Saturday, July 14, 2018

Morning Critter Chores, Texas Heat, Art and Evening Critter Chores

We have been on Critter Duty since Friday afternoon.
Dean and Sherry did the morning chores before they left for Dallas yesterday.

We drove down to find a piece of some kind of pipe Louis Dean was needing and checked out where the goats were put. We drove because it is so hot! Dean put them where they could get both water and shade. You can see Thumper down under that tree he was nibbling on.

Can you see the other two?

It has been so dry! The big tank is the lowest we've ever seen it!

We sat in the meadow for a few minutes so I could take pics of the trees and study them.
I'm using them in my pastoral scene - by placing them in Mr.Jackson's pasture.
Feel the power!!

I brought my pedicure things since it isn't nearly as convenient to get one here as it is at home.
I filled it with water and set it in the sun. No need to heat it up!

I have painted some every day. It's always an adventure when you live in the country and you keep the doors open to the front room. Louis Dean has been working on plumbing this trip.
No clue as to his reasoning so I just go with it.
I think he takes into consideration what he feels comfortable with at the level of energy he has.
July in Texas usually means not much.

For some reason we were both low on humph Friday and went to bed right after we did the critter chores and had our showers. I was asleep before 9:30!
Unfortunately, I didn't wake up to see a text from my neighbor saying our backyard was flooding and water was coming into hers. A lot of water.
I saw the text at 4:30 this morning. Of course, I couldn't go back to sleep.
I sent her a text back knowing she wouldn't see it until later in the morning.
Then I sent one to Stephanie who lives on the other side of us.
I was hoping they had drained their swimming pool and that was where the water was coming from.
Then I sent a text to Sherry around 5:00 AM since she was in Irving at Ruth Ann's house. She had been to our place last night around 7:30 and all was well, but she hadn't gone outside in the back yard. Just a few minutes later, she sent a text saying she would check and apparently she got right our of bed and went straight over there. Louis Dean had left a hose running out by the sand box after he had watered some before we left Tuesday. It had been running all that time. Not full force, Sherry said. But enough to flood our yard and Olga's.
No need for us to water for awhile!
I was so relieved I went back to sleep by 6:30 and slept until 11:00!

The critters call and we answer!
We couldn't actually hear them from up here but we knew they were down there waiting!

I was in search of some eggs for breakfast and found two!

One chicken and one duck egg!

Maybe it's too hot for the hens to lay right now.


Pretty much!!!
Louis Dean got way too hot so we came in and watched a movie while he cooled off.

I had never seen this one before but he had and he said he had forgotten how good it was!

My Santas are all under painted or 'based in' as I call it.
Hanging them on the wall is a safe way to dry them.
The red takes a long, long time to dry.

I put in a lot of extra branches and probably still don't have enough!

Then I put in the darks. Plus I worked on all the cattle.
That is really tedious! I'll add more bits and dabs to them later.

I hung it up over a painting I brought down that had been in the guest room.

My son, Benjamin, painted this when he was about 10-11 years old.

I still had a little time left so I started putting in the details on my Western Santa.
This part is a lot more fun as long as I don't get in a hurry.
The trick is to pay attention only to the area you are working on and not focus on the whole thing.
At least that's the way it works for me.
Step by step. Little by little.

Louis Dean has rested a good bit today and we waited until the sun was beginning to set before we went down to do the evening chores.

I didn't take treats down for the horses so I will be sure and give them some carrots in the morning.

The ducks and geese are the first ones to get in the pen.
Louis Dean brings in the goats while I took a shower.

Then I wait for the chickens to go in while he takes a soaking bath.
This critter likes to spend the night way up at the top of the duck pen.
She should be safe. I hope.

This girl stayed in with the ducks last night and tonight, too!
See the little wind chimes hanging there?
She would fly into them on her way down and startle all the ducks and geese. 
They would peck at her and she would fly back up - hitting the chimes once again - and they would fuss and fuss at her.

We are done for the night.
Louis Dean has been resting since we got back from critter chores while I have been working on this journal entry. We will go home tomorrow but we won't be running out of here like our hair's on fire.
I still have some housekeeping chores to do and Louis Dean has some things to put up.
I talked to Lillian today and told her we would see her in the afternoon. We will go straight to Fort Worth to see Mother and Lillian before we even go home. I told Lillian I would show her my photos from the ranch. She and her husband had a place on the lake near Palestine, Texas and she has such good memories of their time there.

**From Ruth Ann's Facebook page**

I'll close with this photo of Rufus that Ruth Ann shared on Facebook today.
I do love that dog.
We brought what we thought was a ham bone we had been saving for him from our freezer only to discover it was chicken or turkey to make broth with - no bones or meat - looks like skin mostly.
So I have been feeding him Louis Dean's lunch meat and the bones from the good meal Dean and Sherry made on Tuesday night.
Next time I will double check that it is, indeed, the ham bone we bring and I will double check that all the water faucets are turned off in the yard before we leave home.

**From Jessica's Facebook Page**

Now I am going out for one final sit under the stars.

