enough to stock a store so you’d just need to continue shopping on Tuesdays and sell in your store on the week-ends.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Fun day! I like that saying at the end! If you don't like the way your life is "paint over it!"

Ginny Hartzler said...

The paintings are coming along beautifully! I think my favorites of your haul today are the plates! Your food looks super god! I hope you are done with the dentist soon.

Bluebird49 said...

Love the way your paintings look--both yours and Ruth Ann's. You're both lucky be thrifting buddies!

Susie said...

LInda, That is a great Goodwill display. The quote made me laugh . I wish I could be in your art class. I know there fun going on.:) I am loving the barn painting. Much good luck at the dentist...you know I have a fear of being in the dental chair. Blessings, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How great to have a good buddy like that to eat with and hope and also paint with. Even though your day was interrupted by the dreaded dentist, it looks like it turned out quite wonderful. I did a little painting yesterday and will continue today with a few sunflowers. I love to paint them. One of my favorite flowers any way! I do love that FB post about owning Isle 10...I've been there and done that one! Made me laugh too! Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I went to the dentist yesterday to get my teeth cleaned...I didn't see you there! heehee! LOVE your art! The paintings of the barn are beautiful. And I love the Santa...you are BOTH so talented! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

meant to say and shop with... oops !

Arlene G said...

I LOVE the Barn painting and cannot wait to see it finished. Thank you for the sweet comment on my Sixty post Linda. We bloggers are a very close community and I am so thankful for a past time that is a blessing. I appreciate your friendship and I look forward every day to see what you and LD are up to!!

Vee said...

Turn it into a good thing! Dawn’s offering made me chuckle, too. Sometimes I wonder where does Linda put it all?! I like Ruth Ann’s idea for the barn in landscape mode a lot. It’s going to be a pretty one.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I like the quote at the end about life, I am a believer in second chance and third chance and on and on. a do over. you look so cute as a mannequin... maybe they will hire you and pay you with STUFF not money...

NanaDiana said...

I loved reading about your day. That is marvelous that they have someone that actually creates displays at GW. I don't think I have seen anything like that around here.

Glad your dentist appt was short and sweet. I need to go and get some work done, too. Don't know why I put it off- it is more of a time issue for me than a dislike of going to the dentist.

Your paintings are all looking great.

Hope you have a great day, Linda. xo Diana

Estelle's said...

The dentist!!!Makes my BP rise just thinking of it! Love the treasures and the paintings...such a world of talent here! I do hope your Summer is better....so many times this pain is not fibromyalgia, but often Lupus..she seems to have been fine and active one day, and then, there was a sharp turn!

ellen b. said...

I am cracking up at that one thrift store quote! I'm like Estelle about the dentist. Very nice paintings. Hope you have a great rest of the week.

Wanda said...

What a fabulous day, even if it included the dentist office. I love your comment about "first impressions" You are so clever. HaHa.

And the thrift store quote, made me and my dearest laugh. I only wish we had your stores to roam around in.

Love the picture of you with the little boy manikin.