Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Last Night at the Ranch and 159 Sledding Santa Entries....

Louis Dean and his son have been working on the bathroom plumbing all afternoon.
They only stopped when Dean had to leave to teach his Karate class tonight.
They will be back at it around 10:00 in the morning.
The shower is now hooked up and the sink and toilet are not far behind.

I walked down to the meadow this afternoon for a last visit. We must go home tomorrow. The light was beautiful at 5:00 - 6:00 and played the yellows and greens against each other in the trees. I forgot to take a photo - I was so enthralled with the magic of observing fall happen right there in front of my eyes.

I phoned a dear friend while I was still in the meadow and we had the best phone chat! I just love talking to Linda and we have such great discussions.....about all sorts of things! At one point, the ducks were honking and the roosters were crowing and things got so noisy we had to say goodbye!

I walked back to the camper and started supper and then took the peelings and scrapings from the vegetables down to the goats. Sherry was just bringing them in. I helped her transfer her baby peafowl and the fancy white chickens with feathered feet from the daytime tractor pen to the sturdy pen for the night. They would be easy prey for the coyotes if left in the more flimsy one. Sherry likes for them to be able to get out on real grass during the day.

I have always loved looking in the windows of houses at night.
When I was a little girl, Mother would take us for car rides at night. My favorites were the windows with the little curtains pulled up in the middle of each side - very old fashioned and so homey and cozy they seemed to me. When I came around the camper and saw in the window, I snapped this photo and felt grateful for the little lights and the cozy feel of our camper home.

I served roasted carrots, potatoes and onions.....

along with Pulled Pork BBQ sliders and Bush's Sriracha Baked Beans.
While the food cooked, Louis Dean and I sat with our wine on the deck and admired the last campfire of October.

The sky was sprinkled with tiny diamond stars and the air was chilly.
A perfect evening to be here.

This afternoon I painted on my Santas......

I really like the way this one is turning out.
Green leaves and holly berries will be painted around the fence pieces and I may brighten up the sky a tiny bit.

I have one more session to do on this Chimney Santa and I need to fix his eyes. They look like they are closed and that won't do!

For the second Chimney Santa I thought it would be fun to turn him the opposite direction.
Another long session with this one, too.
So far, I think I have put in 3 solid hours of painting on each one of these Santas.
I try to paint a complete canvas in 4 hours. Now, those 4 hours are spread out over several days, allowing the oils to dry enough to work the other colors around them. That's why I keep several paintings going at the same time.

Next Wednesday morning Louis Dean will draw the winning name for the Sledding Santa Giveaway.
As of this moment, there are 159 entries. Every comment since October 15th - both on the blog and/or on the Facebook link has counted as an entry.

I love this photo from earlier tonight!
Louis Dean is standing in the doorway saying......


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love looking through your windows!! And also the last image of Louis Dean standing in the doorway. Your paintings are so professional and pretty!!

BeachGypsy said...

your Santa paintings are lovely and looks like y'all have had a lovely visit to "the country" this time, I've enjoyed reading all about it and the pictures! I loved the pictures yesterday of the country roads! the campfires look so relaxing too! Be careful going home!

Bluebird49 said...

I think all the Santa paintings are lovely--I've commented each post, but not on the painting each time! Hope y'all have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!'''

Vee said...

Sounds as if things are coming along. How good that Dean is able to help his dad out! Two heads and four hands are always better. Your country walks sound like an adventure and after dark, too. (I can barely make it to the garage after dark with the garbage. Ha!) Your painting is also coming right along!

Susie said...

Linda, The story of looking into windows as your mother drove around at night...that is the same thing my mom would do. If we were lucky she might buy us all a nickel ice cream cone, while we were out. That was rare. Too many kids and not enough nickels. LOL I loved seeing into your camper with the lamp on. LD at the door was good too.
The paintings are looking so good. Love the barn. Be safe on your trip back home. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My favorite photo today is the to where you're peeking in your own windows and I to absolutely love looking in Windows will used to walk the dogs at night and people would leave their windows open and I loved looking in seeing them sitting at the table or watching TV or whatever they were doing. Boy that is a lot of hours on the paintings. I could see the diamonds in the sky and I could hear all the sounds while you were talking on the phone just by reading the description

MadSnapper n Beau said...

My favorite photo today is the to where you're peeking in your own windows and I to absolutely love looking in Windows will used to walk the dogs at night and people would leave their windows open and I loved looking in seeing them sitting at the table or watching TV or whatever they were doing. Boy that is a lot of hours on the paintings. I could see the diamonds in the sky and I could hear all the sounds while you were talking on the phone just by reading the description

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

October has been wonderful here and it's very hard not to be enthralled by the beauty all around. I can only imagine what a starry night must look like for you out in the country. It seems like a fast trip for you this time but sounds like a lot got done there. Hard to believe it is the last Thursday of October already. Enjoy !

MimiG said...

We are finally getting much cooler weather here, at least for a few days, but I think back into the 70s next week. I hate to turn on the heat, so am using a small space heater first thing when I get up (usually by 9). Rain coming for the weekend. Getting ready to start making my Christmas cards and tags - that's my creative outlet, I guess.. Enjoy your last day at the ranch (for a while)...

Arlene G said...

Well now I know we are kindred spirits Linda. I love peeking in houses as well.:) Safe travels going home!!

peggy said...

Most everyone in the city closes their blinds but sometimes I leave mine open just because I am happy with my little home and its clutter. You will miss going to the meadow but it is getting time for Christmas painting and everything has its season doesn't it. Love from Michigan everyone.

Kathy M. said...

Enjoying the night pictures!

Stacey said...

Linda, you know you are such a good writer. I really enjoy reading about your days. You are very descriptive and I can just picture it all.

Julie Lynn said...

Linda, I just love reading your blog. I look forward to checking your blog multiple times a week in hopes of finding a new blog post.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

The bathroom will be done soon! Hurray! I love the way Louis Dean and Dean help each other out! We have critter care here, too, but just horses and hens.

Your paintings are so good, Linda!

Bev said...

Your place in the country just gets better. I just live all your Ssnta pictures!!!

Andrea said...

Linda, your life AND blog entries are charmed. Thank you for sharing both of us! Autumn blessings~ Andrea XXX

ellen b. said...

Your paintings are fabulous, Linda! The one with the bird and the fence is such a happy one. It makes me smile. You are talented. I've always loved looking in windows, too. :) Have a great day.

Cloudia said...

How nice that you generously share your life with us. Thank you

likeschocolate said...

Good luck on the renovatons!

Meme said...

Love your artwork!

Debbie said...

i have always done the same thing, driving slow through neighborhoods so i could look in the window and see everyone's homeness!! when i would take the kids out for halloween, i was always trying to sneak a peak into peoples homes...

your artwork is so beautiful, fingers and toes crossed, but whom-ever wins, this was so very kind and generous of you!!

do i get an extra entry for buttering you up?? hehehehe

Anonymous said...

Can you imagine Santa going down a chimney with eyes shut?!! That would be tough!! Your paintings are stunning!