Tuesday, October 10, 2017

An Old Fashioned Quad Monday!!

The quads were out of school so it worked out great for them to come over and spend the day!
They were at Mike's parents on Sunday and then came here this morning.
Win! WIN!! for both sets of grandparents!

We celebrated all day long!
It was so good to see them and they were thrilled to be here!

I hauled the dinosaurs out from the gazebo into the sewing room for Harrison and pretty soon the girls had joined him in playing with them. It was 97 degrees today and way too hot to play outside!

Louis Dean and I sat down in the living room to have a cup of coffee together and here came Kailey.
Summer had given me a Spot It game yesterday and I already had the ABC Spot It.
Kailey and I played and she loved it. It helps identify the matching items and is simple and easy to play.....although I didn't see the instructions at first and had to Google it. Turns out there are lots of YouTube videos about the game.

It was a big hit with all four of the kids.

They played it off and on all day long!

Adults aren't any quicker at spotting the match than the kids.

Last week at Aldi, Ruth Ann and I saw Bugles on the shelf and we each bought a bag.

I thought the kids would get a big kick out of them! All my children loved Bugles.
I haven't seen them in the grocery stores for years now.

Sure enough, the quads did the same thing nearly everyone does.
We ate them right off our fingertips!

Lunch was served in the den on the new Debbie Mumm Halloween plates.

The kids arrived this morning with their own agenda of what they wanted to do.
That included games - check.

They wanted to do the 21 Rules of the House.
We reviewed the first 11 and added Rule #12.
I told them by the end of next summer we should have them all done.
I'm making each one their own book.

We had a good discussion and their illustrations told their own story.
Check on Rules of the House.

They wanted to do crafts.

I bought this adult coloring book last week.
This is Harrison's.


.....and Logan's.
Trystan said she will do hers later.

I found frames and put them on display in the laundry room.
The kids were so proud to see how pretty they look!
Amber always loved it when I framed her art work!

Summer and Rayne had given me Halloween crafts to do with the kids.

We had a lot of fun with these.
So crafts were done! Check.

The main thing they wanted to do was a Tea Party.
We've been having these since they were a year old.
They love them still.

The tea dishes had become dusty so the girls set to work washing them.
One washed. One rinsed. One dried.

Tea is served.

Can you tell they love the tea cakes best?
I must say that every bit of the bread and butter sandwiches were eaten as well.
Possibly because I made them with sliced Brioche Loaf imported from France, spread with creamy butter and topped with a sprinkle of raw sugar.

Now you can see just how much these precious children have grown!

Trystan is still such a sweet happy child. She is nearly always smiling.
Trystan is the oldest - she was Baby A - and the smallest, but she has a big personality!
She points her toes and strikes a pose. She walks and even runs on her tippy toes.

Harrison! Okay! That face just says it all! He is a boy through and through.
A very SMART boy already reading at a 6th grade level. Fortunately, there are 3 other students in his room who are doing the same.

Later in the afternoon the kids played Hide and Seek in the house.
While the girls hid as best they could, Harrison really hid! He hid so well no one could find him.
Finally he crawled out from underneath the middle of a table that's in the sewing room and said, "Hey guys! I decided to come on out because I got tired of waiting for you to find me!"

Oh, my! That sweet girl has done so well since her open heart surgery back in July of last year.
She is healthy and strong and the tallest of the four. Kailey wears a hearing aid and does very well with it. She cracks me up with her humor.
She was telling me today about her sweet tooth.
She said, "MeeMaw, did you know I have a sweet tooth? But I don't really know which one it is because all of my teeth are really close together and I can't tell which is the sweet one!"
While we were at the camper a few weeks ago, Kailey Did FaceTime with me and when I answered she immediately asked, "Where's GRANDDAD?" I said, "What about me??"
She said, "I like you, MeeMaw. I just like Granddad the MOST-EST!"

And then there is Logan!
She is artistic and a lot of her art work tells a story.
She loves to clean and organize and is sentimental.

I made this little necklace that I hang in my bathroom where I can see it everyday.
She asked me if she could wear it and that she would give it back to me before she went home since 'I know you like to see me.' Logan and I bonded from Day 1.

When Harrison was playing with my phone and looking at all the pictures, he played the video from when they arrived this morning. She wasn't in it because she came in last and I had already turned the camera off.

So we made another video for Logan.
I think of all the kids, Logan misses me the most.

So Tea Party - check.

The girls were back in the kitchen washing the tea dishes again.

I love how their individual personalities come shining through.

See what I mean?

