Monday, August 21, 2023

Good Times!

 Saturday was a good day to stay home and stay inside!
The triple digit temps continue with no end in sight!

We did venture out to the gazebo for a few HOT minutes string new lights on my fall wreathes for the den. Louis Dean is my Knight in Shining Overalls as he is such a good sport in helping me hang these!
Everyone needs to be needed and he and I do need one another!

We stayed up late Saturday night and even at midnight it was too hot to sit outside!

Sunday morning we met up with the Bells at Fellowship Church and it was a packed house!
We all sat up in the balcony and when the service was over we noticed an 'Exit' door close to where we were. It opened up to a stairwell that took us to another 'Exit' door - that opened up to the parking lot!
We totally missed getting to see Brenda and Billy because it was a long ways back in to the church.

Kailey and Logan rode home with us and the rest of the Bells arrived later with lunch all around from McAlister's! 

Logan helped me in the kitchen and together we set up the appetizer table while Kailey went in with her Granddad to check out the violin and other music things in his room.

I love how the kids leave me 'surprise' photos on my phone to find after they leave.

Kailey braided my hair into two pigtails!

And then she painted my fingernails!!
It was so wonderful to have a houseful of Bells that afternoon!

I love how Amber loves movies! We all do!

We watched Spirited again.
It was my second time to see it and Harrison's 13th time!
The kids and Amber just about know all the lines and songs by heart and the girls even danced to some of them and I loved watching THEM more than the screen!

After they all left to go home and prepare for Monday, Sherry came to spend the night as she was working in Irving today.

Between her and Amber, I am all set up on my Smart TV and fire stick!
Louis Dean was napping when she arrived and we popped some corn and got a couple of Cokes to watch a movie....

Amber had recommended this one and it was really good!!!

I have pretty much cleaned and dressed the sewing room for Fall but it's not quite finished yet!
At least I am now on the home stretch!!

The Bell grands are now in middle school and they have their Scholastic Book Fair this week!!
Of course Amber volunteered right off the bat and I had my background check done so I could help her! We come together as a team!

This afternoon we helped the librarian set it all up!
The book fairs we have done in the past were done by the PTA but in middle school it is staff run.
Meaning there's no elaborate theme and decorations so it's not nearly as much work!

We knocked the entire set up out in two hours!
Of course the librarian had the tables up and the displays open when we got there.
It was still so much fun and I am THRILLED to get to continue to help!

It starts tomorrow night with an Open House so I will be working that!

Poor Louis Dean lost a crown off one of his teeth Saturday so he has to go to the dentist tomorrow.
He just can't get away from doctor visits!!

It's only a little after 9:00 on Monday night but I am thinking an early bedtime will be happening.
But first - wine with my beloved as we sit close to the air conditioner!!


Donna said...

It is SO darn hot everywhere! Sounds like you're going to enjoy the Book Fair!Amber is beautiful! And poor JD!! I know that doesn't feel good...
Enjoy your week!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am thinking this might be the first time you welcomed autumen decorating in triple digit temps. middle school quads! it is so hard to believe even seeing how grown up they are now. what a wonderful Sunday, all day was a winner. love you black and white blouse

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Since we are celebrating a wedding anniversary this week, Linda, I really liked the last image and wording. Yes, it is wonderful to have a partner who is also a helper. You always have the best times with family.

Rita said...

So very hot your way. Wonderful to spend time with family.
I hope all goes well at the dentist for Louis Dean.
Have a great week and stay cool! :)

Wanda said...

Hi Linda. We see from the news how hot it is staying in your neck of the woods. We have had some wonderful weather, and the tropical storm brought a day of rain which was welcomed.
Love how you share your family and the love that is so evident. How those grads are growing. Like our great grandsons, 15 and 16.

Love all your Fall decorations and the kids have promised me they will get mine out of storage in September.

Love and Hugs

photowannabe said...

Oh, I love that final quote about the marriage and fine wine.
I believe we both have winners as we age.
Sorry about another visit to a doctor..ugh, dentists are not my favorite.
Your heat is truly unbearable...its got to stop so you can celebrate September Morn!!!
Love all the things you do with your beautiful family. God has certainly blessed you all.

Brenda said...

Florida is hot everyday
I have lived here since March 2021
Turned on heat one night to see if it works
Air has been on every day since
I live on Gulf Coast so wasn’t as bad
This summer I can’t say that
I have never seen heat like this. Having spent many summers and many school breaks in December in Texas, I know you have heat too.
Prayers for you and husband dear sweet girl. Brenda

Susie said...

Linda, Your kids sound like mine. My daughters have many movie lines memorized. Even got me to doing it, once you watch something more than one time. Like, "Low and outside, just like I like it"....from Sandlot , spoken by Hamilton after he hit a ball over the fence. I have not been out much here, it's hot , but not nearly as bad as your area. Glad you have the book fair to enjoy. Hold on to your knight, he's a keeper. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo,Susie

NanaDiana said...

I am so glad that LD is able to help you do things. You have a good life and I know you appreciate every moment of it. I have to look up the movie Spirited. I have never even heard of it! It is hot here, too. We are around 100˚ today. Our summer days are usually in the 70s with a few in the 80s. We don't know what to do with days like this. Even Scruffy didn't want to walk this morning. lol

Have a wonderful Wednesday- xo Diana

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

You always find the fun in everything!

Granny Marigold said...

I'm remembering the days when the grands were in elementary school and I helped with Book Fair and pancake day etc.. Fun times. Have fun at the Open House.
Sounds like you're ready for some cooler Fall weather too. Let's hope it comes soon!!