Thursday, February 4, 2016

Tuesday Treasures and an Easy Peasy Quad Wednesday!

Tuesday was Mother's last day with us - for this visit, anyway!
I fixed us a hot breakfast of oatmeal, bacon and toast and we settled in to watch the news as they rehashed the results of the Iowa Caucus. 
I had an afternoon appointment with my urologist and actually felt guilty for taking up his time as I am doing so well!!! Life is so wonderful without those constant bladder infections!!
I can actually sit through a Sunday morning church service or a movie without getting up several times! AND I sleep for up to 4 hours at a time at night!! Awesome!!!
Still, I am on a low dose of antibiotic every day so Dr. Bloom changed my prescription to something we hope will work just as well. If not, I can always go back to the old medicine.
We had a nice visit and I mentioned Louis Dean and I will be taking a train trip up to New England this fall. That's where Dr. Bloom grew up and he was all excited about sharing where to go and what to do! I will have one more appointment before our trip so he said he would make a list for me! It's nice to see the personal side of your doctor. No many doctors share much of their life with their patients and I can understand that, too.

Since this WAS a Tuesday and since Ruth Ann WAS in town (she has been spending some quality time at her farm) I called her to see if she was up to meeting me at Goodwill!!!

Minutes later, there we were - talking a blue streak as we walked up and down the isles, browsing and chatting at the same time!!

Ruth Ann brought me luck because I found a good crop of goodies!!!

This large tray was a bargain and still had the original price sticker of $24.99 on the back!
I've already used this today to carry plates and such to the den table for both lunch and dinner!
It made clean up easier too!

This was a good score! A bag full of bouncy balls for just $0.45!!!
This should be fun to play with!

You never know what all is in the little plastic bags but this one had some good things!!

Mr. Potato Head will live in the sand box!

This large crock pot cleaned up really nice!
Can you HAVE too many crock pots???
I think NOT!

I bought this one toaster oven and it replaced a toaster AND a little toaster/oven - neither one of which worked properly! Now - more counter space!!!

A handy desk accessory for keeping my notes and papers in order.

Ah!!! I just LOVE these things!!!
They are already stored up with my other fall debris, but within reach when I feel the need for a little sunflower therapy! Those two 'wine bottles' are actually candles!!!

Red candles and coffee cups for Valentine's!!!

Last but not least - a dozen plastic picnic plates and utensils for use this summer!
Tuesday Treasures!!!

Ruth Ann came back to the house and we all enjoyed tea and cookies and continued to visit, this time adding Mother and Louis Dean to the party!

Before we took Mother home last night, we went out to eat at Chili's.
It was a good visit but she was SO glad to get home!!!
As soon as she got to her room, she sunk down in her easy chair and said, "Thank GOD!"
I think she went home with a grateful heart for how comfortable she has it at Deanie's!!!
Her own suite with private bathroom. An easy chair next to her bed and her own TV!
I couldn't resist telling her I'll be back to pick her up in two weeks!!! For real!

It was really late by the time we got home last night so we went straight to bed!!

This morning!!

We had just had coffee and got dressed when Logan was at the door ringing the bell!!!!

I had the Valentine decorations all ready so we trimmed the tree on the front porch!!

All decked out with paper plates and red ribbons!
Logan made sure the BACK of the tree got decorated, too!!!

It was too cold to play outside much and with the wind blowing - not a good idea!
SOOOOOO......they played with Valentines in the living room floor for a long time.

Harrison sorted out the 'boy' ones and stacked them beside him.
The girls wrote on some of them with markers and used stickers.
Kailey carefully put Valentines in white envelopes and then stuck a heart sticker on the front!
She did over a dozen of these!

