Wednesday, October 20, 2021

My First Jack-O-Lantern Pumpkin Project!

 We were meant to come down to the ranch on October 16....
and that was pushed back to the 18th and then I woke up on the 19th and just did not want to get out of bed. Our revised plan was to meet Dean and Sherry at the bee meeting in Hillsboro that evening....
but I just couldn't. I was tired to the bone. After I messaged Dean and Sherry to let them know we would be down on Wednesday instead, I went back to bed and stayed there until after 4:00 in the afternoon.

 I finally got up and sewed on the quilt I'm making for a soon-to-be-born baby girl.
For dinner, I rubbed big baking potatoes with Crisco and sea salt and while they baked Summer, Louis Dean and I sat out on the driveway with wine and a appetizer tray Summer put together.

We tried a new wine called Sweet Red by Low Hanging Fruit.
This was a grape wine and I mixed it with my standby Chardonnay.
Summer said it tasted like grape Kool-aid but it went well with our snacks.

Summer can make even simple things look elegant!
I was feeling better by this time and we went on to have a nice evening and I was in bed by 10:00.

I woke up this Wednesday morning all rested and ready to go to the ranch.
What a difference in the way I felt just 24 hours earlier!
Praise God for sleep and the way he made our bodies to rejuvenate.

Summer picked up senior coffees at McDonald's and some sausage biscuits so it was a streamlined morning routine and we were ready to roll shortly after noon - heading South!

Our traditional first stop was the Lone Star Cafe in Hillsboro.
No kitties with us this trip so why not?

I put this pic on a Facebook post and my friend Rosey said.....
Title: Things that Linda Loves!!!

Louis Dean and margaritas!!

Our second stop was HEB in Bellmead.......
and look what I found!!

A Jalapino wine!!!
I love a ghost pepper margarita and Hatch Chili wine......
so I decided to try this!
Really good blended with a Chardonnay......
but I haven't found anything that didn't blend well with Chardonnay.

I bought two pumpkins at HEB because I am going to join in what I think is called The Great Pumpkin Project.'  It means you drop off a carved jack-o-lantern  in a spooky or not-so-spooky spot to be be seen unexpectantly by someone who happens to pass by.

As soon as we unloaded the truck, I poured myself a glass of that Jalapino/Chardonnay wine,picked up a couple of knives and and took my first pumpkin out to the front deck.....

and got to work.
It was SO much easier than I thought it would be.
I was working fast because I wanyed to get it all situated before dark.

Since this jack will stay on the ranch, Louis Dean put one of his solar lights from the garden to light it up.

We took it down to the gate entrance and sat ot on one of the posts.

My very first JACK!!!

I'm hoping Dean notices it when he comes home tonight after teaching his karate class.
We are up and kind of waiting to see if he stops by on his way down to their place.

I have a really good spooky place in mind for tomorrow's Jack drop!
Then I'm gonna need more 11 more pumpkins.....and more LED lights.
This was so much FUN!!!


Mummers AKA Summer said...

I love how you are always doing new things or revisiting interestinthings. You’re Jack looks great and my Jack (Daniels) taste great! Love Rosie’s comment - 💯 true!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, your pumpkin looks carved by a professional! It is so perfect! I see your talent for painting extends to carving as well.

Bluebird49 said...

Loving your expressive pumpkin!! What a cool idea.

Stacy said...

Your pumpkin looks great and what a fun idea!
I like my wine, but I've not seen hot pepper ones up here in PA...not sure I would like them. I'd try them, though!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

the video is way cool. love it and agree with ginny, done by a professional. let us know how the punkin drop goes

Changes in the wind said...

I bet Dean will give a big laugh when he sees that pumpkin. What a fun thing to do and no we will have to see the others. Glad you feel better.

photowannabe said...

Your pumpkin is wonderful. I like it on the fence post and the solar light is a great idea. You always come up with fantastic projects.
I never heard of Jalapino wine it on the peppery side taste wise? Not sure if I could enjoy it but maybe will try it sometime.

Carol said...

How exciting that you joined into this and that pumpkin is too cute! I have never put led lights into one, but how great of an idea. My husband will be carving with grands next week.

Melissa Y said...

I have not heard of Jack Drop before, but it sounds like the kind of thing my kids would love to do!

Hootin Anni said...

This is a fabulous idea!! And I love the idea of a light bulb instead of a flickering candle!! Such a great, clean cut. Share more?!??!

Vick said...

Great job carving that pumpkin. Mine always looks so, so, well, drunk!

Carole said...

You are already a good carver - by the end you'll be a superb one! Cheers

Wanda said...

That was very smart, Linda, to listen to your body and take some time for sleeping. What fun you are having with your "Pumpkin Project". The closer it gets to November, the more anxious I am to start blogging again! It's been a good break, but I'm ready to get back in the swing!
Summer is so cute, and yes, that snack tray looks so good. I've never tried to use Crisco and salt before baking a large potato! Does the skin get crispy?

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Summer is so pretty, and what a lovely tray of appetizers she put together. It looks yummy.
Great job with your pumpkin carving. I have never carved one myself.

Eva said...

Sounds like a fun thing to do! I'm letting my chickens make the Jack-o-lantern this year! I put a pumpkin in the run and they've pecked holes all in it--big enough that they can stick their heads inside. Ha! I know that passers-by got a kick out of seeing your Jacks!