Saturday, January 20, 2024

I'm Losing Track of my Days....

We have been here at the ranch since December this makes three full weeks and we plan to be here another week or two. This will be our longest visit ever!

We filled everything we could find with water to use for flushing the toilet and washing dishes - heating the water in an electric kettle.

Dean turned the water off to both our places and it stayed off for three days.

We used up all we had and this last barrel remained frozen on  the porch even though Louis Dean had covered it with carpet and rugs.
Monday night we ran out of propane in the big tank but Son Dean came down and hooked up a smaller tank and we were able to keep the bathroom at 50 or so.
Tuesday was SO cold and we just stayed put! We drank coffee in the morning, ate leftovers, watched old movies, took naps, ate more leftovers, drank wine in the bathroom in front of the heater and went to bed. I don't think we have been this relaxed in several months!

Wednesday warmed up some and all the ice was gone so we loaded up the empty tank and went to Waco. We did several errands like filling up the truck with diesel, picking up prescriptions from Walgreens and cough drops and such. Lunch was Whataburgers then HEB and Home Depot for supplies. The plumbing isles were packed with people looking for pipes and fittings...including us!

We were so tired and both of us were feeling sickly - Louis Dean was having a hard time thinking so I drove us back to the ranch. I had to sit at the edge of the seat so my feet could reach the pedals and I pulled myself up to the steering wheel. The seat won't budge so usually, if I'm driving, I take a big pillow to wedge behind  my back. I should keep one in the truck all the time now - just in case!

Dean and Sherry had left soup for us so we came in and ate and went straight to bed!

Thursday warmed up to 60 so I went out and cut back all of our rose bushes.

Who knew the goats would find them tasty!

But then if the goats ever got in through the gates, I'm sure they would eat all the rose bushes!

I had thought I'd burn them but Dean looked at the box of clippings and said, "Goat food!"

They are fun to watch.

They went all along the perimeter of the yard outside the fence line.

They are good lawn mowers!

Plus they are fun and frisky!

We used fencing that they can't get their heads through although this sweetie is nibbling a little of the green clover.

I just think they are cute!

Dean worked all afternoon on Thursday repairing pipes and digging in the dirt finding the leaks.
He has the patience of Job!

I've been painting some every day!
I'll make these two kitties look like Samantha and Tabitha!

Sherry sent down some pinto beans and I made cornbread muffins for Louis Dean's supper!

As I write tonight's journal entry, we now have water, thanks to Dean!
In the spring he will be changing to PEX and we will not have so many issues to deal with in freezing weather.

This afternoon Sherry and I drove to Marlin, Texas to meet Rosey for a late lunch.
It was good to get out and it was good to visit together!
We talked and laughed and the time just flew by!

Sherry drives the back country roads and the scenery was so pretty. Up around Mart the lands are now solar farms and wind farms. It was good to see land with hay and cattle and large ranches.

We passed a really big ranch and Sherry and I both noticed the unusual fence.
From the road it looked like burled wood. We passed on by and then Sherry stopped, backed the truck up and said, "Those are coyotes."
14 of them! The rancher must be a crack shot and the one up close is the newest one.
I was surprised at how BIG they are. He kills one, wires its legs together and hangs it on the fencepost. There's not much left of the first one on the post closest to the road.

There's always something to see in the country!
I didn't get any pics but we also saw flocks of cardinals on the roads. Dozens of them!

The weather will be warming now and no more freezing temps are in the forecast for the next couple of weeks. There's a lot of rain coming but it won't be COLD!

Summer has had an adventure staying warm in her cabin at Bar-J Ranch in Arkansas.
I think most of the country has been in the deep freeze the last few weeks!



Anonymous said...

Gracious, youall are having an adventure!�� You've gone backward to pioneering days, and obviously, youall would be just fine in them. Nothing seems to get youall in a fix! I don't know what I'd be doing, but I think I could handle it, too. I grew up hard.
Thank heavens for Dean, Sherry and Rosie! They're some good folks to have around!
Thanks so much for you sweet note! You always seem to know when I'm feeling down! We're staying warm and (too) well-fed, and it is 16° here right now, but is supposed to be up to 70° by Thursday!�� Go figure.
"Pneumonia weather", my mama used to say!

