Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Kitty Adventures, New Countertops, Tuesday Treasures and a Vintage Valentine.....Catching up!

 We emptied all the lower cupboards in preparations for the new countertops and the kitties have absolutely loved exploring all these new places! Drawers were stacked in the dining room, sewing room and living room and the kitties were checking everything out!

Tabitha is the most adventurous and she was in every cabinet trying to pull off the new shelf lining as I was putting it in.

Samantha would sneak into the kitchen and check out all the cubby holes she'd never seen before!

We were up and at 'em on Monday trying to empty all the lower cupboards and pulling out every drawer when Irving Countertops called and said that they knew we had a 1:00-2:00 appointment - but they could come early - as in 45 minutes!

They arrived shortly before noon and started to work.
My old counters don't look too bad in the photos, but the particle wood underneath was soft and flaking off. The backsplash had cracked in the inner curve and the seam on the left side of the sink was swollen from all the overflowing we had done in the sink. PLUS - the 'butcher block' design was rubbing off along the edges. Trust me - we do not replace anything that does not, indeed, NEED to be replaced! I covered up all these imperfections as best I could, but these counters were not professionally installed way back in 1983 and I really wanted good quality ones that look nice.

Louis Dean and I sat in the living room and visited together while the guys worked.
I sneaked a peek when I could.

I had ordered tops for our two rolling cabinets.....
this is the coffee cart that has all our coffee things on one shelf inside the cabinet and our liquor - not that we have much - on the lower shelf. We are more coffee, tea, and wine drinkers.

This cabinet had never been finished out and I love the back splash here and the finished edges.

I am loving everthing about my new countertops!

You can see the other cart here and I am SO glad I had them topped off!
Makes the kitchen look finished and on purpose!
The installers knew what they were doing and they were done in about 2 hours!
They loaded up the old ones and left at 2:15!

We took pictures and then decided to go out to eat to celebrate.
We had hired the plumbing part in the contract with Home Depot and I called to let them know the counters were installed and we were ready to have everything hooked back up - the new sink, and disposal. 

It was such a nice afternoon!!
Cheddar's Scratch Kitchen in Irving.

I ordered the Grande Top Shelf Margarita and it was delicious!!
And BIG!!!

Since I was drinking up extra calories......I ordered the veggie plate.
This dinner salad filled me up!

So I took the four veggie dishes home to have for lunch the next day.

Louis Dean totally deserved a steak dinner!

And he enjoyed every bite!

We went home and I went right to bed and slept for three solid hours!
This whole upheaval of the house causes me a bit of ....what?
I'm excited to get this long longed for update done but I get overwhelmed at the way the house is so trashed in the process. It doesn't depress me but it does mess with my mind. 
While Louis Dean and I sat in the living room while the guys were working, I had such a pain in my stomach. Like I had been sucker punched in my belly.
I feel like I am pretty healthy emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
But I do have history and baggage.
Mental and emotional and these uprooting changes are challenging as well as exciting.
I was glad for the solid rest and had laughingly told Louis Dean to wake me up at 9:00 if I was still asleep. I woke at 8:00 and decided to stay in bed and read when he came to the door and said,
"I didn't want to get you up....but Tabitha ran out the front door between my legs when I was getting a package in."

I staggered outside and spent the next hour chasing down my precious kitty!
I followed her and went around the block called, "Here, Kitty, Kitty!"
Finally, with dogs barking and it being cold, I think Tabitha got tired and this adventure was no longer fun. We were in the middle of the street in front of the house and she just laid down and curled up......and waited for me to take her up in my arms. I set her down when we got inside and she went right straight to the guest room and put herself into her bed inside the kennel.
Freedom wasn't as wonderful as she thought it would be!
All four of us - one old couple and two young sibling kitties - all bedded down for the night!
And we all slept so well!
It's a good thing to sleep warm and safe.

Tuesday we had errands to do before we could work on the kitchen.
The plumber still hadn't called but I kept my phone on and right beside me.
We dropped Summer's van off at Firestone for some maintenance and I shopped Goodwill for a couple of Tuesday Treasures.

I scored on a beautiful cream throw from Pier 1 for $3.75.
It washed up beautifully and is gorgeous with the sequins and golden threads.
Perfect for my quiet times in the living room on cold mornings.
And that Bee Hive canvas was just calling my name!