Goodnight from Texas!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Glad there wasn’t a water pipe break! You both needed a slower restful country visit this time. I hope your visit with your mother goes well!

Kathy said...

I thought for sure you had a broken pipe when I heard about the water in the yard. Glad it was discovered quickly.

I love all of your Santas this year. I don't think I could paint four at once though.

Enjoy your time at the ranch and have a safe trip home.

Linda said...

I beg you not to push against that Texas heat, and be careful how fast you run once you’re back in Irving. Dead will get you nowhere.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your painting of the cows and trees! It is beautiful! And it seems your son is a talented painter as well. The wind chime story is so funny! Now I wonder who got the chicken egg and who got the duck egg!

Judy said...

I agree with Ginny...your painting of the cows is beautiful! Had to smile about that house running for days on end back home. At least no major damage was done. Enjoy your trip home!

BeachGypsy said...

I've missed a few posts, came here to try to get all caught up with you. So glad y'all got some "country time" in and y'all be safe going home tomorrow, okay? Hope you have a nice and safe journey. Love love love the cute pictures of you in hat and apron out getting eggs! Looks like you're gettin alot of work done on your Santas too.Enjoy the country pictures and your "meadow" area. Looks quiet and peaceful.

Bluebird49 said...

I can just hear those chimes inciting the ducks and chickens as the hen flies into them. She must love the sound!
I love your pastoral painting --- it's so peaceful. I wish you peace as youall drive back home and see you mother. I am glad to hear you've been doing some restful painting this visit to the ranch. Anything that puts your creativity to flowing is so good. I know you need it as much as you need almost anything else. It is a big part of you!!
I am getting so forgetful I scare myself thinking about it..when I remember to think about it! ;)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I see Ben inherited your artistic talent genes.. my question is why did the neighbor that sent the text not walk over there and check to see what the water was? I would. unless she is handicapped or something like that. glad it was a hose and not worse. love the goats in the trees, love ADORABLE you in your farmer outfit... and of course the dog hiding behind the tree is my favorite...Rufus is so beautiful and I love the name, that name and Festus were very popular in my childhood for dogs. and now you have given me a post to write about. love you linda

NanaDiana said...

I am glad there isn't a lot of water damage and that it was something as simple as a water hose left on.
I love that you take such good care of the critters when you are there. I am sure you are "grandmom" to all of them when they see you coming.

It is wonderful that you can get the sleep in like that. I wish I could. I get up at 4:30 or 5 to take some meds and then can't get back to sleep--case in point--here I am! lol

Have a great, blessed trip home and Sunday- xo Diana

Vee said...

It is good to slow down on purpose...
I do love that sign from FB. I’d have to amend the last bit a titch, but not too much.
Praying for a good visit with your mother and Lillian. You are a special one, Lindakins!

mxtodis123 said...

Your painting is wonderful. You have so much talent. I tried for awhile, but wasn't much good at it so I gave up. Maybe I should have kept trying, but just don't have the room here. Be careful in that heat and be sure to stay well hydrated. Glad the flood wasn't anything more serious.

Susie said...

Linda, That some fun chores and busy chores with the ranch animals. I am loving your pictures. So sweet you have a picture Ben painted. Hope the visit to see your mother and Lillian goes well. Good thing Sherry was near your house in town. LD may have been distracted while watering. Our lawn is so dry here, I am tempted to leave the water running.LOL Blessings for a safe trip home. xoxo,love you, Susie

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh my on that water running for so long. You are sure to have a big water bill when it comes. I can't take the heat at all and need to stay inside when it's hot here. You have really managed to get a lot done on your painting and it all looks so good ! I'm slacking and not doing much of any thing right now. Safe travels home and hope you enjoy the visit with your mom.

Arlene G said...

Your paintings are so pretty Linda. I am envious of your talent!! So glad it was only a hose running and not a broken pipe! That Sherry is a treasure for getting over there right away. and hey, I would not have seen a 4 am text Hoping you have a good visit with your mama.

Anonymous said...

you are such an amazing artist, your detail and composition is beautiful! You have a tender spot for all critters lol,, but that heat, oh my gosh,,that was a close call with the water!!I get up at 5am take a pill and go right back to sleep,, I would never hear a text at 4am lol,, I hope you have a good visit,, take care and keep cool,

Debbie said...

your talents amaze me linda and your level of energy, you sure do get a lot done in a day!!

i laughed at the texas seasons...and i have always wondered about the bugs. my son lives in texas and always tells me that he has a lot of roommates, BUGS!!!!!

Nonnie said...

I'm so glad I visited here today! What beautiful paintings! My goodness. It's July and I'm finding it hard to do much of anything, but look at you and Louis Dean. Always productive. The pictures of you with the eggs and the one of the dog I especially like. Don't overdo out there in the heat. And I'm really glad it was only a hose left running and not a leak somewhere. I just hate to think about the water bill, but better that than repairs.

Carole said...

Hi Linda, lovely post as always. I liked your painting when the branches of the tree were bare - maybe you can do one like that sometime. Cheers
PS hope your visit tomorrow goes well