Thursday, February 4, 2016

Meet my daughter, Summer Dee!

Meet my daughter, Summer Dee!!!

I wish everyone could meet her in person because she is so much fun!!
I could tell you stories that would have you laughing so hard!! Sometime I will have to write these down and share them so I will have them always!
She is is the daughter of my youth - as in I had just turned 15 a month before she was born!
I told her the older day, "I am getting OLD!" and she said, "I'm right there behind you!!"
She and I are a lot alike in many ways!
We both love road trips and we have an uncanny way of thinking and saying the very same thing at the very same time. It's almost spooky!

My Thursday got off to a good start when I saw this photo of her on Facebook this morning!!
To know Summer Dee is to LOVE Summer Dee!!!

I spent a leisurely morning and didn't start my work until 2:30 this afternoon!!

I have been waiting to get back on my dining room project and this was THE day!
The wallpaper has been up since August 1983. I DO love wallpaper and am replacing this with MORE paper!!

I took all the trim down and then the paper which stripped off fairly easily.
We located the wall sizing and the Kiltz so I am ready to go into Phase II tomorrow!
I left all the paper strips on the floor and decided to go up to the jam session this evening!

Louis Dean hadn't been since sometime in early November and everyone had missed him!

Here he is sitting by Sam - one of his favorite musicians!

He was in his element and we had a good time.
The ring leader of this group is named Ecky and she had ordered pizza while others brought salad and a Red Velvet Cake! I'm glad we went! Louis Dean goes early (it starts at 6:00) and I arrived at 7:00. They take a break for food and fellowship and then sing again until 8:30 at which time Ecky closes the evening by having everyone sing and play 'Happy Trails!'
I'm glad we went!


This was something else on Facebook today that made me smile!!
That's exactly what Louis Dean is getting for Valentine's Day!!!

********WHAT in the WORLD is going on with BLOGGER????*********
When I share my post to Facebook, it puts a photo I have never seen before in my life instead of one I'm using in my post! NO CLUE how to fix this!!!


Vee said...

She is a beautiful gal with a gorgeous smile. I enjoyed reading these descriptions of her.

Now doesn't that steak look great? John would far rather have that than a bunch of chocolate anyway.

Debbie said...

She's a beautiful girl with personality written all over her face. What a great idea on the steak. Both hubby and I would love that!

Jackie See said...

Love the meaty Valentine! I started having problems with your blogger a couple of weeks ago. When I click on your blog link from my blogger dashboard it takes me to you tube. I have not seen this before? I will do some inquiring and let you know. Your music night sounds like a lot of fun!

Penny said...

Beautiful picture of Summer! That steak Valentine made me laugh, we don't get anything like that here, though we sometimes get little heart shaped cheeses which are really cute. And of course biscuits etc, but I have never seen a heart shaped Steak Valentine! X

Stacey said...

Hello Summer. Nice to meet you. :)

I've had that problem with Facebook too. Tried to get help from my blog designer and she couldn't figure it out either. I upload the picture manually when that happens.

Latane Barton said...

I am with you on that problem with blogger. I do know that they are fixing it to where we can not accept comments from anyone who does not have a Google account. Google is trying to control everything on the computer. Reckon we ought to mutiny? hehe.

Estelle's said...

I can second that emotion! Having met Summer at the Christmas Tea, she was delightful! She has a dazzling smile, very articulate and so interesting to talk to! Wish I could have visted with her longer! I know you are a proud Mama! Hugs!

Arlene G said...

Linda, I have been having problems posting to some of my favorite blogs. I was not sure if it was my computer or blogger. Most of them post on FB so I go there to comment. I seldom put my posts on my FB page so I am not sure if that is acting up as well or not. Technology gets us addicted then decides to Play with

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i love the photo of Summer and since you had her so young she is like a sister also. no wonder you have fun together. she always looks happy and so do you and your mother. I rarely go to FB but i just tried posting my blog and it picked the pic ok. maybe it was a one time fluke..

Susie said...

Linda, I laughed about that big old Valentine you are giving LD. I know you are close to Summer...some times kids raising kids, I am tight with my Angie, having had her when I was 16. Your Summer looks so happy, sweet dimples shining whenever she smiles. I know it did you and LD good to be out with the musicians. Blessings to all of you for a great weekend, xoxo, love you, Susie


Even her lovely name fits her pretty face and personality and yes, I would imagine she's so much like you and you have such fun together.
How fun time you both had with the musicians, specially dear LD.
Have a great weekend my friend.

Linda said...

Yes, I saw 'Summer's' photo on facebook....and it looked nothing like her. She has a fabulous smile. I'm glad you enjoy each other so much!!!

Pondside said...

Your Summer has a gorgeous smile!
I love to see the posts about how much fun you and LD have as you support one another in each one's activities. Music and art and family - you two are rich!

Nita said...

Summer surely does brighten up a room. So glad LD went to a jam session, I it made his day, and of course you enjoyed watching him enjoying himself.

Debby said...

Summer is beautiful like her Mama. You were so young. I think your fellowship get togethers sound like so much fun. Good luck with the wallpaper.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You were a baby when you had Summer! She's a lovely woman, joyful as I always see her beaming! Please do tell us stories of her, your stories are delightful.

Glad you are getting your dining room project going again. Its fun to make over a room and have it feel fresh and new.

Glad you both made it to the jam session.


Changes in the wind said...

Love her name "Summer Dee" and that great smile.

Debbie said...

What a lovely daughter, and such a lovely name!!
How wonderful to have a close relationship with her.
Hope the wallpaper goes up as easy as it came down!
Looks like your evening was fun with the music and food!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

Beautiful face and smile. Love her name. Blogger does have issues here and there. There is a code you put in your template, so Facebook will select the right pictures.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful image of Summer Dee!
For over two months I struggled with Blogger. I almost quit blogging, Linda. I chose to go to WordPress. Most of my blog time of late has been spent learning and navigating. I'm up and running, and easing myself back into the groove.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Go Broncos!

Sweet Tea said...

You were a mere child yourself when Summer was born.
Great that you two have such a wonderful relationship.
Kudos to you!

Ordinary J said...

I wish I had a baby when I was 15 because I think it's so nice to have a daughter who is close to my age and then grandchildren when I am still young. We could be shopping together now and go travelling together. But back then when I was 15, I went to an all girls school. My parents made me go to so many tutoring classes after school that I didn't even have time to watch TV, let alone dating. I didn't start dating until I was 23, when I was already working in an investment bank in Hong Kong. I missed the proms, and all the teenage romance that everyone else experienced. I don't remember a thing from my youth other than schools and homework, and more school after school. This is why I love watching teenage TV dramas now, to escape into what I had missed when I was young.

Aloha Acres said...

Your daughter is so beautiful and that smile says it all.

Vee said...

Five days and no post...did Blogger run you off with its uppity, difficult ways?