Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Monday News and Tuesday Treasures!

 Monday was Louis Dean's appointment for his echocardiogram at 3:00.
This allowed us to have a liesurely morning to enjoy our coffee and quiet time.
I gave LD a nice haircut and he took a hot soaking bath before we were ready to go.

We always take a selfie as we sit in the waiting room at his appointments.
He decided to play it cute and whisper in my ear!
Now he's through with all medical visits until July and this makes him so happy.

I picked a good movie to celebrate.

CATS is his favorite musical of all time and he was thrilled!

Tuesday morning I was amazed to find LD and I slept right through a weather event.
High winds hit Irving and did some serious damage in a random manner.
We had rain but escaped the violent wind damage.
Only thing I had to do was pick up the trash that the wind had scattered all over the yard.

While I was wandering around the yard I noticed the daffidils were nearly ready to bloom.

Our bird house are all ocuppied with cheeping babies and busy parents.

I love my Tuesdays!
I love my morning routines.

Brenda and I haven't had a Tuesday Treasure day in weeks so I have been forward to seeing her.

God blesses me in so many special ways.
Thrifting is one of them.
I am decorating Louis Dean's bathroom in a western/John Wayne style and just look at all the treasures I found.

Brenda spied the brand new Cowboy lamp as we were about to check out.
She held my place in line while I went over to take a look.
$24 - a little pricey but just perfect - so I grabbed it!
And to make it even better - it rang up 50% off!!
Win! WIN!!

Tonight I ordered a western themed shower curtain and I can't wait  to show you how I styled his bathroom!

Another find was this small deck box!

Another Brenda find is this daisy crocheted throw.
Not sure if I will use it in the sewing room or the gazebo.
We'll see.

I used to call this a summer frock!

And another one!

A set of silky pillow shams for the guest room.

Brenda spied this unique Chico's top!

I'm going to use these two cute lamps in the gazebo - which is still wearing her fall clothes.

Dinner using the last of the smoked sausage and two potatoes left from Monday's supper.

It was delicious!!


Donna said...

My goodness! You two hit the thrifting jackpot! We don't have stores like that here... such fun finds. Love the cowboy theme for LD!
Happy weekend!

Carol said...

I love your thrifting Tuesdays. I wish there were more stores near us that were good for that.

Ann said...

You found some really cool treasures when you were out thrifting. I can't wait to see what you do with the bathroom

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LD looks so cute in your selfies, and so happy. Bob is never happy, always grumping, 24/7 and I can't get him to watch a movie, he sits all day and watches the motor trend channel and argues with them like they can hear him.
is he one miserable person and that makes me miserable too. the daisy pillow is perfect to go with your bee decor and the dresses are so cute