Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Treasures, Visit from Amber, and Having Fun!

Brenda and I shopped for treasures on Monday instead of Tuesday so we could take advantage of the St. Patrick's Day sale at Thrift Giant. 

Ths sunflower cover is brand new with a $48 price tag attached.
I got it for $14.
Brenda spied the necklace while we were in the check out line and it is perfect for my outfit.
The top is brand new and still had the $36 price tag hanging on it.

Isn't this top cute??
Leggings will go with either outfit!

For when the weather gets hot!

I love this vase....

I was in need of a few shower curtain hooks.
Louis Dean is loving his John Wayne bathroom......but....
he handwashed a pair of his overalls and hung them on the shower rod.
Three of the matching hooks I had hanging the curtain are now missing.
No matter, I used three of these and will save the rest in case I need them.

I saw this basket of fire starters last week but the price was $15.
Monday it was $7.50
I intend to give it to Jesse, as he loves a good fireplace as much as I do.

Amber came to visit us on Tuesday and brought lunch for all of us.
She and Mike gifted us with an Alexa system for Christmas and she spent the afternoon setting it all up for us. Louis Dean was thrilled to have one in his music room so he can listen to whatever music he wants!

Today we took the car to be washed for the first time since we bought it.
I love the drive through carwash!

Next on the agenda was pedicures and that's always fun!

They all love Louis Dean!

Having fun!

It was a good day but there's never a dull moment!
I was cooking dinnner tonight and ran out to get some chicken from the freezer we have by the storage building for tomorrow night's meal.
I discovered that things were not frozen solid! The green light was off although the freezer was plugged in. I called LD to come quick! While he unloaded the big freezer, I went inside the clean out the kitchen one. Louis Dean bags up ice from the icemaker and puts them in zip lock bags, which is real handy in the heat of summer when we use a lot or when we entertain. I filled both sides of the sink with ice cubes while LD had such a sad look on his face.

All the chicken had just about thawed so I filled two crockpots up and will make casseroles tomorrow.

Turns out the freezer is working after all.
Louis Dean had been working with some power tools and had - for whatever reason - pulled the freezer plug out and then stuck it in the other outlet next to it. That one requires the switch to be turned on in order to work.

It was after 8:00 by the time I plated his dinner.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi LInda. Good save on all the chicken that had thawed out. You always find great bargains and fun things when you go thrifting. Having an Alexa system will be nice. Charly and I have been getting pedicures too because Charly has a hard time trimming his toe nails. We will have to wait for our next one until my broken foot completely heals and I get the walking boot off. I hope you are having a good week. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I'm so glad your freezer was not broken. I love your sunflower top, it is beautiful! The fire starter basket is too lovely to use, it is such a pretty decoration for fall.

Donna said...

Oh goodness! I'm so thankful that you found it in time to save the food!! Larry refuses to go with me for pedicures...sigh.
Looks like a lot of fun!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Wow, that was a close call on the chicken thaw! So glad you found it in time to save it! Looks like you will be eating chicken for a little while. That's okay! I love all your cute finds at the thrift store! and I am really wanting to get a pedicure someday. It's on my bucket list. My toenails are begging me to DO SOMETHING!! LOL. I mostly just wear socks to cover them up. But it's time...You make it look like so much fun!
I hope you have a marvelous weekend. Blessings to all...

Ann said...

You found some good deals while out thrifting. I like the outfits. Always great when you can get brand new things at a fraction of the original price.
Glad you were able to save that chicken and that the freezer is ok.

Chatty Crone said...

I am glad all that food did not go to waste! Great save. And the corn beef and cabbage looked delicious.

Shug said...

Good morning Linda.. I love the look on LD's face when you asked him if he was having fun. He really was enjoying this pedicure and the lady giving it was laughing too. You got some great deals and looks like your outfits are pretty snazzy!! So sorry about the freezer issues..this happened to me last year. Have a good one today.

Anonymous said...

Let's focus on the good news! You don't need a new freezer - yay! Sounds like LD was able to figure out the problem? Big yay! Now you have meat ready for several meals - yay! Now for wishes - I hope you slept well after cleaning up your dinner. Onward we go!

Anonymous said...

Ugh, forgot to say, From Maryellen

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Lots of great thrift finds, as always, Linda. A visit from Amber was nice to read about and a helpful one as well. Too bad about the freezer issue, but then you did get to make an unexpected crockpot meal, so all seemed to end well.

Wanda said...

You are going to have some tasty casseroles with all that chicken. Aren't casseroles great!! Your new outfits are adorable. I can just picture you in them. Think I need to visit the Goodwill close to our home. It will be fun to bring out my summer clothes I have packed away in a suitcase. Today is so beautiful and sunny. How nice to get a visit from Amber. You have such a lovely family. Sending hugs.

photowannabe said...

I love how you made do and now have some wonderful chicken meals t look forward to.
Glad the freezer was a simple fix...and your darling LD is so much fun in the video clip. Thanks for sharing those and your gorgeous new clothes..can't wait to see you all decked out in them.

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Love the video of Louis Dean getting his pedicure.

Yesterday was my blog's 18th anniversary, and to commemorate the occasion, I decided to do a throwback and re-post my very fjrst post. When I was reading the comments (all three of them, LOL), I was surprised to notice that one of them was from you. Isn't that something. (I included the link to the original post as well for anyone who might be interested in reading what the very first comments I received were). Looks like we go back much longer than I realized.

Anonymous said...

You sure were busy, and you have a !of of patience with LD lucky to have each other!

love zTrudy

Deanna Rabe said...

Oh I'm so glad you don't need to buy a new freezer!

You found really good stuff at the thrift! I love seeing you and LD having fun! You are helping him have dignity and as much of his normal life as possible. True love serves others, and that is you my friend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

Alexa sounds great, you can listen in a room and he can have his.. I know Myra loves hers.. so happy the freezer was a simple fix, you are living a wild roller coaster ride and doing it so well. amazing bargains at the sale, you will look adorable in the sunflower.. now I am wondering if our thrown water heater breaker was not thrown but turned off. did not think of that and hope it was because he turns off the pool pump by flipping the breaker, maybe he flipped it and doesn't remember. he lost a nose drop bottle full of fuel and we can't find it. he also lost his wallet but we found it only 4 feet from where he keeps it.. I asked him if he would go get a pedicure and he got very angry...cursed at the doctor, refused the referral to neurologist, refused the test to see if the pain that is keeping him from sleeping and walking well, they wanted to check the blood flow in artieries down his legs. the law says we cannot force him and there is no reasoning with him

Anonymous said...

Dear, dear Linda. yes, we can do a lot more than we think we can. You do a marvelous job of coping with everything life throws at you. You are a wonderful example of how God wants us to lean on Him when things get tough! Sounds like Mad Snapper may be going thru tough times as well. i have gone thru what you are experiencing. But leaning on God is the only answer. Bless you sweet lady.