Saturday, August 17, 2013

A Starbucks Kind of Day!

It was raining when we woke up this morning! I love gray rainy days!

Makes me want to drink coffee and nibble on a scone. 
That's exactly what we did!!
I asked Louis Dean if he wanted to go to Fort Worth with me this morning. At first he said NO but then he thought about it. Wednesday I was in Quadville all day (he came over for a few hours in the afternoon) and I spent the night and most of Thursday over there before I came home only to leave again for Bunko. Now I was going to be gone all day (again!) and I think he was tired of being alone. Plus with the rain he couldn't dig in the dirt - which seems to be his favorite thing to do lately. He's still digging that trench for the sewer line to the RV.

I think it does us good to get out and do things. PLUS no 'Damage Control' when I get home if he's been with me all day! Win! WIN!!

The bonus today was that Deanie met us at Starbucks! We had a great visit and laughed and laughed!
Louis Dean and I arrived first so we got the coffees, then a man sat down right next to us. I knew he was going to regret that because we get kind of LOUD when we visit and carry on. He stayed though so I guess he must have found us more entertaining than annoying! We visited so long the beauty salon called me to come get Mother!! Oops!

Last Friday we ate at IHOP and I ordered the Cheese Blintzes.
Mother took one of mine home in a to go box for her Saturday morning breakfast and she LOVED it!!
When I asked her where she wanted to eat today she put her hand up to her mouth and said, "Yumm! Yummm! YUMMM!! You WANT to???" That meant IHOP again so she could order the Cheese Blintzes!"

"Where go now?" she asked when we finished eating. Last week I had an agenda with a couple of errands of my own to do. This week I didn't have anywhere I needed to go so SHE directed me to what I thought would be CVS or Walgreens. NO, it was Big Lots! That worked for me so she tooled around the entire store and picked up the very things she was looking for.

I'm especially grateful to still have my mother. My ex husband's mother died Tuesday night in a nursing home. Mother is 4 days older than she. When I told her that Jesse's mom had died peacefully in her sleep she said that's what she wants to do. She's ready to go - she tells me that nearly every week. However, she is so healthy she may well outlive us all!

By the time we left the rain was gone and we drove home with the sun shining. The air was still mild for this time of year and it felt a bit like fall today. I am so yearning for fall! I came in the house and went straight to bed. Naps are wonderful things! The rest of the day was spent cleaning house. I am gearing up for MiMi Camp come Monday morning and I need to get out there in the camper and spruce it all up. That's my project for the weekend! I have put the hall on 'hold' until MiMi Camp is over. All that's left is finishing the trim and putting up the new light fixture.

Louis Dean and I seem to stay up later and later these days. Last night we sat out on the driveway from 10:30 to nearly midnight. Then we came in and he played the guitar. We didn't get to bed til 1:30 this morning! So he and I decided we would try and turn this trend around. Except I took a late nap this afternoon so here I am - still up at nearly 1:00 in the morning! He went on to bed around 11:00. 
Truth be told - I enjoy a little alone time.


Kathy said...

Sounds like a great day. Spending time with family is the best!

Vee said...

Everyone needs a little alone time...not too much, though. Your family is so neat. I send my sincere condolences to your children on the loss of their paternal grandmother with a strong hope that your mother keeps right on trucking bringing joy to all and enjoying her days for a good long while.

bj said...

Nothing like family time...and yes, you are indeed blessed to still have your mama.

Good luck on the cookies...tiny little giveaway....but FUN...:)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have to search for alone time, 24/7 retirement together sometimes gets a little much. your mother is so cute pushing that basket. yumm on the blintz and brahahahha on the no damage control when you get home. still laughing at that one

Chatty Crone said...

I too search for a lone time - I have retired hubs, daughter and grandson get home at 3! lol So I know what you mean. sandie

darlin said...

Well hello once again Linda, I see you're as busy as ever, but in a fun kind of way. I agree time together is wonderful but I feel we all also need our "me" time... the balancing act and you've got exactly this happening. It's no wonder you're so happy all the time, and good for you!

Have a wonderful weekend, cheers.

Carole said...

there's nothing like a bit of alone time... I get mine in the morning because I get up at least a couple of hours earlier than the better half who is a night owl. Works well for us. Cheers

Linda said...

The salon actually called you to come and get your mother? It is great that you had such a good time, Linda. I love reading about your adventures. :)

Sweet Tea said...

I'm a Night Owl too - it's not unusual for me to be loading the dishwasher or mopping the floor at 11pm. And I'm seldom asleep before 1:00.

jamarson1 said...

I love you see your mom every Friday! Can't wait to read how camp goes!

Carla said...

Glad you didn't have to do the usual damage control.
There used to be a crepe place in the Galleria called the Magic Pan and every Saturday before dance I would meet my mom with Pam(baby at the time) and would get cheese blitz. So good. I'll have to try IHOP's