The weather is warming up in Texas but it's still not as hot as it usually is this time of year.
We are thankful for that and Louis Dean is handling the heat pretty well. He works for 20 minutes and takes a tea break and then works some more. I keep making tea throughout the day because he only likes 'fresh' tea so I make two big glasses at a time. Like he can tell the difference. But it's the least I can do while he is working so hard. He's working on the bathroom floor as best as I can tell. That means the frame and digging ditches for the plumbing pipes. He talks about it being square and level and I can't tell hide or hair of what's going on but he knows what he's doing and that's all that matters.
We tend to eat two meals a day and for one of them we had the BEST BLT's!!
Tomatoes fresh from our garden - courtesy of Sherry who brought them down with her Friday morning.
I bought some Bacon Cheese Bread at the Collin Street Bakery and it was delicious!!
It was a Foodie Friday because that night Dean and Sherry brought down the makings for fajitas....
Yum! YUM!!!
My contribution was the Spanish Rice and.......
Margaritas! Love me some lime and salt!
We all called it an early evening.
I look forward every evening to the sunset.
Saturday Louis Dean and I went to 'town.'
I took pictures all the way back to the ranch!
My phone camera completely recovered from its tea bath. However, I can't get the cover back on it so it is more vulnerable than it was.
I admire this barn scene every time I pass it on Highway 84.
This would make a good painting.
Once I finish writing my book, I intend to paint a ton of country scenes when we are down here.
Louis Dean has the patience of Job and willingly stops when I ask him and sometimes even before!
Sweet, sweet country time!
My knight in shining white armor!
At every turn I see another beautiful landscape.
The corn is growing now......
I've seen it from first planting and love watching it.
It is on both sides of the road.
This is our road back to the ranch.
I have a few friends from Mart who are very familiar with some of these scenes.
Here I am standing on the sideboard of the truck trying to get a picture!
Some of these areas seem to be vacant but then I see them full of big trucks and lots of activities.
On our last trip down here we saw truck after truck completely loaded with chickens going down these country roads. There are three chicken companies in Waco, Texas. Most of the trucks we saw were from Sanderson Farms which has a chicken hatchery here. Pilgrim's Pride Corporate Office is in Waco and also Claborn Farms has Poultry Farms in the area.
The little donkeys across the road from the ranch are growing and that was my last time to hop out of the truck an snap a photo or two. I take lots and lots of them because I have to delete so many as they are blurry or off in some way!
Dean sent us a text saying they were bringing Father's Day Dinner down on Saturday night!
It was GOOD!
Dean and Sherry do the BEST BBQ ribs. It's their specialty!
I made the garlic bread using the rest of that Bacon Cheese Bread from Collin Street Bakery.
A wonderful dinner with dear family.
After Dean and Sherry left, Rufus stayed behind with Granddad.
Louis Dean and Rufus bonded back in March!
My phone rang and Louis Dean was trying to turn it off and ended up taking a few pictures!
The sun set on yet another Perfect Country Day!
Sunday dawned and Louis Dean was up and working long before I woke up.
He stopped and took a coffee break with me while I read the One Year Bible's daily reading.
We are reading only the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs part this year. Next year we will read the Old Testament section.
Then Louis Dean went back to work while I started our lunch.
I'm cooking on the hot plate outside these days in order to keep the camper as cool as possible.
Our AC is limping along and we hope it hangs on until the fall when we will get an entire new unit to replace it. I turn the AC off in the mornings and didn't turn it back on until late this afternoon.
There's a real good breeze outside and I spent much of the day on the 'deck' reading and doing my needlework. That way I was handy as a 'gopher' for Louis Dean.
You can't tell by this picture - but this is our new bathroom!
It will have a plywood floor base.
By day's end, Louis Dean was ready to put said plywood down.
Alas, he had mistakenly ordered the WRONG thickness!!!
No matter. He took out his frustrations by loading all that plywood into the truck and we will be making another trip to town tomorrow and exchange it for the right one!
I stand amazed at this wonderful man!
