Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Tuesday!!! Movie and Goodwill! No Art - But Two out of Three is not bad!!!

It was a TUESDAY all the way!!! Well, NEARLY!!
We got our movie in early as Amber came over after she dropped the kids off at school and swung through a couple of errands and then picked up coffee for Mother and LD and Cokes for us!!

I felt so blessed that Amber would spend that most special commodity - TIME - with her Grandma and Mom!!! Amber does not have many hours in a week to call her own and to share several of them today with us just made my heart sing!

Our movie was Spectre!!! I saw it opening week in the theaters with Amber and Mike so this was our second viewing. I do love BOND - AND Daniel Craig!!! He is my most favorite Bond! It may have something to do with the fact that he reminds me so much of my son, Benjamin!

Louis Dean continued in his role of Carson - only Louis Dean really does know how to cook!!!
He made our lunch for us and we ate it while continuing with our movie!
We were on a strict time table!! Amber only has SO MUCH 'free' time!!!

After she left, I went out to do my Goodwill run!!!

It was a good one!!! I love all things 'coffee!'

I fell in love with these dishes!!!
They go perfect with my spring colored plates!!!

I bet these stemless wine glasses could tell stories!!!

While I didn't get around to doing art today - I DID buy two square canvases for later projects!
I hope to paint tomorrow evening and finish my brother's birthday painting of his dog, Pepper Jack.

I found this sweet little dress or top and will tuck it into the drawer in the guest room for when the grand quads need something to wear while they are here. We DO dress for tea, you know!!

I LOVE love LOVE easy comfy dresses to wear in the evening!!
This one fits the bill and can sub as a night gown as well!!!

Comfy Chico jeans, classic white tee and a Liz Claiborne shirt!
PERFECT for this weekend in Galveston!!!

I could NEVER pass up a Banana Republic tee!!!!

One more great outfit for this weekend!!!

I am on a ROLL with this comfy twosome!!!
Plus I have a pair of grey sports pants to go with the top - in case those white pants get dirty in the sand and surf!

As soon as I got home this afternoon, my cousin who lives across the street came over to repair our washing machine!!! It appears the culprit to the pump going out was DOG HAIR!!! I did not realize I needed to clean the filter - but I will be doing that NOW!!!

Our utility room is hard to photograph!!!
It is right next to the den and I have pretty curtains to separate the two rooms.
However, for daily use - we keep them drawn back!

I had to take ALL this stuff off and OUT so Joe could fix the washer!!!
The washer HERE is actually hooked up behind the dryer .....


THIS is the area between!!!
I do have a TON of debris here and it was like working a jigsaw puzzle putting it back together!
It didn't go back as it WAS - but it all DID go back!!!

We ended our evening out in the gazebo - one of our favorite places!!!
Since we had a big lunch, dinner was cheese and crackers and fruit and cottage cheese! And WINE!
Wine for US, that is!!! Louis Dean had built us a fire outside and we sat and visited while we sipped and snacked. Then Mother said her good night's and went to bed while Louis Dean went in to take a hot soaking bath. 
It's time to join him in the den to watch NCIS that we recorded earlier before we head off to bed as well! It has been a good day. We have so much to be thankful for - and I AM very blessed for this life I get to live!!!
Tomorrow is Quad Wednesday and Mother will be in for a TREAT!!!!


Deb said...

Did I read Galveston? One of my favorite places to go

Kathy said...

I love the outfits you got. They are great! I never find things like that. It was nice of Amber to stop over. I know your mom must have liked that a lot.

Linda said...

How long are you going to be gone?

Jutta said...

LD is a really good cook! I liked the outfits you found, Linda! Good job.

Janet said...

Thank you for the information on the filter for the washer. I never knew that there was one. Had my husband check the filter and there were coins in it.
Aloha from Hawaii

Janet said...
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Penny said...

Great haul at the charity shop Linda! X

Hootin Anni said...

I would love to have a gazebo like yours...I'd never wanna venture much further.
The burger looks divine.
And I too LOVE Daniel Craig.

Vee said...

Have a happy quad day! Make sure that your mom has her tea party gear.

Your days are always full and happy!

peggy said...

What a haul! Wish me luck, that's what I am doing today. Love your "Carson" reference, I am sooo glad he got what was coming to him, smart gals, Mrs. Hughes and Mrs Patmore. You are so lucky your Carson is such a good cook and a good person.

Nancy Chan said...

The lunch LD cooked looks so yummy. Lovely outfits.

Susie said...

Linda, You are right about TIME...it is our most precious commodity. A gift. I love that Amber got to be with her mommy and grandmother too. I absolutely love time with my daughters and their families. My daughter Angie says, "Mom there's a standing invitation , every Sunday for you to come to brunch." Just her doing that makes me happy. I love visiting with her. You found some cute outfit for your trip. I love the bright plaid shirt. Dang, that man of yours is a good cook. My man can cook on the grill....that's the only place, cause I do not want him making messes in my kitchen. Girl, as you know we women have to do the clean up, most often. Blessings to all of you, hug your mom for me. xoxo,Love you, Susie

MadSnapper n Beau said...

there is a filter on a washing machine? wow, that is scary since i have never cleaned one out. you hit the clothing jack pot.. so glad Amber got to spend fun time with you

Aloha Acres said...

What a beautiful day. It warms my heart to see your three generations of ladies just spending time together. How precious

Gypsy Heart said...

I understand about time spent with lovely daughters! I'm so glad you had the time with Amber. You made an awesome haul at Goodwill! I never find the good stuff like that. I'm getting ready to take a bunch of things to my local Goodwill donation station ~ some new that, for some reason, I've kept. I'm doing the 40 bags in 40 days and clearing out! I feel claustrophobic when I go into my closet...and it's small. :)


Carol said...

Looks like LD sure can cook. Also, I am proud that your daughter takes the time to spend with you.