Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday and Waco.....

We have had a wonderful Tuesday!
From first thing this morning to the last thing tonight!

Louis Dean slept well last night - as opposed to Sunday night when he had a really rough time and got very little sleep.

Monday was tough.
 Thank God for Dean coming down and rescuing his dad when he took charge of the bathroom plumbing. It's been such a blessing to see father and son  - accomplishing their goals together. Most of those goals have been for us and the new room and all that building it has entailed. 
Soon, though, we hope to invest in Dean and Sherry as much as they have been investing in us.
I painted during the afternoon and I feel good about the progress I'm making on the three Santa paintings I'm still working on. However, the highlight of my Monday was going down with Sherry to candle the eggs she has in the incubator she made. Sherry can do just about anything!
I held the light 'thingy' up  and turned it on as she would put the egg in place.
It was the coolest thing and we saw one chick move inside the shell!
Every visit here to the ranch brings a new experience.
I love them all!!

This morning Louis Dean woke up all refreshed and rested from a good night's sleep.
I cooked us up a big country breakfast - bacon, eggs, biscuits and fried potatoes.
We ate and had coffee before we did our Bible reading.
He played the guitar and sang to me as I dressed and put on my make up.
We were going to town today!

We headed out by way of the back roads.
I loved this view and Louis Dean willingly stopped the truck so I could take a picture.

As we drove on to the end of that country road, he said, "Linda!"

"This scene speaks to me! Stop and take a picture of this!"
And so I did.

We had errands to do in Waco.
Home Depot, HEB and, of course, my Goodwill Hunting!
It was TUESDAY, after all!

I saw Junque in the Trunk featured on a blog recently.....not a regular one I follow but one that popped up somewhere and I noticed.
I pass this every time on my way to Goodwill on LaSalle Drive in Waco.

Today we stopped!

It looks like a really cool place!

Love the turquoise truck parked out front!

The entry had me at the bathtub and sink.....filled with all such goodness.

Too bad it was closed!
No worries!
I will come back soon!

I will not be forgetting this pedestal sink!
There may be one in my future!

Home Depot took a long long time!
As in 2 hours. And there I was without a book - almost unheard of!
Finally, I told him I would be sitting on the bench by the exit door.
I waited and when I went in to see about him, he had already checked out and was going from cashier to cashier asking them if they had seen "a cute little blond lady waiting around?"
I thought about telling them when I went out that if a old guy in brown overalls checked out - to tell him I was waiting outside.

Our next - and last - stop was HEB on Valley Mills. It's the 'Big One!'
I forgot my list so I was forced to shop isle by isle!
It IS my favorite store! It won't be long before we return to the ranch so I will be back soon!

The north wind has been blowing today and it has been on the chilly side.
We got back to the ranch and, after I had put up the groceries and such, I went out to feed the horses a few carrots.

They come as soon as they see me.

It's getting dark earlier and I can feel the changes coming in the weather.
Not much fall here. The trees still hold most of their leaves.
But change is coming.
This morning we used the heated throw while we had coffee.
While we slept with the windows and door open last night, we may be closing them tonight.

Sherry brought dinner down tonight along with a bottle of special wine!

Empanadas were the appetizer.....

and we sipped this Green Chili Wine!

Dean and Sherry bought it earlier this month and was saving it to share with us.
It was surprisingly good.
Sweet - and  I normally do not like sweet - but with the faintest of chili scent and flavor.
You could sense the chili AFTER you sipped.

I will be looking for and buying up several bottles of this next year at The Hatch Chili Festival at HEB!

The entree was stuffed poblana peppers that were DEE-licious!!
It was like a party up here tonight!
We finished the bottle of wine about 9:00 and Dean and Sherry went down to close up the hen houses and check on the critters.

Louis Dean and I finished up the movie that we started this morning.

The north wind has quit blowing and it is 55 and clear right now.
The low is expected to be 43 tonight.
This will be good sleeping weather - but we will be keeping the door and windows closed!


Kathy said...

