Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving EVE!

I think I enjoy the EVE of a holiday as much - if not more - than the holiday itself!
The EVE is full of anticipation and preparation - the hustle and bustle of getting READY!
I LOVE it!

It was a beautiful day here in the Houston area!
WARM - high was in the 80's and when I cam in from caring for the quads today the camper was HOT!

Trystan was loving her 11:45 AM meal of sweet potatoes!

So did Logan Love!!

Now that the feeds are FOUR hours apart - I had time to whip up a batch of Popcorn Crunch for us to munch on during the Thanksgiving Day football games!

It was an interesting day in the RV park....
as I left this morning a retired couple from Washington were leaving.
They were headed to New Orleans to meet up with some cousins.

When I returned this afternoon another big rig was pulling in from out of state.
They are here to spend Thanksgiving weekend with family in Spring, Texas.
This was the closest RV park with an availability.
They stopped by to visit for a few minutes and admire my Santa paintings. 
She wanted to BUY one of them! I had to tell her they are still in progress ....and not for sale.
We told them about the HEATED pool and great hot tub.
Guess where they are now?

Louis Dean is outside now carving up the turkey he cooked today.

I have already mixed up the stuffing made from homemade cornbread and wheat bread.
The pan I used is a vintage metal wash basin - all dented and full of character!!
I bought it at an estate sale years ago!
Wonder where it's been and the stories it could tell!

All is done now!! We are just sitting by the fire and counting our blessings!
This Thanksgiving Day will be a memorable one.
Amber's dad - my husband for 41 years - arrived today to see the quads for the very first time.
We will all be spending the day together tomorrow.
This will be the first holiday Amber has had BOTH her parents with her at the same time since she was 17 years old! Jesse will be with his lovely wife, Cynthia, and I with my beloved Louis Dean.
Together we will all celebrate the wonder of four precious babies.
Isn't the grace of God absolutely amazing?

To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.  

~Johannes A. Gaertner


Denise said...

I am so glad that Amber will have both parents tomorrow, what a wonderful way (quads) to get everyone together! I need the recipe for popcorn crunch!

Carole said...

Linda, I hope the day goes really well for you all. You and your ex are so grown up to be able to spend the day together. My fingers are crossed for you that no one will get too stressed out - especially you!

Kathy said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Looks like you are all ready for it. So exciting to have the quads' first Thanksgiving. I'll be looking forward to the pictures I know you are going to be taking.

Bernice said...

Have Happy Thanksgiving Linda
Enjoy every minute:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this year you have MUCH MORE to be thankful for than last year. Happy Thanksgiving.

Linda said...

It is really easy! Pop a couple of pans of popcorn the old fashioned way - on top of the stove. I suppose you COULD use microwave popcorn if it's plain. Melt 1 stick (1/2 c.) butter, 1 cup sugar, 2 Tablespoons white corn syrup, 2 Tablespoons water in a saucepan. Bring to boil and cook - stirring constantly! - until it is thick and pulls away from the sides of the pan. Pour this hot mixture over popcorn and toss it to coat all the kernels. Spread on waxed paper to cool. Break it up and store in air tight tin!

Anonymous said...

You have so much to be thankful for for this year so have a wonderful Thanksgiving Linda!

Anne x

Angie said...

This will for sure be a memorable Thanksgiving for all of you! Hope it's full of blessings.
I wish we could have some of your warm weather :)

darlin said...

Linda to live in gratitude is indeed touching heaven, there's no other way for me to live now that I've discovered the joy, peace, serenity, humility and strength living in gratitude bestows upon us. What a life, what a feeling.

That's fantastic that you get along with Amber's Dad, your ex; what a treat for her to have both of her parents at a family dinner!

Wishing you and all of your loved ones a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving!