Thursday, July 26, 2018

Tuesday's Treasures, Quadville, Movies and Pool Time! It was the BEST Tuesday and Wednesday!

I love a good Tuesday!
In 'old times' it meant a movie, Goodwill and art.
In 'recent time' it has meant Goodwill.....
but yesterday (Tuesday!) I scored two out of three!

I'll start off this journal entry with my very special Granddog Shiner.

Here he is as a puppy.
I remember the first time I met him....
Sabrina was having thyroid surgery in Dallas and Shiner had just joined Amber and Mike as their first canine family member......
I think it was 2008....
He was adorable! Still is!
They came up to the hospital having traveled from Houston where they lived at the time.
I well remember that Sabrina  was still in surgery when they drove up and I went out to give them an update and that was when I met my Granddog.
His paws looked huge and we laughed when we talked about what a big dog he would grow to be.

And he did!

He was trained as a hunting dog and he was a good one!

 Amber and Mike have been so good to Shiner and he has been such a good canine family member to them.
Shiner was their first 'baby.'

Shiner and I had some special bonding time Tuesday night.
I do love my Shiner Boy!

Now to the Tuesday Treasures I accumulated before I arrived in Quadville later on Tuesday afternoon.....

I scored big time on a Ralph Lauren bedding set - dust ruffle, pillow shams, sheets - brand new and still had the tags on them - for a mere $10!
The small plates from Williams-Sonoma - $2!

I stop - and shop - for all things SUNFLOWERS!!!
Love our cute little Kailey holding them!

An over the sink cutting board with a colander??
Yes! It will live in the camper!

I loved this sign and thought I would put in it in the bathroom at the ranch.....
Not! I have it hung in MY bathroom here at home.
I took down something to make  a place for it and will return that to the Goodwill from whence it came.

Yes, they do.....although Summer will most likely be in Puerto Rico this year - her heart will be at home.

I loved this super cool house dress and am wearing it as I write!

I'm all about comfy shoes and this pair of nice sandals are SAS.
Brand new at Goodwill!

I love dressing up like a doily!
This will do nicely!

I finished up my Goodwilling and met up with Amber for a late afternoon movie....

It was great!
Movies are one of our favorite things to do!

When we were walking out, we passed the billboard for EQ2.....

I said, "That's going to be a good one!"
I had seen the previews.
Amber asked, "Did you see the first one?"
I said, "No."
I'd meant to but it came and went and I missed it.

We arrived back at Quadville and I spent the night there.
It was Kailey's turn to cook dinner......

You can see her and her mommy in the kitchen cooking.
The others were entertaining me with a song and dance show worthy of Broadway!

It was a magical evening of music and entertainment!

I loved every minute!

The dinner was delicious!
Mongolian beef with snow peas and broccoli, rice and fresh watermelon and pineapple.
Dessert was a from scratch butter cake with homemade chocolate frosting.
Pretty ambitious menu for a 6 year old......and the other 6 year olds plus parents and grandmother all enjoyed every bite.

After dinner we all went into the living room to watch America's Got Talent.
A perfect ending to a wonderful day!

The kids went off to bed as did Mike.
So did I.
I undressed, took my medicine, turned on the awesome window AC that is freezing cold and tucked myself in bed.

Then Amber opened the guest room door and gave me an extra blanket.....I do love it being cold enough to need an extra cover..... and as she was about to close the door she said she was going to stay up and watch a movie.......
I shot up out of bed and was down the hall before she could say.....

The Equalizer.......
She knew I needed to see the first one before I watched the sequel.......
and it was excellent!
She knew where the 'gritty' parts were and fast forwarded them.
We were in bed by 3:00 AM!
Win! WIN!!!
That's one of our favorite things to do!
Watch movies.
We have done this all her life!

The kids all slept late and Trystan was the first one awake this Wednesday morning.
Trystan loves getting up early for a little one on one time.
I love it, too.
We snuggled in bed and then went out to the kitchen to make coffee.

By the time it was said and done - I was having coffee with my three girls.
We made memories.......

Amber brought in the mail when she got up and this magazine with her feature story on the front had arrived.

Amber is a gifted writer!

This is just one of many publications featuring her writing.
She graduated from Texas State University at the age of 20 with her four year degree.....
a major in written journalism and a minor in criminal justice. She was homeschooled and then enrolled in college when she was just 15 years old.
Yes, I am one proud mom!

The quads, Amber and I spent the afternoon at a local Dallas pool......
and it was wonderful!

Any time I can get with Amber is a treasure!

I am also one proud MeeMAW!!!
Time spent with these precious grandquads is a gift.

Louis Dean was so happy to see me when I got home tonight around 7:00.
That's always a good thing when your husband wants you to come home.
He had taken my laptop in to be checked out......

