Friday, April 26, 2013

Journal 'Catch Up!'

It has long been my habit to write my online journal entry at the END of my day and to write the handwritten Country Diary each morning after our Bible reading.  I am behind in both. Some nights I just go to bed! Some mornings I simply read and drink coffee!

Wednesday was 'Meet and Greet' Day in Quadville!
Stephanie (our beloved next door neighbor since FOREVER!!!) at long last met the QUADS!!!
She felt as if she already KNEW them through Facebook and blog!
Of course she has known Amber since she was a year old!

They ALL loved HER!

Especially HARRISON!!
He knows a pretty lady when he sees her!

Stephanie invited me to a delicious lunch before our visit to the babies.
Her kitchen is now officially 'State of the ART!!!"
And that's a GOOD thing since Stephanie LOVES to cook!!

Cute little Logan Lee!!

Cute Little TRYSTAN!!

And then there's KAILEY!

Last but not least - HARRISON!

I love how Logan bangs the door and then looks back at ME!

Moving on to Thursday.......

I drove out to Haslet, Texas to have lunch with my sister, Luann! 
She has recently moved back to TEXAS from Tennessee.
BACK to her HOME state!

Talk about a GREAT lunch!!!
Spinach Quiche and Waldorf Salad on pretty plates!

I made friends with her three darling dogs!
ALL 'rescue' sweeties!

Heading home from Luann's I just happened to notice it was time for the 3:30 feeding of the quads!
It is so EASY to drop in and help out for a little while!

Home in time for a glass of wine with Stephanie and a visit with SAM!
What a cutie!!

Put dinner in the oven - the rosemary veggies - and on the grill - the sausage.

While dinner cooked, I wheeled the second cart out on the patio.....

By the time the food was done - so was the paint job!!!
We ate and then I got a phone call from Amber.....
"Are you up for a late movie tonight?"

It was wonderful to have Amber BACK!
Movie was so-so.
Time together was PRICELESS!!

I wheeled in my cart last night after I got home!
Have not sanded the edges yet to give it a more rustic look.

I already love it!

See the antique tin measuring cup?
I found it at the Goodwill for $0.99!!!

Jump to this morning!
It was my day to spend time with Mother.
Bless her heart. Age is catching up with her regardless of how hard to tries to keep ahead of it!
Her lunch choice today was CiCi's Pizza.
At least I THOUGHT it was her choice!!
The food was not all that good and the music was LOUD!
She held her hands over her ears TWICE!
Plus the restaurant didn't even SMELL good.
We ate and got OUT as quickly as we could. 
As we drove through the parking lot to exit I heard Mother mumble something.
I agreed to whatever she said.

Later as I was visiting with Deanie and recounting our lunch experience I asked Deanie for some lunch ideas for Fridays with Mother. She said just 4 doors down from CiCi's there is a Chinese place Mother enjoys.
OOPS!!! I guess she was directing me there and I mistook it for CiCi's!
THAT'S what she was pointing to on our way out of the restaurant!
She never MEANT for us to go to CiCi's!!!

I stopped by to help with the quad's 3:30 table food/bottle feeding.
NO pics this time!

Home for a glass of wine in the gazebo with Louis Dean.
We saw our first gecko visitor!

What does it say about us that we get so excited over seeing these critters catch insects??
Sometimes it is the highlight of our day!


Bernice said...

So Glad you are back:)
Loved the videos of the babies,Kailey looks like she could start walking anytime. Your cart looks really neat.
Sorry that Gecko looks yucko;)
As usual Thanks for sharing.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Loved visiting with you today. The videos are wonderful, they make smiles and laughter and are full of love. Great cart.

Pondside said...

I couldn't help but smile as I heard those sweet little voices - and yours too! The babies are all so beautiful.
The antique measuring cup - I have its twin in my flour canister.

Vee said...

Oh some things aren't loading so I'll be back to see what I'm missing. I love these chatty posts where we learn about your day. We got quite a chuckle out if the lunch story. Hope that it's Chinese next time! We also got a kick out of Stephanie's meeting the quads. That first picture is so cute! All the girls are squirming while Harrison sits the model of aplomb. Have a happy how those red cabinets have turned out and they must have a lot of storage space!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the videos of each baby, this is great for the future. they are just to darn cute. and love the rescue babies to. looks like all your family is back close to you which is a good thing.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

*Jam-packed*-post! :-)))))

And oh those babies are getting to be such *Hams* for the cam!!!!!!!!!!!! Isn't it precious?!? They know they are "on camera" and they love it!!!

Kelly said...

You are one BUSY gal!! I always enjoy catching up with what you're doing. There always seems to be someone visiting. Sounds like you're surrounded by lots of wonderful people. It was nice to see your sister. The quads are growing up right before my eyes too! I'll have to tell my husband you didn't care for Oblivion. He has been interested in seeing it. We're going to take our soon to be 12 yr old son to see Iron Man 3 for his birthday next weekend. We are going to spoil him for the day with his favorite meal out, movie and shopping at a video game store. be 12 again! Love how your kitchen cart turned out too. I bet that comes in handy with all of those delicious meals you make for dinner. I think distressing it will be a nice added touch.

Blondie's Journal said...

Sometimes life is so full and busy, we just don't have time to fill the pages! I love catching up with you. The cart looks great, isn't it a great feeling to give something a new life?!

That is a cute little visitor you have there! When we were in Hawaii on our honeymoon, a baby gecko fell from a tree into my hubbie's food at an outdoor restaurant. He blended right into the vegetables!

Happy Weekend!


Linda said...

Thank you for the coupons, Bernice!! I gave them to Amber and I think she has already used them!