Saturday, September 11, 2021

Friday Things.....and Then Saturday's Dutch Baby, Pear Cake, and Mexican Cornbread

I set my phone to wake me up at 8:30 this morning - early for me.
I was up, had coffee, dressed and arrived at my doctor appointment a few minutes shy of 10:30.
I'm being diligent here about getting to my appointments on time!
As I gave my name and the lady pulled up my records, she gave me a funny look and said, "Mrs. Chapman, you DO know your appointment is at 2:30?"
NO! I guess with all the appointmnets I've made lately - and 2:30 is my desired time to go - I put down the wrong time in my planner.  No problem. I said I would be back - I was going shopping!

My store of choice was Big Lots.

As I walked in the door, I saw this huge display of Yankee Candles!!!
For $13!!! Regular $29.50 for these fall fragrances!

AND they had so many to choose from!
I bought four!

I loaded up with some fall garlands, tableclothes and various other 'debris' for decorating our gazebo.
By the time I made it out there in my decorating - all the good stuff was used elsewhere!

Look how cute these fall paper goods are!
$3 a package!
Can't beat that.

We do eat healthy most of the time.
I served Louis Dean this meal of tuna salad in a sundried tomato basil wrap along with pork and beans (sometimes you have to have an old favorite on your plate!) and cantaloupe from our ranch garden, plus celery and tzatziki dip. AND those tasty sweet potato chips from Aldi!
Win! WIN!!!

I finally just took pics of the den and edited them as best I could.

It's mostly a Halloween themed room this year.....

Halfway in - I wasn't certain I would like it - but now that it's finished - I DO!

I love the golden glow in this room.

Actually, nearly every room here has a bit of glow to it.

Next year I think I will put most of this on the front porch for October.

This is Tabitha's favorite place to hang out - but you can't see it!
There's a basket from Christmas hidden behind that RIP sign that I kept out since she loves to sit in it.
She can nap in private and she does for most of every day!
Samantha, on the other hand, prefers to lie in the middle of one of the pumpkin mats.

I've had this Spiderman forever it seems.
He's holding a Bottle of Boos and a broken goblin glass.
I am now looking for a new goblet so I will have four at the den table place settings.

The cats play with the ornaments hanging from the Halloween tree.....I find them in the kitchen, living room and beyond.

Mother was with Louis Dean when he bought this Skeleton Banjo player and she got such a kick out of him.

My favorite tree decorated for Fall.

 Of all my fall decorations, this one is the most precious to me.
Ruth Ann stitched it for me a few years ago for my birthday/
I think I'm going to take it to the ranch after fall is over and hang it there so I can see it all year long.

We closed  Friday night outside on the kitchen deck.

Louis Dean had a nice fire going......

no clue what was making the blue flames but they lasted as long as the fire did,

I had worked earlier in the afternoon on the gazebo......
once it's done, my fall decorating will be complete.

This was a lovely ending to a really good day!

I went to bed at midnight last night and didn't get up until 10:30 this morning!
I do better when I get plenty of sleep. Don't we all?

Louis Dean and I had coffee and our Bible reading out on the kitchen deck with a handful of animal crackers so 'the coffee has a place to land.'

I made a Dutch Baby for a late brunch and it was so good!

I've been going through  some of my old recipes and it's fun to revisit them.
I used to make this one fairly often and it was as good today as it was all the other times I made it.

Louis Dean worked outside all afternoon and it was perfect weather to do so. 83 degrees when we were having coffee and only 93 for today's high.

I remember baking this cake using fruit from my friend, Louise's, Bradford pear tree.

The first time I made it was in 2003 when I was beginning the process of divorce after 41 years of marriage.
Benjamin and I would pick bushel baskets of  pears and I made preserves out of some and cakes from the rest. My brother in laws - Mike and Charlie loved them!

I can't remember if I made this icing back then, but I made it today.

It's a good dense cake so don't take it out of the oven too early.
Next time I make it, I think I will use the glaze for my crack cakes instead.

My second time to use my iron skillet today!
I made this for supper tonight along with a pot of blackeyed peas. 
My friend, Deborah, gave this recipe to me and I am especially fond of handwritten ones.

Using old recipes is like going down Memory Lane....


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your den has such a pretty golden fall glow! And it is in fall colors too. I wish I could see your fall tree with the lights off, so I can see the ornaments you hung on it. Now I want to go to Big Lots too! And you can bet I will! Wow, a blue fire!

Bluebird49 said...

I love each picture. Things sure are aglow at the Chapman home!!

Hootin Anni said...

Of course, I love the witches!! And the banjo player is tops!!

Estelle's said...

Well Linda...once again, you have created a fun, festive fall vibe in every's just so creative and enjoyable to look in every nook and cranny....I'm sure with all the fall baking, your home smells divine! Thanks so much for sharing!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would love some of those black eyes and corn bread. yummmmmmmm... my favorite decor today is the autumn tree, it's beautiful... If i were there 4 hours early i would just go back home and beat myself up for writing down the wrong time... you can turn everything or anything into a shopping trip.

Changes in the wind said...

How beautiful the hand stitched picture is and what a sweet gift. The fall tree is so special and bright. Love how if things don't work out for you it is just a opportunity to go shopping:)

Kathleen said...

I am new to your blog, and am SO enjoying reading you! Your love and joy for life shines in every post, and I get happy just reading about your life. I'm a fall fanatic myself, but definitely not on your scale! I've got just one question: WHERE do you keep all that fall decor? Do you have a small house somewhere to store it? :-) I am looking forward to making your recipes!

photowannabe said...

Yummmm-o on all the recipes.
I haven't had a Dutch Baby in years. It reminds me of my friend Karen. The Dutch Baby is one of her specialities and every time I would drop by she would create this masterpiece. Now she lives 3 hours away from us so getting together has become a difficult thing.
Beautiful glow in every room of your house...I just don't have the energy to decorate like that...but I'm glad you do so I can enjoy it.
Glad you were "ON TIME" for your appointment...(:0)
Sue of photowannabe

Carole said...

Hoping all your cooking will inspire my cooking mojo which seems to have deserted me - as well as my general blogging efforts. Cheers

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Nice you had time to go shopping as you were so early for your appointment. I love going into big lots. There is always a lot to see. You have so many nice places to sit and relax inside and outside your house. As always I love seeing all your decorations.

Deanna Rabe said...

I love the golden glow of twinkle lights.

Fall is a great time to bake! I’m going to make granola for my girl to take to school, and maybe a few batches of cappuccino muffins to take to my other daughter! We’ll see them soon!

Arlene G said...

I almost missed an appt because I had it in my mind it was Tuesday when it was actually Monday. ( And I had it written down on my calendar!) Great job finding those Yankee Candles!! Worth the error for that alone!

Debbie said...

you really go all out with your decorating and it looks great!! i have not been decorating for halloween or fall lately. i have so much "stuff" and i miss seeing all of it but it's just too much work for me the last few years!!

i always enjoy seeing your vintage recipe cards and the dates and notes you keep on them. i have made the dutch baby pancake, it is a holiday favorite!!!