Monday, May 27, 2024

We are in Branson!!!

 It was such a smooth drive up to Branson, Missouri - thanks to Brenda and Billy!

We arrived around 5:00 - only having to stop THREE times for potty breaks!
What a blessing to NOT have a constant UTI!
Yesterday we were in Walmart and I told Brenda, "Watch me! I'm walking PAST a restroom!"
The new has never worn off of being free from all that misery!

This is our beautiful two bedroom log cabin at America's Best Campground in Branson, Missouri!

It is spotlessly clean and has all the little things we need - except flyswatters and we bought a couple at Walmart and will leave here.

What a blessing to travel with Billy and Brenda!

Louis Dean stayed at the cabin when we went to Walmart on Saturday.
I had no idea that they had a full 'Liquor Store!'
I bought LD sone wine and I spied this bottle of Jalapeno Pepper and Cucumber tequila!
My most favorite drink was a Ghost  Pepper Margarita at a movie theater with Amber!
I'm hoping I can duplicate that or one that at least resembles it!

There was a parade in the park and it was fun to watch!

Louis Dean is such a Happy Camper!

This is my spot on the porch..

And this is HIS!

Louis Dean has spent many hours out here on the swing just sipping coffee in the morning and people watching and wine in the evening doing the same thing.
He says this place reminds him of Mountain View, Arkansas, of which he has such fond memories.
Old memories are precious and priceless and he often takes them out in his mind and revisits.
Making new memories is important, too.

Saturday was a wonderful relaxing day!
We went across the path to Brenda and Billy's space and pooled our resources for lunch!

Brenda, Billy and I played Bingo in the afternoon (LD preferred to stay at the cabin and sit on the porch swing) and then that night they had a magician perform in the activity center and that was fun.

Brenda and Billy's rig is HUGE!!!


Sunday was beautiful after storming both Friday and Saturday nights!
The tornadoes went around us but there was a lot of rain and hail - which kept Charlie and Sissy (B & B's doggies) upset so that meant none of them got much rest while Louis Dean and I slept through both storms without waking up!

We went to our first show late Sunday afternoon!

Really good!!
Louis Dean was so excited!!

He loved every minute of the show.

All four musicians were wonderful!

We decided to eat dinner out and our choice was.......

Amazing food, service and delicious flaming margaritas!!

Brenda and I ordered 'small' ones - which didn't look small at all!

Jalapeno & Pineapple - FLAMING!!
So good!!!

I ordered the Mexican salad!

Brenda had tacos and a Strawberry mango margarita!

The guys had fajitas and everything was simply perfect!
By this time it was dark and we came back to the RV Park as Happy Campers!

Good food.
Good service.
Good margaritas.
Good company.
Good night from Branson!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you’re having a GRAND time together!💕😊

Anonymous said...

I’m so glad you are having a great time in Branson!

Deanna Rabe

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so glad you are posting your photos already from Branson! This is the only way I will ever get to see it. This is just the cutest little parade. And your cabin looks wonderful. I like that porch!

Anonymous said...

What wonderful friends Billy and Brenda are to you and LD. So glad you all are having a great time!!😊😍

Ann said...

What a nice cabin that is. Looks like you're having a fabulous time.

Donna said...

Love the cabin! SO glad y'all are enjoying the trip!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what fun! We have fond memories of our visit to Branson 10 years ago. We camped at the KOA campground and had a wonderful time. Enjoy the rest of your stay! Judy @ My Front Porch

Susie said...

Linda, I loved the little parade. What a fun outing with your sweet friends. Hope you keep having fun. Blessings to all. Love you guys , xoxo, Susie