Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Split Shift

Louis Dean and I woke up to a crispy cold fall morning! I LOVE waking up to COLD!
It wasn't actually what MOST people call 'cold' this time of year! In the upper 30's but close enough to count as 'cold' here in the Houston area!
We had coffee and did our Bible reading before making the 6 minute drive to Quadville.

Louis Dean said, "Take a picture of THIS!!!"
He and Harrison check out the stock market every morning on Fox Business channel.
I think Harrison is going to be an E*Trade baby!

I made up the bottles for the day while Amber took Kailey to the pediatrician.
What was Louis Dean doing? Taking a hot bath!!
He really misses our bath tub at home and uses Amber and Mike's guest bath every chance he gets!
He and I did the 11:00 feed and cared for the babies until after the 2:00 one.
Then we came home to the camper.

We got a lot done in just a few hours!
We had gone 'Dumpster Diving' the other day and found a baker's rack.......

While I vacuumed the camper and did some routine housework - LD cleaned up the 'find!'
I am using it in the camper bath tub to hold some of my clothes.
Storage is at a premium around here and since we don't use the tub (we DO use the showers at the bath house across from the camper!) I can have a bit of extra space in there to put 'stuff!'

I fluffed and cleaned and straightened while Louis Dean took a nap!

I lit candles and enjoyed the feeling of 'Home!'
I even managed to paint for a little while outside in the gazebo area.

The we headed back to Quadville - picking up some Subway Sandwiches on the way for our suppers!
You can't go wrong with a Subway!!

Mike was working late tonight so we helped Amber do the evening routine.

I just love being a part of the babies' everyday life!
It was good to hear Amber read to them this evening before they were tucked into bed.
Louis Dean told me yesterday,
 "You, know, Linda, - not many people have the opportunity to do what we are doing." 
We do, indeed, treasure the time we get to spend bonding with these amazing little babies.

"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for."
Author Unknown


Carole said...

Linda would love to know how much taller they are getting. My sister used to take a pic of her little ones beside a big teddy at regular intervals so you could see how they were growing! Lovely post as always.

Blondie's Journal said...

I love reading about your days...always interesting and full of fun! Love the baker's rack, what a clever use for it!


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Ever thought of compiling "all-about-the-Quads", into a book? :-) Such fun, hu? And think of all the good tips, which it could give, to future moms/dads-of-multiples...

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Oh and I just love the pic of LD and Harrison, checking out the stock market!!!!!!!!!!!! So, so, so, so, so cute.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love that first shot, the size of his hand and the baby just appeals to my heart.

Vee said...

What great photos all. I am rather jealous of your dumpster find. ☺ Though you do need it more than I do. I like what LD said about what you two are doing. That's the finest way to look at it. Gosh those children are growing to beat the band. So very adorable.

Kathy said...

What a lovely life you are living. I am sure you are cherishing every day with your grands.

Carla said...

Love the picture of LD and Harrison. You find the best stuff. Maybe I should pay you to be my personal shopper since I'm not into shopping really.
I was tagged in a game of blog-tag and in turn TAGGED You. http://mylifealittleofthisalittleofthat.blogspot.com/2012/11/i-have-been-tagged.html
Have and Awesome Day!

Deb said...

definately a lot cooler around here...love the guys photo..