Thursday, August 18, 2022

Samantha and the Banjo Player, A Visit to see June, HEAD BANDS!! and SANTA Art! My Wednesday and Thursday.....

 I haven't taken pictures of all my fall dressing - but our home IS dressed out in all things FALL!

Louis Dean bought this Skeleton Banjo Player at a drug store when he and Mother were shopping one day. You push an orange colored button and he plays music. Can you believe - the original battery still works??

I love how she puts her little paw on his foot as he plays....

Wednesday was a 'Stay at Home' Day - my favorite kind.
I had cooked a pork loin on Tuesday and used what was left to make BBQ.
I have the perfect size crock pot for small things like this.

We were eating out on the driveway waiting for the promised cold front and rain.
Don't believe all the promises. 
We got a few drops and some light rain overnight.
It was hit and miss but I am happy for those who actually received some much needed rainfall.
Maybe we will be next!

Art table remains up and I am painting at least an hour or two every day.

The hardest thing is just to START!

There's always more to the painting than I first see when I begin.
Step by step......

Louis Dean and I had a good Wednesday and we were in bed before midnight.
No clue why we both slept so well!
It was 11:30 when I got up this Thursday morning!

Before I went to bed, I put on a big crock pot full of Great Northern Beans along with a delicious ham bone! It smelled so good when I woke up.

Louis Dean went to the Thursday jam session at the Heritage Senior Citizen Center this afternoon.
I meant to use this time alone to do some computer work as in finding a new editing program.
Instead, I packed up some beans and cornbread and made some Jell-O and fixed up a bag of goodies to take to Kimmy and June.

Kimmy sends me little messages of encouragements every single day.
She is so thoughtful and when she told me June was coughing a lot and the doctor had given her a Rx to help her - that jolted me and made me think how long it's been since I have visited her.
It's been a tough year and yet there are still loved ones in our lives that we need to pay attention to.
Kimmy and June and I go way back to the early 1970's!
June is in her upper 90's and I am going to take every opportunity to see her as often as possible.
She has always been here for me in all of my life moments and I thank God for her friendship and support all these many years.
Kimmy was my dentist's assistant and became part of our did June.

When I got home - I had a box from our friend, Dawn, down in Florida!
She and I have been friends since 2010 I think.
LOOK what she sent me!
20 - TWENTY head bands!!!
I opened the box and started pulling them out and laughed out loud!
So many and every one special!
Where did she find these and how awesome she sent them to me!!!!
Along with my favorite mints, I might add.
You know the red and white mints? Not the hard Starlight ones but the good puffy mints!
Mother loved them and I always kept her with a good supply.
Dawn blessed me not only with the head bands, and the mints but with good memories of Mother.
Thank you, Dawn.....

So tonight I started the third Santa painting.

It's not supposed to look good at this point.

I based the Santa in but I do not know what to do about the background.
I'm using a shopping bag as my pattern but I don't really like the background on it and I have no idea what words it's saying. 

Maybe I'll do a dark green or blue....somewhat like the Santa and Globe painting?

Goodnight.....sleep well....


Chy said...

Your art is beyond amazing!

X Chy

Hootin Anni said...

Such talent!! I'm always so impressed.

Vee said...

Wonderful paintings of the red truck and the Santa with no background yet. I'll be watching to see what you do with it.

How wonderful to visit with such a dear friend of many years. She looks cozy all snuggled up, but I can tell that she doesn't feel like dancing. Saying a wee prayer this morning for her.

Louis Dean is looking bright eyed! Music is his jam. Lots of things are your jam. ☺️

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

It's wonderful to be artistic and spend some time on it every day. It really does lift your spirits and brings joy to others too!

Arlene G said...

Linda, you are so good at taking care of your friends. And we all know that aging is such a hard time in life. I was just talking with another friend about how we have to adapt as we age. We all want to think we are 18 on the inside but sadly our outsides are wearing out:) Love seeing your paintings. I know it brings you a lot of solace and joy. I have started thinking about autumn and getting out some decor. We have had an almost fall week here and it is so refreshing.

Brenda said...

Love the Santa…love the truck…

Deanna Rabe said...

You are so talented! I love watching the process of the paintings, too!

I admire how you gather people throughout your life. Kimmy and June are an example of that. What a blessing you are!

Changes in the wind said...

You are such a spur of the moment gal. Here you were just going to stay home and instead you put together food and go visit your friend. Am sure you were welcomed with open arms.

photowannabe said...

Linda, I do think you are an Angel in everyday clothes.
The things you do for others are so giving and caring.
I love your paintings. Thanks for showing us the progression too.
So glad LD is Jammin' and getting back into things again.
Enjoy your day and I wonder what headband you are wearing today...what a gift!!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You're a very good artist - I made a "mess of beans" on Monday and it was so good. My Tennessee Grandma used to call them that - along with some cornbread and fried taters. Believe me, when I say, I was the strangest California girl growing up with all my Tennesseeisms from my dad.

Love northern beans too.

Carole said...

I'm going to get me some headbands - my hair is so long it is bugging me... Cheers