You all stay warm and safe. I enjoyed your pictures of the goats. The mops must have been keeping warm somewhere round there! I hope you'll do the same. Do you think you two will really stay the whole month, Pioneer girl?!❤❤�� Sherry and Dean surely are good to y'all! Love, Trudy

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful and encouraging card! It really means a lot to me, and came at just the right time. It has been in the single digits here, so we haven't gone out in ages! Your weather seems to totally change so quickly. Gosh, I hope you are both healthy and not coming down with something! 50 degrees in the bathroom is not fun! The Coyote fence is almost unbelievable!! I don't know whether it is grim or creative!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

brrrr on all the cold and ice and broken pipes. so glad you have Dean to do those repairs. we are at our coldest today, 39 and that is well below freezing, the top of FL has frozen pipes. we are glad it did not come here.
the goats are adorable and do such a great job of mowing off weeds and all the stuff no one wants there. free goat food. had no idea they would eat roses with all those thorns.
I understand the rancher protecting his animals, but to me he has a sick man to hang them like that.

Estelle's said...

Well, you are a strong woman Miss Linda...not sure I would be made for life in the country....I like the comforts of home I think....but I know how happy it makes you all cozy in the are always up for an gosh what an inspiration you are....try to stay warm down there!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

j' m happy to see you are enjoying your visit.We're to warm up some tomorrow. I can hardly wait. One weatherman called it January thaw. We've been very cold here and am cooking forward toSpring!

Rita said...

I love that despite all the water and temperature issues you say you two haven't been this relaxed for years. Being with the ones we love make everything easier. :)
The goats are something else. They do seem cute and cheerful. Also good to have critter company, for sure.
Dean is such a helper and you have great friends, too. Life is good! :)

Carol said...

your time at the ranch has been an adventure this time. I know you love being there though. It seems as though the entire country has been under a crazy cold and I am thankful to say we are to be above freezing tomorrow finally.

Susie said...

Linda, No amount of sweet words will make me love winter...I am wore out trying to stay warm and keep pipes from freezing here. Have to let faucets drip. I use two space heater here and there and always watch them . They take the chill off, only. Wow, I am amazed someone has not had a fit over the coyotes. I laughed thinking, it's a sign boys, Don't come around here. LOL Goats are good at weeding if only they knew weeds from plants or crops. LOL That Summer, always smiling. Blessings, love you, xoxo, Susie

Donna said...

Goodness! Hope you are staying warm!!
A pillow in the truck sounds like a good idea as well as a blanket if you are traveling in this cold weather.
Wnen you're in Waco or heading to Marlin for lunch, Message me if you'd like, on FB and if we can, we'll meet up and visit for a while. We live too close to never meet! lol
Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Stay warm. I grew up in cold homes and frozen pipes. No thank you. I would go home to my toasty house…just a thought. You are happy anywhere. Enjoy your country home. Brenda

Anonymous said...

The coyotes on the fence is sickening. Can’t imagine that being permitted. Yuck. Brenda

AsheVic said...

I agree with Brenda. I know coyotes can be a problem, but stringing them up on a fence post? Barbaric. Could have done without that photo.

Vicki in Ashville, NC

Mrs.T said...

Good to hear you are keeping warm and that your water is back again. It's kind of a fun challenge beating the elements at our age, right?

We sometimes spend a winter night at our little cottage, which has no plumbing and is heated with a wood stove. Not much insulation in part of it -- the kitchen has none, so we wall it off with a quilt overnight. Thankfully it has an Incinolet toilet! We bring water with us and even bring a Keurig in from home, because we learned the hard way that Keurigs can freeze internally even if it looks like all the water is out.

Stay warm and cozy!

Wanda said...

Linda, Linda....The Farm Girl Adventure should be your next book! As I was reading all your adventures in the COLD, I was thinking you and Louis Dean are such troopers!! You make the best of every situation and with a smile.

I loved the goat pictures. I hope there are farms in heaven!

You new paintings are goin to be wonderful.

I'm sorry, but I had to laugh out loud with your discription of you driving the truck!! You are amazing!!

btw did you get the little Bee sheet I mailed to you? We've been having trouble with mail, so just wondering.

Sending WARM hugs and kisses

Great-Granny Grandma said...

Looks like all the animals on the farm keep you well entertained.
I didn't know goats ate thorn bushes. Don't they get pricked by the thorns?
I was enjoying your post and all the pictures of the goats until I got down to the coyote fence. That kind of turned my stomach. Why would someone do such a horrible thing?