Monday, October 25, 2021

It's All About Horses!

  It is ALL about horses here at Bar J Ranch, as far as Sabrina and Rayne are concerned.
I was up early this morning - as in 8:03! and the bell for breakfast is rung at 8:30 and I was ready!
The guests and staff eat together family style but not until the guests are all served first.

And as soon as the meal was over, Sabrina and Rayne were saddling up for a cattle drive.
I could hear them do their cattle calls back in the area beyond our cabin so I walked around and found a spot in the shade by the fence and waited for them to come through.
Sabrina is such a natural horse woman and is at her happiest when she is sitting in the saddle.
I think she looks so pretty there as she is riding out of the trees.

Rayne is such a good rider!

These are the a few of the cows that had come down earlier.

Here they are - Sabrina, Rayne and Macon (whi is on staff here) heading down to get the cows.

I positioned myself right up next to a tree so I could get a good video.

Here they came!!!!
Pardon the panning of the camera as I was securing a safer better position beside the tree instead of in front!!!

Rayne does love her Buddy!!!
She showed me how to groom him.

Then we walked him over to the horse washing station.
Notice the way Rayne knows how to tie all her rope knots?

Buddy got a lot of love today!

I watched, helped and simply enjoyed being Rayne's biggest fan today - as well as being her Bella!

My Bible reading and journaling didn't happen until later in the morning.
Getting up early really does give you more hours to do things. Who KNEW??

Rayne is outside nearly every minute of every hour she's awake and is with the horses, kitties or dogs.
Can you play I Spy and spot the 6 dogs in this photo?
She knows all their names and who is the daddy dog and which pup goes with which mama dog and who is the best at herding cattle and who has been trained and who has not.

But when Rayne is not with the critters, she is with Macon playing music.

After lunch, she went to the ring to practice running barrels.

The dogs follow her everywhere she goes.

She is looking good!

Rayne is constantly doing something here.......

Louis Dean is enjoying himself!
I knew he would.
Me and Macon have played so much music together that Macon's fingers are hurting!

The dinner bell is rung at 5:30 and tonight we had chicken and dumplings.
No dessert as we were all invited to an ice cream social at Brother Stewart's home jut up the road.
Nearly all the staff and family live right on the ranch property.

I had just enough time to carve tonight's Jack before we left for the social.
That's Louis Dean's scared face!

I carved and he chose the place for the Jack 'o lantern - this time up in a tree.
It will show up well once it is really dark!

It was a fun evening eating ice cream and singing songs and fellowshipping with one another. 

Guests and staff were all invited!
Mr. Stewart is a great craftsman and made so many of the chairs, swings, tables and othere things used at the ranch. His home features furnishings he designed and made himself.
This table is one of them.

This has been a good Monday!
We have one more full day here before we go back to the ranch.
Summer, Sabrina and Rayne will stay until Halloween!

We have both encouraged others and been encouraged by others today!


Bluebird49 said...

What wonderful memories you all have made!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

This is your best Jack yet!! So precise, and not even one little mistake! Sabrina and Rayne really look like naturals on these horses. Darn, I could only find four dogs. And now I really want ice-cream!

Blondie's Journal said...

Oh my goodness! What an adventure! Then again, your life is one big adventure, Linda! I'd love too do something like this.

So happy you and LD are doing well. I've been missing for awhile but have hopped back into blogging with a happy heart.


Kathy said...

What fun! I felt as if I had just spent the entire day with you. It seems as if living on a ranch may be in Rayne's future. She just seems made for this kind of life. Love your latest Jack-o-lantern.

Jan said...

Ranch life seems to be agreeing with everyone.

Rayne is having a great time

Hootin Anni said...

Found all six!! The one under the bench was a stinker & tried hiding, but I finally found it.
That ice cream looks delicious, the horseback riding looks fun. Wishing I were there!!

Melissa Y said...

Goodness, the ranch looks like so much fun for everyone!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there is so much to comment on I can't remember it all. all i can say is even though I could not ride a horse i would love to spend a few days or a week on this dude ranch. this is what i wanted when I was Rayne's age and in fact still do. Cows, horses, dogs, cowboys and cowgirls, little cabins, trail drives and 4 swings around a fire with 6 dogs OH MY, hang on be right there

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

What an adventure you are all having! It's a great place to get back in touch with nature and with family and new friends. I couldn't find all 6 dogs...better go look again! lol Hugs! Have fun! Wear a cowboy hat!

Changes in the wind said...

This is a great get away for all. Rayne looks so cute in her western gear and riding the barrel is great practice for bull riding.

Deanna Rabe said...

You all are making wonderful memories together! What a blast for Rayne!

I only could count five dogs! They are adorable and I'm sure Rayne is loving every minute at the Ranch!

A few of my girls rode horses and did barrels. It's a lot of fun to watch and cheer them on!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's so nice they will be going back home with you and staying through Halloween. There will still be many more days to enjoy. Glad you are having fun being the photographer and cheerleader too!

Vick said...

I yearn for a simple life where people enjoy the outdoors with animals, nature and companionship. Thank you for the relaxing post showing the beautiful surroundings. That Rayne is such a delightful young lady, and I can't wait to see where her interests and talents lead her. BTW, only 4 dogs for me.

photowannabe said...

Absolutely delightful!!!
Precious family times. Rayne is a natural at all things "Dude Ranch".
Thanks for sharing the adventure with us.