Sunday, March 23, 2025

Weekend Happenings......

 Louis Dean is as happy as he can be when he has a project to do!

And he always has something he's working on!
I don't know what he's doing here but he does and that makes both of us happy.

I've been sorting through my recipe boxes and whittled four boxes down to one!
Recipes from dear friends from years ago remain treasures for me.

Louis Dean is enjoying his Alexa and I can hear him talking to her quite often.

Louis Dean is loving this new relationship with Alexa!
Thank you, Amber and Mike!

Spring is bursting out all over here in North Texas.
I saw this beauty on my way to Walgreens.

I finallyfinished the dining room on Friday!

I decided to go with a spring garden theme this year.

The lace gives it a romantic vibe, as well.

My next dinner party will not be until late May or early June, but I shall enjoy seeing the table setting until then. I usually change things out to sunflowers in June.

I'm calling this room done!

Saturday we celebrated the life of Lily Paul Painter.
She was a Proverbs 31 Woman if ever there was one and she blessed so many in her liftime, including me. She was Nita's first mother in law and made such a difference in her life.
When I said Lily had changed Nita's life to her daughter and my friend, Joni, she looked at me and said, "And Nita changed our life."
And so she did.

Nita and Lily in 2018

Lily was born on March 25, 1925 and left for her home in heaven on March 17, 2025.
She was just a few short days from 100th birthday.
I love that Christians can celebrate their loved ones moving on to the next life.
We both grieve and rejoice at the same time.

Didn't Louis Dean dress up nice???
He dressed hinself and did it well!
He's lost so much weight he had to punch new holes in his belt!
He and Deanie were so happy to see each other!
They bonded for life back in 2012 after the Bell quads were born and they drove back to the DFW  area and have been fast friends ever since.

We all gathered at Joni's home after the service and enjoyed visiting with everyone.
My nieces, nephew and his granddaughter, and my grand nieces, and so many friends and my siblings, 

Louis Dean and Joni.....

Louis Dean is so much fun and he did good!!
He is a social butterfly!

It's been a good Sunday here.
We watched Fellowship Church online and then Louis Deanworked on the fence gate while I did routine housework. And what it is that actually?
Putting out medicine for LD, feeding, watering and doing litter duty for the cats.
First thing was putting Samantha and Tabitha in the guest room before opening any door to the outside.
Tabitha has been getting out more and more and I' thinking of confining them during the days and letting them roam the house at night.
Empty the dishwasher, make meals, doing some gardening and washing the stone path with bleach, sweeping them with a broom and spraying with the water hose.
I could work all day long and never get to the end of the work I need to do.
I did start on the sewinng room and some of the Christmas is down.
Tomorrow I will finish up the job and start redecorating for spring.
I already know I will be using a Honey Bee theme!

Speaking of bees....I am excited that when we go down to the ranch soon ...Sherry and I will be opening the apiary and inspecting our hives in anticipation of splitting some of our hives.
We have continued to have bees but have not harvested in a few years.
Plans are afoot for the coming weekend and I am beyond excited to get down there and join Dean and Sherry in more of their adventures!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda! So glad you had a nice weekend. Your home always looks so inviting. L.D. looks great all dressed up in his suit. Lily sounds like a truly wonderful woman. I hope that you and L.D. have a good week. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I usually have a honeybee section in the house come closer to summer. I found an adorable bee flowerpot at dollar General. I have a pot of hydrangeas very similar to your beautiful one! I love your filmy swag with the lights in it!

Ann said...

Your dining room looks so pretty. I love springy looking things.

Susan said...

Nita and lily are surely dancing in heaven , so happy to be reunited! Joni is strikingly beautiful. The dining room looks just great. I would love to sit with you there and gab…..oh and isn’t Louis Dean the handsomest bugger!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

We have a whole horde of bees in the avocada tree right now, there are no live leaves, just dead and zillions of buds that are falling off like rain because of no rain for months. each bud has a bee.
sorry to hear about your friend passing, and mother was born sept 22, 1925, same year as your friend. LD looks so happy and handsome, his face glows with good humor when he smiles. gad he is keeping himself busy. good idea on keeping the cats closed in

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So sorry for the passing of your friend, and yet so happy for her! 100 years of life on this earth is more than enough for anyone! Now she has all of eternity to rejoice and celebrate with loved ones and friends gone on before...and your sweet Nita. You and LD looks so nice all dressed up. I LOVE your pretty springy dining room. It is so lovely...would be nice to have a spring tea party in there. It's nice you can decorate it and leave it that way for a while. We don't have a "real dining room", just an open great room, and the dining room table gets a lot of activity during the week, anything from mail, to groceries, or just whatever happens to be in my hands that needs a place to land for a spell. But then I fix it up when company's coming for dinner (or dropping by for a visit if I know in time! LOL) I'm sure you are like most of us retired folks, when it's just us, we don't eat at the table unless we have something really too soupy or messy to eat in our recliners in the living room. I never thought I'd be that person that eats at a TV tray most of the time, but it is so much more convenient and less bother when it's just us. I loved your post and all the pictures, and seeing your sister Deanie, after I mostly only know her from your book chapters as a child. She certainly turned out beautiful like you and your sister Nita. When I read those chapters, I am thankful to know that you all turned out so wonderful after all you'd been through as children. Praise God! Take care my friend, and enjoy your weekend at the ranch. So wonderful that you have that place to retreat to and enjoy with your family!

16 blessings'mom said...

Louis Dean is indeed handsome. Sorry for your loss, but you're right, that as Christians we can mourn and celebrate at the same time. I love the spring decor, and the excitement about the bees, yay! I would like some of your energy, please! Thank you for writing, your enthusiasm for life is contagious, and a blessing to me. :)

Shug said...

Looks like a good weekend and I enjoyed the video of LD. He looked so very nice in his dress up outfit. Sorry for your loss. Sad that we often do not see family and friends until we have a service to attend. Hope your week is GREAT

Deanna Rabe said...

Louis Dean is a handsome man! What a special time you had honoring Lily's life. How wonderful that Nita had her, and that you all did.

photowannabe said...

Man... you have one handsome dude there Linda...
I love the joy that just oozes out of him as he does his projects and just lives life to his fullest.
Your home is lovely and your spring table is so inviting.
Love everything about it and the picture of you and LD is a real wall hanger.

BeachGypsy said...

You have gotten so much accomplished! Looking forward to seeing your spring decorations! So far all I've done is hang 3 spring wreaths! 😆 🤣

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

To me, Louis Dean looks like a true Texan. He’s very handsome - like a rugged cowboy that cleans up real nice! lol. And he’s a sweetie too. You are so kind and loving toward him. It’s beautiful and your marriage relationship is so Christ-like. You are an inspiration!

Susie said...

Linda, Your LD is a handsome man. What an amazing life Lily had here on earth. Deanie is looking good .Your home looks like an exotic boutique, so charming. I think of you and your family often. I have been reading your story and I cry . I tell my big brother that a tough childhood made us tough and strong. I never dwell on the pain of my young years. I am just so thankful that God loves me. Stay strong . Hold your hero tight. Love you guys. Blessings, xoxo, Susie