Sunday, September 8, 2024

A Few MORE September Morns!

 I have been loving these milder September Days......

It's cool enough to turn the AC off and open the back bedroom door when I wake up.
At least for a few minutes!

I do my prayer time, scripture reading and prayer journal while I enjoy mu first cup of coffee and the sweet fresh air.

For my second cup of coffee, I carry it outside on the kitchen deck.

I love looking up at the sky as I continue to pray and meditate.

Our backyard is a registered Back Yard Habitat and we see so many critters out here.

Louis Dean loves putting up bird houses and filling the feeders!

Once the sun hits the kitchen deck, we relocate to the patio outside our bedroom where we read Little House on the Prairie and our John Wayne book.

Louis Dean found a Home Depot bucket full of sea shells and dumped them all along one edge of the new garden bed he built recently. He said he needed to use the bucket!

Friday morning I was awake at 4:20 - my alarm was set for 4:30!
Amber had a medical appointment for 8:00 so I went over to do the school run for the Bell Grands!
I LOVE doing that and I took special fall cups and napkins along with a teapot of hot cocoa, toasted Brioche rolls with butter and cinnamon sugar, pumpkin muffins and bacon!
We had a leisurley time together and at 8:30 we were on our way to school!
I love this so much better than when they were in elementary school and had to BE there before 7:30!!

I dropped them off and went back home to pick up Louis Dean.

He did a few dishes - he absolutely LOVES washing dishes!
Then we went to Trader Joe's - I love that place!!!

He bought a big bouquet of flowers for Amber!

Her procedure went well and she is doing fine!

She and I both love movies so we watched Hollywood Homicide......

This was LD's expression through out!
NOT a John Wayne film!!!

I took dinner over and we all had dessert first!
A plain yellow cake mix cake with choclate frosting.
It is Mike's favorite and I've been making these for him since he was a lifeguard at North Lake Pool way back when!

Dinner was good and we ate in shifts.
The girls had gone straight from school to the high school to play in the band for the football game.

I wanted to see them play but it was late and I really and truly cannot drive in the dark anymore.
I CAN drive from my house to Amber's and back no matter the time - day or night.
The lights work and I can do this - but that's all!
Mike took this video so could 'see' the girls playing!

Since we were gone all day on Friday - Saturday was a 'Home Day!'
I finished a baby quilt and have it ready to mail plus I finished Chapter 35 of my book.
Alas, Word doc shut down and I lost part of it so regrouped and rewrote a hundred or more words - then saved it as Chapter 35 (Recovered). Then I couldn't FIND it but at last I did and went in to delete the OTHER Chapter 35 - but deleted the recovered one instead. I did a dumpster dive to get that one back and now I have TWO Chapter 35's and that's the way it is.
I emailed them to myself so they are now safe from drive by clicking!

Louis Dean and I enjoyed this appetizer tray in leiu of dinner on Saturday night.

I was really tired today (Sunday) so I watched church online and LD and I worked some outside.
He did some more work on his new deck while I worked on cutting back ground cover and pulled weeds.

Last night I finished the baby quilt for Louis Dean's GREAT -great - granddaughter!

I boxed it up and addressed the package.....

And I will mail it off tomorrow!

It was such a glorious day this blessed Sunday!
I turned the AC off and the attic fan on and opened the house up.
Samantha and Tabitha were both allowed to go outside and enjoy themselves.
They would stroll back in from time to time but they pretty much stayed in the backyard.
They are inside now and the doors are closed but I will be turning the attic fan on before we go to bed tonight. The low will be 60 degrees!!!
I am loving every single one of my September morns!!!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby girl quilt - from
Deedee Clark.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

How wonderful that you are having cooler mornings and nights already! It is still too humid and rainy here to even think of opening the doors or turning off the AC, even though the temperatures are starting to come down a teensy tiny bit. I look forward to those fallish days that hopefully will come soon. OH I Love that baby quilt! That is so sweet and feminine and precious! What a wonderful gift that will be treasured, I am certain. Glad Amber is doing fine, and also that you had some good time with the kiddos. So many blessings. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Anonymous said...