I'm so proud of my daughter and what a good mommy she is.
Let me tell you, these kids dearly love their Mommy!

We were happy to see Amber but not because we were ready for the kids to leave.

By chance, Kimmy - a dearly loved family friend - happened to stop by and got to see the kids AND Amber! We all stood on the driveway as they drove off and they did the traditional 'roll down the windows and yell goodbye in unison as they slowly pulled away from the curb.'

What was so funny was that when Kimmy got in her car and backed out - just as she was driving away, she rolled down her window and called out 'BYE! BYE!!!!'

Amber bought these socks for me today! 
I'm wearing them now!

So you can see that we had a very good day!
The temps have started to fall and there's a 50% chance of rain tonight.
It should be a cool 57 degrees for the low.
I'm so excited!
We may sleep with the back door open.

Summer is still struggling and has stayed in bed most of the day. 
She will probably be there for a few more days. But she said at least she's not crying.
In addition to the fibromyalgia, she has other health issues to deal with.
Step by step, she is doing everything she can to figure out how to cope, survive and come to terms with all that she can do to get healthy.

So that's it for our day!
See y'all tomorrow!


Aloha Acres said...

Framing art work!? Why didn't I think of that when my boys were little? I'm putting that in my journal to remind me as a must-do when I have grands.

Praying for Summer. I have a precious friend that struggles with fibromyalgia and it's just .... I can't imagine. I hope she can find a pain management system soon. Praying for her.

Bluebird49 said...

It's so nice to see those cuties again! Growing like weeds, too!

Summer will learn to listen to her body when it says 'rest'. She may need a cane if she gets unsteady---to keep her legs under her

Carol said...

How exciting to read about the quads again. I can't believe how much they have grown and you can certainly see their personalities coming through.

Arlene G said...

It was fun seeing the children again. Once they start school, Nanas must schedule time with them. I am picking up Elliott today and I went to the grocery store and got all the "groceries" he requested.lol Poor Summer...I hope she can get some relief soon.

Cranberry Morning said...

Oh my goodness! It looks like those kids had a blast. I'll have to find a copy of Spot It to take along to visit the grands next week. Thanks for the tip! :-)

Estelle's said...

How very good it was to see the quads again..growing up so fast! I know your heart was full yesterday...they are all so precious!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

How great it must be to have all those cuties in your life. They certainly kept you busy there all day long. I loved seeing all the pictures ! Sounds like it will be extra quiet there at your house today after all the activity of yesterday, but I do know you keep busy, so you won't be missing they way too much. Have a terrific Tuesday !

Susie said...

Linda , It was so good to see the little ones again. Although, I fear they are becoming big children way too quickly....our babies, waaaa. Squeeze them down whenever you see them. LOL. They are smart children, that means they are learning all the time. I love there rules art work...I really need to work on rule number 12. LOL. Hugs all around from aunt Susie. :):) Sending prayers and hugs for Summer too. Blessing, love you, xoxo, Susie

Changes in the wind said...

Amazing how much the quads have changed. They really do have individual personalities and all so different. I know they have been a great blessing.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

giggling wildy at the glampers socks... love the 3 girls with heads to gether and great job on the arts and crafts. life in the heart of Texas Quadville always makes me smile

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a great surprise! I was shocked and delighted to see the Quads. You can thank Amber for me for changing her mind, this post is awesome! From the very beginning of this post, I could tell how they have grown! There is a big difference in their height, too! What a smart idea to frame their artwork, I think I will do that, too! I am suspecting that Bugles are only sold in the fall. Your tea party looks awesome! Now, about this Spot-It game. This is just the thing for US!! We have the girls all day in a few days and I want to play it with them. Can you tell me where you got it?

Vee said...

🌻What a gift this post was! My spirits lifted instantly. Thanks!

Amber said...

It was just a special occasion to share a few photos of the kiddos :) And fyi, Amazon has the Spot It game!

jackie said...

So exciting to get a Quad update, They are just so darn cute and they love when they get a day with you and their grandad!! They will have these memories forever!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Hurray for a quad Monday! They are just darling and growing up! Praying for Summer.

Carole said...

So fabulous to see how the quads are getting so grown! Fab post. And thanks to Amber for allowing the update. Cheers

Mrs.T said...

What a lovely post. So much fun to see how the quads have grown and to observe their delightful personalities. Thanks to Amber!

Spot It ... yes, that's a game we love playing with our grandkids. As you said, it's every bit as challenging for adults!

The tea party looks delicious ... and I love your new socks!

Jan said...

Hi Amber,
Do you blog anymore? I've missed reading your style posts...and of course The kiddos.