Thursday, February 18, 2016

Mother, Mexican Food and Getting Ready to PARTY!!

Another short post! TWO in a row!!! There will NOT be a third!
We have great plans for this weekend - my sisters and I!

This afternoon Mother was packed up to go back to Deanie's and I was packed up for our Sisters Weekend in Galveston! We stopped to take one last pic before we loaded the car and took off for Fort Worth!

We had dinner at Pulidos and it was delicious!!!
You can see Mother is wearing her Pocket Talker and it really does help her hear better.
Not being able to talk plainly is bad enough without not being able to hear as well!

My super cute husband was excited about the Mexican food!
He said he wanted something with a lot of TASTE!!!

Everything was DELICIOUS - including my margarita!!!


I know it was National Drink Wine Day today - but I just had to go with that margarita!

After we took Mother back to Deanie's and visited a little while, Louis Dean dropped me off at Nita's.
This way I will already be here and Deanie lives close by so it will be easy to take off tomorrow!

I just love Nita and Mike's home!
The living room is so elegant!

There's SO many interesting things to look at over here!!

We started piling things together in a corner of the den!
I am so excited!!!
Deanie is feeling better, although she is far from well with this severe bout of diverticulitis and even Nita has been sick this week with a sinus infection. Come what may - we are loading ourselves into Nita's car in the morning and heading south and we are GOING TO HAVE FUN!!!
No doubt about it!!

Louis Dean called me when he got home! We miss each other already!
He will enjoy the next day or two and then he will be ready for me to come home!
I'm about to call him and tell him good night so I will close with this snippet of a video I made yesterday morning.

We've been doing Karate exercises together and he reminded me to do mine while I'm gone.
He said if I will call him, we can still do them together!!
When I was in Katy before we moved the camper down there, we would continue to take walks together as we did at home. We just talked on the phone while we walked. He would even say, "Okay! RIGHT foot, LEFT foot!" so we could walk in cadence.
I think that's kind of romantic!


Deanie W said...

You & LD are so cute together, I love you two ❤️

Deb said...

Have a fun girls weekend ❤️

Kathy said...

I love how you and LD love each other. Hope you have a fun weekend despite your ill messes. Getting away may be just what you all need.

Nancy Chan said...

You and LD are such a cute and loving couple, beautifully made for each other. I have not tried any Mexican food, they look delicious. Enjoy your trip with your sister.

Penny said...

So pleased to hear you are having a trip with your sisters. Hope Deanie is feeling much better soon. Take care on the road and have a great time! X

Susie said...

Linda, That one trip I would love to come along on. Take time to relax too. Your mom looked so good. I know you will miss LD. That will make your calls home more fun, when you tell him what all you girls are up to. Blessings, xoxo,love you, Susie

Debbie said...

Have a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL time with your sisters. How I would LOVE to do that! OH, and I agree....pretty romantic! You are LD are blessed with such a good relationship!

Beth said...

Enjoy your trip, Linda! I look forward to reading about your adventures. I was in Galveston just two days ago...we are visiting family in the Houston area. We enjoyed Moody Gardens very much. Mostly just loving spending time with family and the nice warm weather...we live in the midwest where it is still very much winter.

Arlene G said...

How fun!! I have two sisters and one day we are going to take a trip together!! You and LD are so cute...still like newlyweds!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the romantic right foot, left foot and a great idea to do the exercises together by phone. hope the three of you have a fab vacation together. and her home is really beautiful...

Debbie said...

What a fun post! I love that you are so "in love" with your sweetie.
Have a fun vacation.

Carla said...

Y'all are too cute together. I'm not sure David misses me that much when I go off. LOL I think he gets more done when I'm gone. I sure hope everyone is feeling better.

Cheapchick said...

You have a fabulous time on the girls trip - and you know what they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder, although I am not sure that is possible between you two :)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Have a grand time!

Jan said...

Have a wonderful time with your sisters!

Nonnie said...

Have a lovely time this weekend. The Mexican food looks fabulous!

darlin said...

The video gave me a chuckle, cute!

Sounds like a wonderful weekend, enjoy! :-)