I am so glad Amber is good!
You had a full post, like always! Thank you!
The quilt is darlin. Don't know how you find the time!

Debby said...

We’re still hot and dry here but the mornings are nice and cool. I can now keep the window open in our bedroom at night.
Speaking of Trader Joe’s - my favorite cake is also yellow cake with chocolate frosting and at TJ’s they have the best yellow cake mix! Sometimes I make it without frosting and just some powdered sugar for a quick snack if guests are coming.

Deanna Rabe said...

I love a yellow cake with homemade chocolate frosting! Yum!

The Jr high bands sounded great! Well done girls!

The nearest Trader Joe's is an hour away from my house, but I love to go when I get a chance!

I'm glad Amber is doing well, that your weather is cooler, and that you are enjoying September!

Oh, and my goodness, you scared me with your deleted chapter 35!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your quilt is gorgeous! I love that each square is different and a really pretty treat to see. what kind of procedure did Amber have? Did I forget? I have not heard of this Backyard Habitat.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

SO happy to see Amber home and smiling. Prayers for quick healing. I have done the same thing, losing things, deleting, finding again and this past week spent and hour trying to find the spread sheet with our McCall family tree . I wanted to send it to my brother. I did finallly find it.
I would love to have a little cool air, even 70's would be great. we still stay in the 80's all night and the days are so hot we just stay inside. the last 2 days were record breaking heat for those two days.

Ann said...

Glad to hear that Ambers procedure went well. I bet the grands loved the morning treats before school. They sure have a big band. They sound awesome too.

Estelle's said...

Sounds as if you are still in action of helping with the grandbabies...that's wonderful always....our weather has been a perfect gift of the fall season so we have loved porch I have grown older, my world is a bit smaller and I am perfectly fine with that.....always good to catch up with my favorite blogging friend....

Donna said...

Glad Amber's procedure went well! She's so pretty!
Band sounds great and I wish Larry liked doing dishes! Lolol
Nice weather, hey?!! And I love the blanket...

16 blessings'mom said...

You are a wonderful grandma, bringing them such a delightful brekky before the school run! The quilt is beautiful! We are having wonderful weather here in central New York State, the leaves are starting to turn ever so slightly, the nights are chilly, the evenings crisp. I don't like that winter is just around the corner, and I love the summer warmth and bare feet, but fall is lovely too. Anyway, love love love your blog, thank you!

Chatty Crone said...

Glad Amber is good and I know you loved taking care of the kids.
Eating dessert first sounds good!

photowannabe said...

HaHa..I'm with Chatty Crone, eating dessert first is the way to go..besides it is so yummy.
Glad Amber is doing well and you are the best CareGiver and Grandma ever!!!
Special treats before school...WOW !
You Hubby is such a treasure. Love how he attacks every project.
And... that quilt... it is so special and I know it will be cherished forever.
Wow on Chapter glad you finally were able to recover both of them. Good to email them to you so they are safe too.
Ld's expression about the movie is Priceless..glad you captured it.
Happy September morn to you

Susie said...

Linda, Prayers for beautiful Amber. Love that sweet blanket. Dang girl, that's a sexy dish washer. LOL. Your garden spots are nice. A cute place to relax. Blessings to all. Hold each other tight. xoxo, love Susie

Debbie said...

i really do enjoy ready your blog, your days are filled with family and joy. i don't have as much of that as i wish i did. if i return to school, will you bring me a breakfast like you brought for the bells?? noone has ever done that for me!! our weather has changed as well, i have been able to open my windows most days, we did need the ac today. your backyard looks so inviting, warm and cozy like your home!! i enjoyed the video, i was happy mike zoomed in!! the quilt is really beautiful, you are a very kind soul linda!!