Monday, February 27, 2017

Our Sunday...

We were about to leave for church when we noticed the Carolina Jasmine was blooming this morning!

It really is SPRING in Texas!
It was a beautiful day!
A good day to go to church!
I missed last Sunday since I was in San Antonio for our Siblings Getaway.

The kids never fail to search out Pastor Doug and give him a big hug!

We usually are the last to arrive so we must park far away!

Harrison was way out in front of us!

Arby's for an easy Sunday lunch!!
Mike stayed home with Kailey since she wasn't feeling well.
We sent an Arby's home with Amber for them.

It was Trystan's turn to come home with us and spend the night.
She has been patiently waiting for weeks and weeks.

We shopped Lowe's for some bedding plants and garden things.

She was the darling of the nursery and another elderly couple were totally enchanted with her!

We met this sweet lady and her husband and spent quite a few minutes visiting with each other.
She is 82 and her husband is 80 and they have been married 14 years. Louis Dean and I will be married 12 years this June so we swapped our stories right there in Lowe's!

Trystan was ready to get home and take a nap and that's just what we did!
She and I both slept for a couple of hours and woke up ready to get outside and do something!

I spread the red cedar mulch in the area I cleaned up yesterday.
I have been thinking that are would make a nice secret hideaway for the grands.

Under the ladder, I put down a rubber door mat and covered that with a rug.
Then I hung up green fabric to create a little covering.

Sure enough!!! Trystan loved it and went off to get her tea things, crackers and cheese to have her very own private tea party!

We had the nicest Sunday!

Trystan enjoyed her afternoon with MeeMaw and Granddad all by herself.

From time to time, she would say, "What do you think the other kids are doing right now?"

She left the tea sets out there so they could all play together tomorrow with them.

Trystan had every bit of Granddad's attention!
She didn't have to share him with anyone!!

We got a lot done today.
Louis Dean bought two trumpet vines and planted them.
Trystan had picked up several bedding plants and she put them in pots.

I strung up some more lights in the garden and then Louis Dean poured us a glass of wine.

Trystan added a big jolt of joy to our day!

It was dark when we went in to prepare dinner.
Trystan's favorite is green pasta and green pasta was what she got!
I used some green spinach egg noodles plus the Basil Pesto from Costco. We also had a garden salad and candied carrots.

We ate at the den table and watched Singing in the Rain for our evening entertainment.
She enjoyed the dancing and made several quips about the movie.
"That girl's voice sounds squeaky."

Good classical entertainment!!

Trystan went off to bed and we tuned in to the end of the Oscars.
Man!!! Now THAT was entertaining!!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

Trystan is just beautiful! She does look like her mom. And you created the perfect little secret space! I think ALL kids love little hiding places. I love your fountain! Your yard looks like a fairyland at night. Poor Kailey, I hope she gets well soon.

Vee said...

I'll have to read about the Oscrs because you could not have paid me to watch them! Ha!

Another lovely day in the can...hope that sleep found you. What a wonderful hideaway created're just a little girl yourself so you know these things...👱🏻‍♀️Trystan will be so excited to share this delight with her sibs.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

such a great idea to have the one on one. that play tent is creative and FUN... love the watermelon rug in her play house.. I like to talk to people in stores, just like you did

Jill said...

Your granddaughter is so precious! Love your garden area and her little hide away space. We only seem to meet the nicest people in the stores too just by starting with a general conversation :-) Hope you have a wonderful week!


Susie said...

Linda, I think it is special for the quads to take turn being with you and LD. They will forever remember those times. I can remember every time I felt special growing up. It's looking pretty around your house ...getting ready for spring and summer. Blessings to all, xoxo, love you, Susie

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

What a lovely Sunday. We had a family lunch, I wrote about our day on my blog this morning!

I'm so eager to do some garden work (planting etc) but I know I must wait. We've been so mild but it can turn freezing again!

Judy said...

You are making wonderful memories with your grands...and documenting them so well right here! Loved the pic's of Trystan's outing to the garden centre.

Carole said...

Hi Linda - just a quick visit today. You are my new blog of the month - enjoy! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Linda said...

Trystan always reminds me of a fine porcelain doll.

Pondside said...

That jolt of joy that grandchildren give us is precious. It is such a special thing you're doing, taking the children home for one-on-one time with you two. Your Sunday looked perfect.

Nancy Chan said...

Your grand kids have so much love to share with others. Hope Kailey is well and about by now. Trystan enjoys being with you but at the same time thinking of her siblings as well. Great idea to have a secret hideout for the little ones, they will love it. Spending time with grand kids is such a blessed time.

Penny said...

Hope Kailey feels better soon. Looks like Trystan was very happy in her little den! X

vaiybora said...

Thank for your very good article.! i always enjoy & read the post you are sharing!