It seems like fall has finally showed up. It's getting cold here too. I love the two road pictures. So beautiful. You have a good time no matter where you go even if it's sitting on a bench at Home Depot.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Your cooler at night than we are by a few degrees! I got back from my trip to Michigan this evening, and am trying to catch back up with my family and blogland.

Sleep well!

Linda said...

So glad you’re getting some cooler weather. It’s been much cooler here so we have leaves that are bright orange, red, and yellow. They’re rapidly falling now. So wonderful you’re able to share these good times with Sherry & Dean.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are having a PERFECT time!! Your bathroom is really coming along. Louis Dean's road speaks to me, too. I do hope you go back to that store so I can snoop around with you!

Anonymous said...

Oh! I wanted to see inside the Junque in a Trunk shop so badly!!! I cannot wait for you to go back. It looks pretty cool. And, the food photos make me hungry! Yum!

Vee said...

Goodness! Another oddity...it was warmer overnight in Maine than in Texas. The weather has been so pleasant that I will hate to see it go. I hate getting separated at stores...there are some folks I refuse to shop with...my sister-in-law is one!

Your days are always interesting and your documenting is exceptional. Have you been working on “the book”?

Susie said...

Linda, I love that LD sings to you. I think that is so special. Wow two hours in a big box store...yikes !!! I like to get in there and get out. Although Ted and I walked thru Lowe's recently and I said," Do you miss shopping for tools, I do. " I have always loved looking at the newest tools.
What a feast, Sherry and Dean brought you. :):) They are an interesting couple.
Blessings to all of you, love you, xoxo, Susie

Arlene G said...

I am amazed to see flat land, Linda. Here in Alabama we have mountains and rolling hills. To be able to see a vista like the ones you took photographs of is new for me. While we were on vacation in New Mexico we saw a whole train out in the desert. Now that is FLAT country. I always enjoy getting a peek inside your life. Hello to LD!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Hope you do get back to that Antique shop. It looks interesting for sure ! Life is the country is wonderful. So amazing you got to see a chick in the egg! New life is beautiful and amazing. Working together is what family is all about. Nice to have help but good to help in return. Your place is really shaping up! Nice to see the progress being made. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we got our good sleeping weather today and tonight will be great. it is 64 right now at 9:20 and our high is 70, will be 63 by 8 which is our bedtime and that is COLD for us. feels great. got to cold with the windows open so they are closed for now. the dinner you had looks grrreat. shopping is pure tortue to me, so your trip to Waco would kill me. but I would like to take a quick wander in that Jungue store.

Changes in the wind said...

What a great day you two had:)

Judy said...

It's always interesting to compare weather in the respective places we call home. I'm converting our Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit, and discovering that we have almost the same weather right now (your part of a Texas and the Fraser Valley of British Columbia). Interesting. I always enjoy the record of your days. Never a dull moment over there!

Debbie said...

Hello Linda...I really appreciated your comment at the Lakehouse post yesterday. Thank you for stopping by and leaving a bit of your wisdom. I enjoyed reading this post, as well. Your days with your love sound so sweet, and fun. I am working on patience these days. Being home with my husband is, some days, a teeth grinding experience....He chooses to take the long way around when working on projects, and I would rather take the direct route. I guess I need to relax more, and enjoy the ride.
Have a nice day.

NanaDiana said...

I love following along on your day trips with you and LD, Linda. My mother used to candle the eggs, too, and I think she used a flashlight when I was a kid. I suppose there is a whole new way to do it now.

I am glad that you are getting your addition done and glad Dean helped LD with the project.

We are supposed to get our first frost/freeze tonight. We had an extremely long, warm fall. Usually by now we are frozen and all the trees are bare. Not this year!

Have a great Wednesday, Linda. xo Diana

Bluebird49 said...

You are so blessed to have Dean and Sherry bring help and a wonderful meal.
Maybe on the next trip, you will begin to finish the bathroom and check out that antique place! ❤

Bev said...

Just saw this post!!! Child wine. Now that's a new one....sounds interesting!!!