Our meals were easy ones today.
Pizza and milk, fries and yogurt for lunch and served in the den.
Naps always follow lunch.
The kids love listening to the Little House books. I'm thinking ahead to introducing them to The Boxcar Children in the next few years! I loved those book when I was a little girl.
While I told the kids they didn't have to SLEEP, they must REST!!
Kailey told Trystan, "Trissy, I'm gonna lay WAY OVER HERE since I keep messing with you!!"
Last week she DID mess with Trystan - but not today!!
That Kailey Girl really does try HARD to be good!!!
All five went sound asleep - Granddad included!!
I spent the time catching up on some of my favorite blogs!

We did art appreciation after naps:
Woman With a Cat by Renoir.
The cat looks just like their kitty, Bandit!!!

Trystan decided the lady has the same color hair SHE does!
When we talked about what we can see in the painting, I asked if they thought this was a window behind them and that was the sky?
Trystan said, "No, MeeMaw! That's a blue wall!"
Trystan won my heart when she asked, "Did YOU paint this, MeeMaw??"

Keeping with the indoor theme - we decided to play Chutes and Ladders.

Kailey didn't want to play so she got my camera and took a LOT of  'pishurs!'
THIS was the best one and I had to clean it up a bit!!
What was so funny that about half way through the game, Trystan said, "This is just NOT that much FUN!!" I was thinking the very same thing! Game OVER!

We moved on to water color papers and they liked that so much better!!
Me, too, since this gave me a chance to prepare dinner!

Smoked sausage, oven roasted potato wedges - both white and sweet potatoes - bread and applesauce.
The parents picked them up just as they were finishing up a Paw Patrol!

Win! WIN!!! for an easy peasy Quad Wednesday!!
Even so, Louis Dean and I were both tired and have spent the whole evening in the den watching Apollo 13 while I blog here at the coffee table as I sit on the floor!
I'm hoping I can get UP now!!! It won't be graceful, folks!! That I can promise!!


Kathy said...

You did really good shopping yesterday! So glad you had a good time with your mom and an easy quad day. Those kids never cease to amaze me with the way they think through things and make their decisions. (I think it's a blue wall in that picture too.) Dinner sounded good!

jamarson1 said...

You have been busy! I love reading what you have been up to:)

Arlene G said...

I think the older we get the more we like our own place and our own routines! Glad you had a good report at the doctor and I love New England. That trip sounds like fun. I hope we get to ride along!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

we love sausage and potatoes like that. i love the photo of art appreciation. you really found a lot of treasure this trip... more fun chatting while shopping.. woo hoo the valentine tree is UP... love it

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I haven't done art appreciation with my younger kids as much as I did with my older kids. I'll have to remedy that! You did have an good quad Wednesday. I'm so glad you had a special visit with your mother. Even just a few days is fun, and gives Deanie a bit of a break. Your mother is blessed to have such caring children.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Also if you happen to come through Pennsylvania, on your way to New England, we'd love to have you visit!

Estelle's said...

What darling ideas to entertain the precous quads! You are never at a loss for craft projects! Amazing!!! I think you found some treasures at daughter and I were laughing the other day on my love for crockpots..right there with you on that one! And my darling....I am in love with the tray! Y'all have a great weekend!

Linda said...

Gracious Linda I don't know where to start with this post. Going from your mom at 89 to 3 year old quads is quite a jump. Wow. You did very good on your Goodwill shopping. Some useful things there. Don't share your love of crockpots but that's a nice one. Always enjoy pictures of the quads & hearing stories about them. I'm so excited both of you are well, keep doing whatever you're doing. I have absolutely wonderful memories of a fall trip to New England.

Susie said...

Linda, Funny how fast your two days went by. Your mom seemed to have enjoyed her time with you and LD. You know it's nice to have our own beds to sleep in ..The kids are growing so much. They are really going to be artist in many ways. Good to see Ruth Ann. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Bev said...

I finally had time to visit your enjoyed it:)!!!

Daniela @Frugal Aint Cheap said...

Your days are surely filled all things beautiful!

Penny said...

Love your Valentines tree Linda. The children are just adorable. They play so well together! X