Friday, September 20, 2024

Loving all my September Days....

 The temps are still HOT here in North Texas - today was 99 degrees!

However our flowers that struggled through July and August are blooming now.
Not profusely but showing hope for survival!

I don't know why I get such a kick out of feeding our possums - but I do!
I am so frugal and I hate to waste food - so if I can feed the critters - and watch them feast on our leftovers - that's a Win! WIN!! for me!

Brenda and I had our Tuesday Treasure Day starting with a good lunch at her house and a trip to the Texas Thrift on Irving Blvd - just right up the street from her.

I have to be honest when I say that  I found NOTHING!

However - Brenda found this super cute denim top in a petite size that fit me perfectly!

She also spotted this bag.....and knowing  what a 'bag lady' I am -

that was a Win! WIN!! too!

Louis Dean is staying busy repairing and 'doing' things!
That's what he DOES!

In our living room where it joins the foyer, the ceiling has cracked and we painted a piece of trim. cut it to fit and he put it up there.
He loves 'doing' things and I love that he loves that!
There's always something around here that needs attention.

I had been concerned lately that he hasn't been eating very much so I am making meals I know he likes.

He is not a HUGE fan of pasta but this crock pot chicken alfredo was a hit.
If I can get him to eat two meals a day then I feel good about that!

He is still very involved with his music and I told him about a dream I had of zipping through the sky and he said, "There's a song about that!"
Then he went in and brought out his notebook of songs and sang it to me.

Wouldn't That be Something? by Merle Haggard

He's so cute!
And funny and so much fun!

I have been busy this week with art and writing.
I finished Chapter 36 - 1,768 words.
Now I have started chapter 37.....I am heading to the finish line as I'm thinking it will be a 50 chapter book.

I took an old canvas from 1987 and freshened it up!
I am a better artist than I was back then and I loved this painting.
I do love all my memories of vacations to San Francisco over the years.

I finished Faith's Green Santa and will glaze it once it's dry.
I may use this for my Christmas card this year.

Speaking of Christmas cards - please send me you address if you have not been receiving them.
I talked to my friend Rita today and somehow I missed putting her address in my new book.

This painting is a done deal now and will go to the good neighbor, Bill,  in Loma Linda where the mountain cabin is.

Levi chose this Fishing Santa for his birthday painting!

I did the underpainting on it yesterday.

This Dallas Cowboy is Sam's choice!

Underpainting done this evening on it!

I was blessed today with phone visits to two of my online friends!
I am an open book but I love it when I can talk to friends and hear about THEIR life!

If you have my phone number - don't hesitate to call when you feel like it!
We are home most of the time these days and if I am involved with one thing or another - leave a message and I will call you back!


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your detail on the green Santa. I think it would make a good Christmas card, as it is one of a kind and unexpected! The possum is adorable! They eat many, many insect pests! Ones that destroy flowers! What is your flower that is an intense blue?

Tink's Tinkerings said...

Thank you for sharing, Linda, I just love your artwork and all the cute story's you share. You're truly an inspiration.

Debby said...

My favorite is the fishing Santa! Although I like them all - you are very talented. Green Santa kinda reminds me of LD holding that guitar.
We all know Merle Haggard. He was a well loved resident of my town. Miss him.