Thursday, July 16, 2015

Quad Wednesday and a Homemaker Thursday!

I woke up in Quadville on Wednesday morning with a start!
It was a little after 9:00 and I was the first one awake. I LOVE how the quads love to sleep in!
I stumbled into the kitchen and spied this FALL Blend Starbucks coffee and popped it in the Keurig!

Ahh.....a cup of coffee before anyone else was up!
WRONG!!! I heard Kailey calling from under her bedroom door!!!
I rushed upstairs and cracked open the door and putting a finger to my lips signalling her to SHHHH.... whisked her downstairs! No worries. Kailey and I would have my morning coffee together! As I was stirring in the milk, I heard Harrison calling out, "Come GET me!!! Let me OUT!!!" Since I was trying to let Amber sleep, I, once again, rushed upstairs and escorted Harrison down!!! Just as I sat DOWN with my coffee, I heard the other two girls calling! Harrison gallantly said, "I'll go get them!" And so he did!!! They open the doors on the outside but there is childproof knobs on the inside of the doors. Thank goodness!!

I finally called Louis Dean as I was sipping my coffee - with four little quadlings trying to talk to him too!!!

My first order of business was to comb the girls hair.

They all have beautiful hair but Logan's is the fullest and the curliest!

She is a doll baby!

Amber was soon downstairs herself and she cooked up some delicious pancakes for breakfast!

This is Logan singing her MeeMaw song!!!

I see Harrison found my new purple camera and took a selfie on it!!

We had spent a leisurely morning so it was nearly noon by the time I loaded them all up in the Suburban and drove them to my house - leaving my car for Amber if she needed it!

As soon as we got home, they headed for the gazebo!
There's just something about kids that makes them want to play outside!

They played and Granddad watched and I prepared lunch!

Their favorite place to eat!

We cleaned up the toys and lunch - cleaning up after each activity helps me function better - and got ready for NAPS!!!

This time I opted to put everyone down on their very own blanket on the den floor.
That allowed Louis Dean to get some quality rest in the guest room all by himself.
He was struggling yesterday both with his knee and his asthma.

Logan was the last to sleep so she was the last to wake up.
Kailey woke first so I sent her in to see Granddad.
Harrison woke soon after.
Trystan was next and that's when we went to the guest room!!!

I played several versions of the Lollipop song on my iPad for them and it was no time until they were singing along! THEN I gave them all lollipops of their own!! We bagged them up to take home and show Mama - since it takes a LONG time to eat a lollipop!

We waited for Logan before we started the Fruit Loop necklaces!
I was in the kitchen when she woke up. She came bounding in there to me and said, "I woke UP! I slept a LONG time and I feel SO much BETTER!!!"
Sleep does that!!!

It's so much fun to have three year old grandchildren!
EVERYTHING is new to them and they enjoy every little bit of it!

They were busy little bees stringing up those necklaces!!

I LOVE how the kids LOVE each other!!!!

Since I had extra Fruit Loops - I decided to make a Trail Mix for them!
I used to make these for Amber and Benjamin all the time!

We raided the pantry for any kind of goodies we could find!
Pecans, cashews, Rice Chex, Fruit Loops, Cheerios, marshmallows, butterscotch balls, I even added some candy corn to the batch!

I LOVE Logan's expression when she discovered the.....


We played some more in the sandbox before Louis Dean picked up pizza for our supper - which we ate in the gazebo!!
Two easy peasy clean up meals!

The kids now play WITH strollers instead of being IN them!
They grow up so fast!

They ALL love their Granddad but Logan was especially loving that day!!!

No pics but we went to the FRONT yard to do water play and take shower baths with the water hose.
Watered the yard, plants, flowers and KIDS all at one time! Win! WIN!!!!
I even brushed their teeth outside!
I brought them all in to the den,  clean and in their pajamas, to read yet one more chapter of Farmer Boy before it was time to load them up and take them home.

They hugged Granddad goodbye!!
It's often hard to get a good pic since they are always MOVING!!

Maybe you can see  better in this video.

My sweet daughter missed her children - even as sick as she was!
She was ready to have them back home with her!
You can't tell by this photo but she has yet another insult to her health - PINK EYE in BOTH eyes!!!
It just never seems to end!
She IS improving, slowly.
This is so frustrating for her but I think she is so completely exhausted that she's climbing a very steep slope to regain her strength!

A Quad Wednesday nearly always insures a SLOW Thursday!!

I like to wake up slowly......and linger in bed over a book and a few Scrabble or Words With Friends games before I get up. Once that bedroom door opens, the day is ON! Until then, I can hide and have ME time!

The only real housework I did today was in the bedroom!
It is my FAVORITE room in all the house!
This is MY side of the bed!
It is closest to the back door which is nice when the weather is cool and I have the attic fan on.
Today I 'hid' the bulky radio which is always tuned to WRR 101.1 classical music UNDER the table.
I can still hear it without it taking up valuable table space.

This is HIS side of the bed. HIS books are currently on the bedside table in the guest room as that is where he spends part of every night since he's been sick.