I'm loving how much he enjoys spending time with his son. They truly admire one another and I love them both. Louis Dean's granddaughter, Misty, called this morning to wish her grandfather a Happy Father's Day and he enjoyed their phone visit and plans to get together and play music soon.
Then Summer posted on Facebook........
"Happy Father's Day to you! Thank you for being such a vital part of our family, for loving our Mom and providing so well for her future. You amaze us all with what you do for instance re-roofing a house while having chest pains you thought was just indigestion. For the building plans there at the ranch. You have such an engineering mind and figure out how to do what needs to be done with forward thinking about "what if." Your love of music and serenading my Mom. Glad you love Willie! You are a man among men and godly man at that. Hugs!"
And Amber posted on Facebook after she and Logan had a FaceTime visit with us......
"We didn't know we would end up with each other, but I love you like I've had you my whole life.
❤️Happy Father's Day to the Dad I couldn't imagine life without!"

It's been a great weekend and we have accomplished a lot - or at least Louis Dean has!
The weather forecast looks promising for this next week and I hope we can get the frame up and start on the walls!
But tonight, we are comfy in our camper and watching the movie.....
It's Father's Day so I gave up Downton Abbey for tonight only!
I'm on the last disc of Season 5 before I start Season 6!
Wishing Louis Dean a happy & blessed Father's Day. I really enjoy reading your posts, esp. the ones about the quads. such precious children! God bless you all!
Is it 'red neck' to drink margaritas from a red plastic cup? You are braver than me to trust that a/c. I could only be country until I got hot, then things would have to change in a hurry. LD is powering right through that building project. I suspect there's four little people in Irving wondering what happened to you. At least they've visited you in the country so they have some idea where you are these days.
Your tomatoes look so good and juicy! Your food always looks better in the country! The picture after Louis Dean sitting in the white truck may be my favorite. It really speaks to me. We have a Tyson and a Pilgrim's Pride here. Louis Dean is amazing! And I just love the second picture of him and Summer! You make a really good Pioneer Woman!!
Wow ! Louis Dean has accomplished so much in a short amount of time . I love what Summer and Amber said about Louis Dean in their Father's Day wishes. He really is a blessing to our whole family .
What a fabulous account of a memorable weekend, a worthwhile, well-done project, some fun times, and such family love and togetherness. We, too, are a mingled-up family (seven children between us, eight grands and within days of one more, and eight greats). It's so lovely to have all the chicks and chillun check in on Mothers' Day and Fathers' Day, never-minding who started out with whom.
Y'all are really accomplishing wonders, and I know you're enjoying the rewards AND the journey.
I think that barn scene would make an excellent painting. And the food down there always makes my mouth water.
Louis Dean came along just when you needed him most. It is wonderful the way he is knitted so well into the garment of family. He is a fatherly kind of guy. Boo hiss on getting the wrong plywood. I don't like interruptions like that, but as Gloria Gaither says, "Always look for God in the interruptions."
Another wonderful day in the country:)
A wonderful weekend of good food, family and more! LD is really moving forward with his building. It's pouring rain here right now...not sure if it's moving that way or not. I would never make a "country girl" with limited a/c, etc. :)
What a wonderful weekend! Love that photo you took of the barn and those cute little donkeys. It's amazing at the beauty all around us if we just take time to look. I know you're loving Downton abbey...I can watch it over and over again! Hugs!
What a wonderful time at the ranch. And all that delicious food...I'm drooling. Happy Father's Day to Louis Dean...he looks like a happy man.
Linda, Tell LD there's a man here in Indiana , he works for the state...he's 100 years old. He works 3-4 days a week. Surveying. LD will be like that fellow. I loved the father's day wishes form your daughters for LD. My own step dad was a truly good man to all us kids I know how they feel. Blessings to all of you, be safe. Love you guys so much, xoxo, Susie
I agree with all the commentors! Most of all, though, I wonder how the Four Musketeers are managing without their grandparents who've been there every week since they were born. (And before!)
Now they'll be able to visit all together! ❤
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