I had bought Louis Dean a new batch of overalls and shirts.
The overalls are 'lost' and they can be refunded.
The shirts arrived - four of them - but we ordered the wrong size.
He's not as big as he used to be!
So we returned them yesterday to Khol's which is an Amazon return center.
They gave me my return receipt along with a 25% off coupon for Khol's.

This is what we bought.
We needed a new toaster ....and a new toaster oven.....
and with this purchase I got both plus an airfryer and more in one appliance.
AND it was on sale and then another $50 off!
Win! WIN!!!

We spent Tuesday afternoon and evening working in the kitchen.
We had not heard from a plumber by 8:00 that night so Louis Dean decided to install the sink and reconnect the plumbing himself.
I worked at refilling the cupboards and putting new shelf lining in and he worked on the sink.
I cried Uncle and went to bed about 9:00 and he stayed up working for hours and hours.

I got up to check on him and took this picture at 1:00 in the morning.
He is such a hard worker!

Wednesday morning now!
Tabitha is so curious about outside...but we put both cats in the guest room when we knew we needed to go in and out with tubs and tools and such.

I have worked all day on one section of the kitchen while Louis Dean has worked on the sink.

Lou called from Home Depot to say they are refunding the price of the plumber.
I asked how much it was and she said $434!
Louis Dean felt better about doing it himself!

While we still don't have water in the kitchen yet - we should be set up tomorrow.
The hard part is done and he said he knows now why they charge so much!

We have stopped for the night.
It's freezing cold all over the country and we went out to wrap towels around our faucets and Louis Dean put a heater on his aloe plants.
He even built a fire burning all the debris from a section of  the interior of a lower cabinet that was pretty damamged. It's good to get all this done while we are still able to do it.
At 84 years old, he has yet to call on anyone for help....except when he had a heart attack and we asked son Jesse to come do some stone work he was not able to do. And when he asked Amber and Mike to take out the old spa in our backyard and they took a holiday weekend to come up from Katy, Texas and hack it up with chain saws and haul it all to the curb.  And then the fence posts he had to ask son Dean to do for him.  And then all the computer and technical issues he's asked Summer to help him with. Yes, we all need help from time to time and he has helped others as much as they have helped him. Still, age is creeping up on us and we feel an urgency to get things done while we can do them so we can enjoy our older years in good comfort.

I close tonight's journal entry with a reproduction of a vintage Valentine from my friend, Dee Dee.
I love vintage cards and she does such excellent ones. I received a vintage Christmas card, too.
I actually have two truly old Valentines from Nita and Deanie back when we were children.
Normally I have them out this time of year on display.
Alas, no Valentine decorations or cards this year - but maybe I will get my act together next February!

I saw this on Facebook and, when I read it to Louis Dean, he laughed so loud he roared!!

I meant to put this on Sunday night's post - also from Facebook!

Louis Dean and I laugh together every single day!
For some reason, laughing makes everything better!


Jutta said...

Looks so elegant and fresh! Good job❣️

Ginny Hartzler said...

This blonde football joke is so funny! Your cabinets are gorgeous, and very classy looking. What are they made of? I remember when we renovated our kitchen, we even had the fridge in the living was very disconcerting with things piled high everywhere. It is so good to get back to normal! Louis dean looks so good in the restaraunt pictures, very dashing!

Bluebird49 said...

Sounds like wonderful progress at the Chapman's! Louis Dean AND you both amaze me!
I am sorry you had to get the lost kitty in. Sounds like she put herself to bed, though, so she learned her lesson. Maybe. Hopefully! Til next time!! But they've been good company for y'all. Can't wait until you two can just just kick back for awhile.
Love you my friend!

BeachGypsy said...

howdy there my green-eyed girlfriend! I about grabbed THAT STEAK right off Louis Dean's plate!!---I do love a good steak supper! Had one last week and there were left-overs!!---so I got to have it two nights in a row, loved it. LOL! Yay!!---the new kitchen counters LOOK GREAT!! So glad you got those in, you will love them I am sure.Thanks for all the sweet compliments...I'm sitting here trying to see why you think I look "dressed up"...I had on old blue jeans and a shirt, ha ha LOL!! I *think* it may be the jewelry??--I do wear lots of jewelry, big necklaces and lots of bracelets etc. So maybe that's it. ha ha LOL?? Enjoy getting your kitchen back together! Hugs!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Thanks for yet another reason to leave the dust alone haha! I love your kitchen the tops are beautiful and so glad you did the roller cabinets because they are perfect what a super idea. Bobcat still do a lot but his knees are keeping him from doing what LD is doing right now and we need that done and I don't want to deal with the plumber I get really anxious when people are coming and we're dealing with the fence and the tree so I know exactly what you mean it makes my stomach in knots

Arlene G said...