And I had made Salted Caramel Brownies to take to the Geek Squad before I left on Tuesday.
Alas, they told him there is a recall on my laptop and they are SO sorry they need to keep it a couple of weeks. No worries. I have my older lap top......thank goodness.
Louis Dean needs to take his in's a safety thing. Something about it getting too hot.
I may need to get up early in the morning and mix up some muffins or something before I leave to visit Reaoma and then drive to Fort Worth to see Mother and Lillian.
So I best get to bed and to sleep as fast as I can......
Good night, all......


Saimi said...

Shiner is a beautiful dog and was quite the hunter!! You found many fun treasures in your Goodwill hunting but the real treasures are the wonderful memories and traditions you have made with your family! Those brownies look amazingly delicious! It's fun to be out and about but always nice to come home with your honey love waiting!!

BeachGypsy said...

Shiner is a GORGEOUS DOG and I love all the pictures of him! Look at all those RIBBONS, WOW!! Looks like you had a great visit, supper, "broadwayshow" LOL, movies, cold room/snuggly bed!! ha ha LOL Glad you got that time. Amber's article looks amazing! Yes, I would be proud too! Love all your goodwill treasures, especially the fun plates and the nice long comfortable summer dress!! Hope you got some good rest, and have a safe trip today for your visit, I hope it's a great one!

Carol said...

What a wonderful time it sounds like you had. I am impressed by how much you truly get accomplished. I find many days go by that I wish I could have finished one simple chore that I have started. I know that there are days that I get a lot accomplished as well, but it seems that I just can't get things on track again.

mxtodis123 said...

What a gorgeous dog! I love seeing all your goodies. You find the greatest things. I could just picture that sign hanging over my bathroom door. I have never seen either Equalizer, but I used to watch the television show religiously every week. They don't make shows like they used to.

Susie said...

Linda, Shiner is a cute little puppy...and a big dog. That is how I judge if a dog will be big, looking at their paws. What a fun couple of days you have had. Spending time with the children. Linda you must have been an amazing teacher, what with Amber being in college so very young. Her writing would be so nice to read. You have special bonds with all your children. That is the best. I need to go see our Geek Squad and re-do my contract. It's only like insurance. The weather is nice this morning and maybe storms later. Blessings, stay cool. xoxo,love you, Susie

NanaDiana said...

Love your sweet grandpup! Looks like he grew into his paws. LOL You and my hubby are both movie geeks. lol He would go to the moviehouse 4 times a week if he had his way. At home he plugs into Netflix every night.
Hope you have a blessed Thursday- xo Diana

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You do keep busy when you return home. But time spent with family is so important so I'm sure you had loads of fun. I do love all your Tuesday treasures. Love the pictures of the dog too. He's a keeper for sure ! Sounds like more busy days coming your way ! Enjoy them all !

Debbie said...

wow, what a beautiful dog shiner is and he was such a cute puppy!!

you had a great score at good will...i really like the over the sink cutting board/colander, i want one of those!!

chuck and i just watched the original equalizer 2 nights ago. i really like denzel washington!! it was a great movie!!!

Arlene G said...

Great treasures at Good Will and at Quadville. Those sweeties are growing up so quickly!! Hope you get your computer back soon.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a great couple of days!!! You’re having a good summer, in spite of challenges!

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful few days you have had!!! Your stay in Quadville was perfect and enchanting. How did sweet Shiner come to need his eye out? I just love that bathroom sign! I just realized that the dress and shoes match!!! I love the colors! Wow, I am so glad to see a bit of Amber's writing. Now I can see what she writes about. She is brilliant! The laptop I had before this was a Dell, and it ran hot. One time when I sent it out to be repaired, our computer guy said he put it on a thick wooden table, and the heat went right through the several inches of wood! I than heard that Dells are very good, but their one flaw is that they run hot.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thank you so very much for all your prayers!!! You always make me feel so good, Linda! You are like a bit of sunshine in my life!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

shiner is so sweet and makes me sad to see he lost his eye, but glad he has you and your family to care for him. he is still beautiful... love the new dress and sandals, you really got good deals this time. I want to see both the EQ I did not see the old one, we wait for movies to come on TV...

Amber said...

Thank you! Here’s the online link to the digital version of the magazine my mom shared. My story is A West Side Nest. (I write for them regularly, you can see past issues on there too!){"issue_id":509222,"page":1}

Carole said...

Love those little plates... green with envy! Have a lovely day tomorrow. Cheers

Judy said...

What a great time was had by all!!
and are off and running again.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh every time I come to read a post its just like Christmas, you make my heart sing,, what an inspiration you are to us all,

Nonnie said...

There is so much here! Love the good things you were able to find and the way you displayed them for us. The dog is beautiful and the kids are adorable. You pack so much into every day! So much love.