Thursday, January 10, 2013

A GOOD Report!

Amber's surgery went very well today! This is not the first time I have sat down to write a post with a thankful heart for all the prayers from you all! Praise GOD and thank YOU!

Photo from Fall 2011

Photo from July 2011

The surgery ran a little long but it was a pretty big surgery!
I reminded myself Amber would want the doctor to take his time and do it right!

She left us well prepared!
I read the schedule to the babies this morning and they all agreed to follow it!
GOOD babies!!

Of course I had Louis Dean with me and everyone knows he is a 'Baby Whisperer' - as our friend, Dawn, calls him!

Lucy got to socialize with Jersey and Shiner today since we spent the night last night!
I did NOT have to walk her when we got home awhile ago!
She was tired and ready to go to bed.

Amber will be released from the hospital tomorrow.
We are in our 'camper home' tonight as I write.
April - former nanny and now family friend - arrived this evening and will be staying at Amber's for two weeks. She is AWESOME with the babies and this enables US to come home at night!
Win! WIN!!

This past year has been one hurdle after another for Amber and her pregnancy, births, NICU, recovery, and now this surgery. As her mother, I can't tell you how grateful I am for all your kind words of encouragement, thoughts, and prayers throughout this journey.


Denise said...

I am glad Amber is doing well. I love the baby's smile! Hope the leak on the camper is fixed.

Lynne said...

Dear Linda! We love being here for you!
Such joy you share with us! I am thanking God right now for all the goodness that you share tonight!

Deb said...

so happy to hear all went for a speedy recovery...

Nicki said...

I can't believe she can come home tomorrow - I thought she would be hospitalized for several days. Wonderful news! Thank you for letting us know!

Cheapchick said...

So glad her surgery went well and hope she has a speedy recovery. She is very lucky to have Mom and Stepdad like you guys

Pondside said...

Alleluia - what a wonderfully brave daughter you have - she is an inspiration. I missed yesterday's post so this is news to me. I pray that Amber's recovery will be speedy and thorough!

Angie said...

I saw on your facebook that the surgery went well. Thank God for all his blessings!!!!

Karen said...

What great news !!
I hope for her a speedy recovery too !!

Kelly said...

I'm so glad to hear that everything went well! I went over to Amber's blog and read about what her surgery entailed. I had no idea that she was having so many problems after having the babies! No wonder she needed this surgery. I hope it ends up solving her problems and she is able to resume a normal life. Poor girl! She has been through so much.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so happy all went well with the surgery, I pray now for a quick recovery. you are blessed to have the nanny. love the pic of the pups and the baby whisperer

Vee said...

Praise God! Yours is the first blog I came looking for this morning. We have been praying and will continue for an uneventful and complete recovery. Amen! (That gal sure is organized!)

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

THANK YOU for the good report!!!!

Best to all of you!!!


Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

LD is a "Baby Whisperer"! I LOVE IT!!!


Nita said...

Linda, each and everyone of you are in our prayers daily and this will continue, we're so very thankful the surgery went well and will pray for a speedy recovery. I know Amber is so ready to start feeling better, Life is good!

Kathy said...

So glad to hear all went well. I'm amazed that she is able to come home so quickly. Joe and I are still praying each day for her and her complete recovery.

Carole said...

Linda - fantastic that the surgery went well - and she is going to be home so soon! Hope you and LD are resting up lots with all the hard work you put in for your family.

Susie said...

Linda, You are a good mom and it has rubbed off onto your own daughter. I am so glad Amber's surgery went well. You and Ld are the best grandparents ever. Those babies sure look happy. xoxo,Susie

Carla said...

So glad Amber came thru with flying colors. I'd like to have one of them Tummy tucks. Oh well such is life.
You and LD are Amber's little lifesavers.