Love the new countertops...they look so good and you were smart to have the carts topped out too. Yes, we are learning to ask for help or pay someone to do some of the things we just can't do anymore. Marvin has a tricky back and I refuse to let him do anything that might aggravate it. Maybe Tabitha will stay inside from now on!!

Changes in the wind said...

Wow it looks wonderful and how about that LD, just doing it himself. I hope your cat has learned a lesson and won't do that again. You will love that new toaster oven I am sure.

Vee said...

Looking fabulous! Now what is Louis Dean going to do with his $400 plus? ☺️

Susie said...

Linda, I like the new countertops. I agree that LD certainly did deserve a big steak dinner. What a man ! Take care and stay warm . Blessings, love you guys, xoxo, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

The countertops are just beautiful. That certainly was a lot of hard work. Not many could still get down and do the plumbing work under a sink, but he looks to be handling it well. You are both so blessed to have each other to share the workload. No he deserves another steak dinner. Hopefully soon things will be back to normal in your kitchen so you can enjoy it.

Deanna Rabe said...

I’m so glad that’s all done! It looks really great in your kitchen.

My Tim is handy at repairs and making things, like Louis Dean is. It has saved us so much money over the years!

I love to laugh everyday too!

Beth said...

Your countertops look gorgeous, Linda. You will enjoy them! Louis Dean is such a hard worker, and so smart to be able to figure this all out. You've got a good one! Hugs and prayers. Beth

Miss Dishywoo said...

Beautiful countertops!

photowannabe said...

Yes and amen..Laughter is definitely the best medicine.
It's made Dave and my lives so much better.
You have an amazing handy, strong and full of love for you.
You are wise to get things done while you can..Dave and I feel the same way..the feeling of time flying by is a good kick in the pants.
I cherish each day that hubby and I can do things together be they "work" or pleasure.
Your counters are wonderful and will make your days so much more pleasant.
Glad you could get your kitty back in the house too. She's just like kids..always wanting to see how far she can go.
HaHa,,love the blond story..too funny.
Love you friend.

Jan said...

Your counter tops are pretty. Hope you like your air fryer as much as I like mine

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

You are certainly going to enjoy your refreshed kitchen - the margarita looks pretty good too

Wanda said...

So much work, so much done in love and laughter. I agree laughter takes the sting out of so many things. I got a chuckle from the "dust" plaque. HaHa
Your new kitchen is stunning, and what a man you have. I love the new throw from Pier 1 and your "Bee" sign. Warren Wisbee has a set of books he wrote years ago call the "Be Series" on the Epistles. Be Strong, Be kind, Be couragous, Be still...etc.
Your darling kitties are keeping you in shape, haha. Running all over the neighborhood.
Thanks again for your prayers. Today we walked the entire block. So proud of my dearest.
Love and Hugs

Hootin Anni said...

ROFL on the football blond joke.
Linda, I love all your new kitchen look! It's dazzling. Rich warm & inviting.
And, of course, the kitties. I love you sharing your kitties.

Stay warm dear friend. Texas is in for a rough winter weekend.

Rain said...

Hi Linda :) I love the countertops, they look great! I hope your water is all hooked up now. I love how BIG that Margarita is lol! I would have ordered it too as a celebration. Your Tabitha story reminded me of our Dana. One day he pushed his way through a screen in the window and took off. It was pouring rain and he only managed to run across the street to hide under a bush because he was soaked. Life "on the outside" really wasn't as fun as he thought it would be lol...we were out for a few minutes calling him when I heard him meowing...Alex picked him up and he's never made an escape attempt since!

BeachGypsy said...

happy happy valentines day to you and Louis Dean!!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Linda, we send best wishes for a Happy Hearts Day to you and Louis Dean and hope you will be relaxing today after all that hard work. It is such a chore to empty cabinets, but those new countertops look wonderful and adding them to the carts really made such an improvement to them. You are so right in saying that LD does work hard and you have the photos to show that. Glad you were able to get a refund on the plumber that never showed. Now, you can treat yourselves to another nice dinner out!

Carole said...

Well done you surviving all the disruption. We've just gone back into lockdown - hopefully only for 3 days but who knows... Stay safe and hugs to those kitties. Cheers