I fluffed and tweeted the bird cage I bought at the Goodwill a few weeks ago.

I filled it full of lace covered ornaments I made for a Christmas long ago.

There was enough to fill a basket as well.

Every once in a while I just need to go in and hang everything up and sort through stuff and make it all PRETTY again!

Light some candles and CELEBRATE 'clean!'

My bathroom is my next favorite room!
Tiny but PERFECT - to me!

I'm glad I am blurry in this pic! 
I had to stand in the shower to get a shot of the new skirting I put on my tiny dressing table.
I used the pretty plastic tablecloth I bought on Tuesday. I doubled it, stapled it to the edge and then draped down the top to hide the staples.
Underneath the curtain is where my make up and toiletries are stored.

I have had this set of scripture cards for over 30 years.
They are worn and frayed and some are missing but I still pull out a card every morning to read and meditate on throughout the day.

This is my small make up chair and I used plastic lace to fashion a little skirt for it.
It was originally a black chair I purchased from Target and spray painted it white. Last year - or the year before - I added a bit of black and white zebra print duct tape to cover a small tear.
I just keep redeeming something until there's nothing left to work with!

I try to 'redeem' as much as I can!!
Nita gave me an old mattress cover Mother had and I used the padded part as batting for a quilt.
I cut the elastic gathering around the edges and have used just about all of the YARDS I salvaged in a number of ways. It looks kind of lacy makes perfect ties for the skirting!

It's late but I managed to finish this journal entry BEFORE midnight!!
I am about to go out and water the front yard now - and then go to bed!
As far as I can tell, we have FOUR more 'free' days to rest and recuperate before there is any scheduled activity! Louis Dean has been in bed for much of this day and he is beginning to wonder if he will EVER get well! He's in his late 70's and Amber is just 30 years old and wondering the same thing about HER!! As far me, I'm just trying to hold my own!!!


Wanda said...

Linda, each time I come to your posts, I just feel such a connection and feel like you have truly invited me in to share your life. What a busy but fulfilling day you had. Those quads and the videos are so cute and that laughter...contagious.
Love your bedroom and all the lacy things. What good use you made of that plastic lace table cloth. I had one years ago when I had a Country Kitchen and a maple table that seated 10. I miss that old home reminds me a lot of it, so when I come to visit you.... I get a little nostalgic. Sending love and hugs dear girlfriend.

Jutta said...

Your favorite room, the bedroom, is beautiful! The colors are wonderfully soothing and light - Sweet Dreams, my Friend!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

What wonderful grand parents you two are! And what a gift the quads are. I loved every moment of visiting with you and hearing about the quads antics.
I was 32 when I gave birth to my seventh child. All about 13 and 14 months apart and reading about the quads reminds me of our gang. The seventh child was a snap as I had the help of the older children. This is not the case with the quads..but there was always one or two in diapers...and one on the way. Hmmm...wasn't that line in a Country song?
:) Hugs to you, dear friend. I think you are wonderful and so is your husband.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

p.s. Your home is adorable!! :)

Blondie's Journal said...

Awwww...lost my comment/ Love you as a grandparent--heck, everything. You make life so fun and energetic---you are an inspiration!! I could go on forever but the arm is broke.

Prayers for LD. He has GOT to get better.

Jane x

Penny said...

I think it is very natural for LD to feel low and wonder if he will get back to full strength and energy again, but really it is only a matter of days, in real terms, since he had a general anaesthetic, and that takes a long time to get back out the system, especially in the chest. He will get there! X

Stacey said...

I'm laughing because I can just picture the littles laying on the floor and yelling under the crack of the door. That's life with kids....when you think there's a break there's not!

Your bedroom is so pretty and cottagey. I love the lights on your front porch.

Susie said...

Linda, Sending prayers for LD and Amber. Hugs for everyone. I know that all you do is so helpful for your daughter. I remember my mother helping with my children at times. I remember my MIL helping when I had the my twins. I am so thankful for those times, even today. I love seeing all your pictures. Blessings to all , love you girl, Susie

Vee said...

God is able and willing to heal and restore...praying. I see the quads learning so much about love and empathy...perhaps it is for the deepening and strengthening of that gift. Read bits and pieces of this to John and he went straight to praying. Gotta love a man who does that. I notice that you so love creating order and beauty even in chaotic times...everything you touch is better for it. Praying quiet, restful, healing days for all. Sending love...

Arlene G said...

I was glad to see your post this morning Linda as I was worried about you and LD! Poor eye is the gift that keeps on giving. I hope the quads do not get it!! Thanks for the tour of your bedroom...loved the picture of those Scripture cards...worn ones are the best!! Hope you all see clear skies soon!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Poor Amber, pink eye is so painful, she just can't get a break health wise, but she always looks happy. i enjoyed the early am coffee wake up story.. to funny

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

So sorry for Amber. Seeing the quad playing and spending time with you and Grandaddy is fun. So much love and they will cherish these memories forever. Your bedrooms is lovely Linda. Get some relaxing time in. Happy weekend.