Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Rayne and Summer's Visit....and Pumpkin Muffins to Share!

 Summer had a doctor's appointment on Tuesday morning ( and recieved an A+ ) after which she picked Rayne up and came by to see us on their way back to Bar-J Ranch in Eldorado, Arkansas!

She's a beautiful young lady of 14 years of age!
You can see she loves Cane's Chicken and is wearing a t-shirt and holding a Cane's cup!

Rayne has always been such a FUN person and she is still!!!

Another 'always' is her love of my Pumpkin Spice Muffins!
I baked them fresh while we visited and sent her home with a tin of 16 muffins!

At 14 - she is already taller than I and I am so impressed with her goals in life.
She's already an animal activist fostering dogs and doing turtle watching as well as becoming an accomplished artist! She intends to join the military and hopes to be a helicopter pilot for the Coast Guard! She totally gives me hope for the next generation!

I saved two jumbo ones for Brenda and Billy.....

and these are for Louis Dean!
What he doesn't eat before tomorrow afternoon will go with us to the cabin in the New Mexico mountains! I.can't.wait.

They were only here for an hour or so and then headed back to Arkansas and I dressed and met up with Brenda for our Tuesday Treasures Day and lunch at Chick-Fil-A.
No pics as most of what I bought is for Christmas gifts!
AND for the first time in forever - Brenda spent more $$ than I did!
My tab was less than $20!
I stayed STRONG!

I took Louis Dean to the dentist this afternoon and went in when I dropped him off and told the staff, "Do NOT let him leave! He is NOT allowed to walk home!" I also left my phone number before I went to drop muffins off at Brenda's.
I was back a half hour before he was done.
No cavities! Must be his Cherokee Indian blood!

We are preparing and packing for our August trip to Tres Ritos, New Mexico where the high temps are in the 70's and the lows in the 40-50's! We are going to LOVE this!!
Compared to the triple digits here in the DFW area and the lows higher than the HIGHS there - I'd say it's a win! WIN!!
I've lined up friends who will water and keep things alive while we are away.

On the other hand.....
Tabitha and Samantha will 'Home Alone' for this long weekend!
Rayne took this pic but it's like she KNOWS.....


Jan said...

Enjoy your time in the New Mexico mountains!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

What a cute cat and yes, she knows and she doesn’t like it one bit!
Have fun in New Mexico!

Anonymous said...

Kitty-Poo looks p'o'd! I've had days like that! (Like today!)
Man, it has been been a week! Ed fell again. He seems to be okay. (Lots of bruises! He does things too quickly, and falls. So far, nothing broken.)

Youall have the best time in N.M. Can't wait to hear about it! Love, ITrudy

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a wonderful young woman Rayne is becoming!! Strong and wonderful goals! Your muffins look so good!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

That New Mexico trip will be wonderful for you both, Linda, and especially the much cooler temps.

Estelle's said...

We are on our way to September 1st....I always think of you when it arrives....enjoy your weekend getaway and I can't wait to see your photos...can't believe Rayne is now 14!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am shocked to read Rayne is 14, how did that happens and wow and wow again on the helicopter pilot, prayers and good wishes for that to happen for her. I also like that she is doing good things for animals... enjoy those cool temps. I would love two days of those temps. today we are feels like high of 111 and no break until Noveber and have been HOT since April. I am ready for our FLORIDA winter, which is the temps you will see this week end.

Donna said...

They Always know... lolol
Have a fun trip!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure I missed it but did summer move to Arkansas? Or just visiting? Can't believe Rayne is 14 and now taller than you. I guess they all grow up. Too funny. Tabitha is definitely letting you know she's not happy about Yall leaving her behind. Yall have fun and be safe

Chatty Crone said...

14 already - lol - are you sure?
Well, have a great time and enjoy the cool weather - I would love it.
Have fun.

Chatty Crone said...

P.S. Could you share your recipe for those pumpkin muffins? They looked so good.

photowannabe said...

Oh that Kitty Look!!! Wow no words needed..haha
Enjoy your time in New Mexico. I know you will and I can't wait to see the photos of everything you will be doing.

Susie said...

Linda, Your sweet Rayne is growing up. Glad you could bake up her favorite muffins. Let us all know how the cats do alone. LOL. Blessings and fun times on your trip. xoxo, love , Susie

Deanna Rabe said...

Oh Rayne! She's tall! My granddaughter is 14 also and she's short! Lol. They'd like each other though as they both like animals and especially horses!

Enjoy your time away at the cabin! Tabitha is not a happy camper being left behind!

LC said...

I have been missing in action for a long spell, but delighted to see you are still going strong in the blogging arena. I am also a Linda, one of five in my first grade class!