Sunday, March 25, 2012


Today has been a good Sunday. How could a Sunday NOT be good? Louis Dean and I have been taking it a bit easy today. We lingered over our morning coffee.......

........little Maggie staying right there between us.

And Lucy lying at my feet. Lucy is such a strange creature. All the time I was gone she and LD were best buds. He didn't even use the leash much at all.......just calling her name was all he needed to get her in the kennel. Not that he put her in there much. She slept on the floor beside his bed. Never ONCE did she bark at him the entire time I was gone. HOWEVER!! Life reverted back to 'normal' when I returned. She barks when he stands up.......just as she did before. I suppose I am the key ingredient here. At least she does well when I am gone and that is something!

LD made some peach turnovers earlier in the week......making enough to eat several by himself and then freeze a few for later. This morning we split one for breakfast and that CRUST.!!!! Forget the filling - as tasty as it was! I loved that fluffy pastry!

We did our reading in the gazebo and enjoyed our 'guilt free' Sunday.
(We went to church last night.)

I even squeezed in a nap this afternoon before I started dressing the bedrooms for spring. I took out all the winter bedding and dark fabrics and hung up a TON of white lace, covered the beds with duvets, satin coverlets and - of course - several white satin pillows. NOT LD's favorite! He cannot understand WHY I pile so many pillows on the bed! As I was hanging the curtains I noticed the window A/C unit had slipped forward a bit so he has been in there addressing the problem. Just a bit more cleaning and fluffing and the back part of the house is ready for the spring/summer seasons!

I think it's time to pour up a pitcher of fresh tea and enjoy the cool breezes blowing through the gazebo. I am in the middle of a good book so I'll just enjoy a bit of a read while waiting for Louis Dean. I may take Lucy for a little walk. I love walking through the neighborhood on a Sunday night. Everyone is winding down from the weekend. You can smell the fresh laundry smell - I guess it's dryer sheets. Hear the children playing and the parents calling them to come in......'school tomorrow' they call.

I do so love a Sunday!


Kathy said...

I love Sunday too. And I love reading your description of your Sunday. I feel as if I were right there with you. Hope you have a really good week.

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Me too. Sunshine. Got to hang the laundry outside - first time this year. Time to sit and visit and sip tea.

Vee said...

I love your description of the day. Charming!

Chatty Crone said...

Sounds to me like you had a wonderful day. I love the way the dog acts - our dog loves my daughter and tolerates the rest of us. sandie

Judy said...

I love Sundays too! Amazing...that he baked peach turnovers. Yum.

Sweet Tea said...

The time is always right for "Sweet Tea"! *wink

MadSnapper n Beau said...

maggie and lucy are so beautiful and so is that peach turnover. yummmy i would like to see Reeces Pieces, that is so funny, my son has a dog named the same thing.

Nita said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day!
I sure Louis Dean enjoyed your being home too.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

OHHHH that peach turnover!!!

So glad you had a lovely weekend. Got some changing-for-spring, and fluffing done. And some resting too. Purrrrrfect!

Elizabeth and Gary said...

Hi Linda,
You had the best Sunday! I love changing the bedrooms from winter to spring linens. I spent the day sewing I am making a baby quilt for my niece in between sewing there was clothes that needed washing and then dinner to cook.Just the normal stuff.
Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth
PS..if there is any peach turnovers left, can you wrap one up for me...Yummy Yum

Angie said...

What a wonderful relaxing Sunday! We all need days like that. Make sure you post pics of your Spring/Summer decor!