Thursday, June 4, 2015

It's "MeeMaw and Granddad on Wednesday", Music on Thursday!

"We go to MeeMaw's and Granddad's on WEDNESDAY!!!"
And so they do!!
They've missed a few weeks lately but we are back in the swing of things now.

They come up to the door hollering, "MeeMAW!!!"
Then as soon as I open it, they say, "Where's GANDDAD??"

Now that June has arrived, we are in the 90's so we must go outside early in the day.

The kids all know where their favorite toys are and they all four scattered gathering up their strollers, doll babies, cars and balls, bags and dress up clothes.

While I didn't get the gazebo as clean and spruced up as I wanted - it was good enough for us to hang out in there until lunch.

I picked up some $0.10 goodies at Bog Lots on Tuesday.
The tablets were perfect for making leaf rubbings/

Kailey already looks and acts like a teenager!
We will be hanging on for dear life!

Each child has their own unique personality!

I know I take a ton of photos. There's no way I will be able to recall all these days with them on my own. You THINK you will always remember - but you really don't.

Sometimes I just go back and replay my videos and look at my pictures.
God has been so gracious to me in allowing me to be a quad grandma!

They came at a perfect time in my life.
The kids dearly love to eat outside!!!
I think it's because the chairs fit them and their feet touch the floor making it comfortable for them.

MeeMaws get to try new things with grands - as in allowing them to serve up their own portions and cut the cake in slices for dessert.

Nap time is a MUST for MeeMaw and Granddad!!
WE nap when they do!

While they know the book I read to them, I think they mainly just like listening to my voice drone on and on. It literally puts them to sleep! Louis Dean always sits in so he can hear the stories. They are his favorites.

Afternoon snacks - Root Beer Floats and Hostess Cupcakes.
Not one of them finished a whole cupcake.

Art TIME!!

I love Kailey's deep voice! "I don't KNOW!" is a favorite expression lately!

Logan does a good job of everything she does!

Before supper snack!

Learning new manners!
"May I be excused, please?"

Last night I surprised the quads by going home with them and spending the night!

Morning COFFEE!!

Harrison is not a coffee drinker so Amber provided us with some lemonade.

My Logan Bear!
If MeeMaw drinks it , so will she!


Louis Dean picked me up and we set about our day.
Both of us were so dog tired that after a short trip to the grocery store,
I came in the house, put up the perishables and went back to bed. Under the covers, with the A/C on, lights out!!! I stayed there until after 2:00 this afternoon and only got up then because Louis Dean wanted me to go up and listen to the jam session this evening.
Next week we host it here at home!

I am glad I went! Something magical happens when you just have FUN!
You feel more rested and hopeful about EVERYTHING!

The people in his jam session group are all so wonderful!
Yes, we are all 'old' but apparently we all still know how to have a good time!

Every single player, singer, performer or person sitting in the audience adds to the whole making it a time when people can tune out the world and all our cares and enjoy some good old fashioned music!

Louis Dean has already lined this lady up to teach the mandolin to Kailey!

While Louis Dean was not in top form tonight - and it may have something to do with the pain medicine I gave him earlier - (Note to self - don't give it to him when he has things to DO and songs to SING! ) he did enjoy the evening!

Without music, Louis Dean would not be who he is today!!!

I sat down beside a lady tonight during the break and she said to me,
"Do you realize how much everyone loves your husband? He is such a genuinely NICE man!!!
People speak so highly of both of you!"

Now THAT was music to MY ears!!!!


Deb said...

Cutie pies all of you! I love hearing about your days

Jutta said...

That lady was so right - you two ARE awesome sweet kind and generous people. Love simply shines from you!
Happy that there was no rain mentioned during these days. Maybe that wet period is passed by now and easier times ahead of you!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Love, love, loved seeing your day with LD and the four lovely grands. Hugs for all and a GOOD nights sleep for you and LD.

Penny said...

Enjoy those compliments Linda, they are well deserved. My youngest, Isaac, has started learning to play guitar, and his favourite style is country and folk music.X

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the great thing about your blog, is the memories you have captured that the quads and other family can go back and remember and enjoy over and over. no need to drag out heavy books, their whole life is here to remember.

Susie said...

Linda, Those children are growing before our eyes. So sweet. I like the way they get along together. I would think you would be used to compliments...You and LD are both charmers with good hearts. We all love you. Me too, Susie

Vee said...

John asked, "How's everything in Lindaland?"
"I don't really know because I can't see the videos," I replied.
And that's when we made a beeline for the PC. Now we're all caught up. Please, please, have Louis Dean sing an entire verse...A minute or a minute and a half will load up. We're just getting little snips of his great sound, which is so rumbly and fun. Do you two ever sing "We Got Married in a Fever"? It's so much fun. I highly suggest it.

The children are so smart and so artistic and so well mannered. I loved seeing that cake knife get slicked and go right back to the cake! LOL!

Laura said...

What treasured memories your photos collect.
I miss my grandsons so much.
They live in El Paso and are a 12 hour drive away.
I would give anything if they came over every Wednesday!
Enjoyed visiting,

Blondie's Journal said...

I know those little critters love their time with you and LD much more than you do with them---well maybe not more!! They are all looking so different from each other. I know how they just wear you out---I don't have that yet but I do know my four, so close in age just did me in.

That LD of yours...I love him, too, and I've never met him in person!!!

Jane x