I love a day without a real agenda. I'm fairly structured in my planning but Wednesday was up for grabs. The air quality was so NOT good and we probably should not have sat in the gazebo because I developed a headache and went back to bed. By mid afternoon we were both feeling a little better so we decided to go by and check out a Cowboy Church here in Irving. Not that I am looking for a new church home. I have changed churches 3 times since 2005 and I am going to stay where I am. It's Louis Dean. He likes the old fashioned music and you can't find that much anymore.
Anyway, he found one online and we drove over to meet the pastor and check it out.
I told him I would go with him Sunday if he wants to visit there. They have other groups and activities that very well may suit Louis Dean's interests. We'll see.
From there we went right over to see Reaoma.
I've been thinking about what I could do for her. She can't see much anymore and she is having difficulty even swallowing water. But she can hear.
Louis Dean played and sang for about an hour.
She never opened her eyes but she knew we were there and she could listen.
We came home and did the things we needed to do and went to bed early.
As in 9:00 we were in bed and lights out!
That seldom EVER happens.
We slept until 8:00 this morning when my alarm went off.
Not solid and uninterrupted, though.
I got up every two hours but went right back to sleep.
I guess we really were tired.
Today was like a vacation day!
Roy and Ruth Ann picked us up in their big white truck and we headed to Fort Worth.
Our first stop was going to be Central Market on Hulen but we spied a World Market in the same shopping center.
As we parked, Roy and I noticed a chapel......
....so he and I walked over to see it.
There was a lady sitting on the bench in front and said it was the Lena Pope Chapel.
I first heard about the Lena Pope Home in 1957 when I was 9 years old.
Roy found it interesting since his name is Leonard.
It was built in 1990 but I had never noticed it before.
The Lena Pope Home used to be where you could take children and give them up for adoption.
It was also a home for unwed mothers.
Now it is more of a school and counseling service but the Lena Pope institution continues to play a big role in helping children in need.
Then we went over to World Market!
They have such fascinating things in there but this is the only purchase I made.
I can't wait to try it out tomorrow!
Now for the main attraction!
We were back at Central Market for their Chile Fest!
I know that couple walking in front of us!
That's Roy and Ruth Ann!!!
That Peter Piper is one tongue twister I can do!
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.
If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled pappers -
where's the peck of pickled peppers
Peter Piper picked?
It was fun like a party there with all the samples and products you can only get this time of year!
They had a tent set up outside where they were roasting the chiles!
I bought some of these fresh ones!
Louis Dean looks like he's a man on a mission.
Roy is recently retired so he had a lot of fun exploring and doing some of the things Ruth Ann and I have been doing all along.
Even Louis Dean had fun but I'm not sure I captured that in this pic!
Next to HEB - Central Market is my favorite followed by Aldi's!
Hatch Chile everything!
I bet it's all good!
This is what I'm making tomorrow with the ones I bought.
Lots cheaper to make them yourself!
All things Hatch Chile!
Even JUICE!!!
Now the bread was good!!
They gave out free samples with the most delicious creamy butter!
I bought these tortillas to make Hatch Chile Quesadillas.
We sampled some and they were delicious!
Then we ate lunch at Charlston's on Hulen in Fort Worth.
Great food and wonderful service.
It was such a good day!
Roy chauffeured us everywhere.
We stopped at Braum's for Chocolate and Strawberry malts - and lots of them!
We all gathered in one of the home's living rooms and Louis Dean played and sang for about an hour.
I handed out the malts and homemade cinnamon rolls.
I brought Mother down to listen to the music and she did okay.
She continues to decline but she's being taken care of and for that we are all grateful.
Lillian's roommate, Alice, was playing Bingo but next week we may go on a Friday and I'll get to visit with her a little more. I took her malt down to her and she was back in their room when I pushed Lillian back in and we chatted a bit.
I took a big bag of cinnamon rolls and left them at the nurses station plus an extra malt I picked up for one of our favorite workers there.
They are all so kind and patient.
We are grateful to have this place for Mother.
We were blessed with a little rain on our way home this afternoon.
I came right in and went to bed.
After my nap I got a second wind and finished up the quilt top I'm working on.
It's such a big quilt that I washed the top and I've already washed the sheet I'm using for the backing.
Once quilted - it will be ready to gift!
It was a good day.
Tomorrow is a Stay at Home Day and I am finding that a busy day and then a slower one is working out just fine for me.
I think I am not running around like a wild woman with her hair on fire!
At least not nearly as much as I was.
Sergio Estrada Sergio Estrada-USA TODAY Sports
And then there is the first Dallas Cowboy Preseason Game!!
This is from my son, Benjamin's Facebook page!
• The Dallas Cowboys play their first preseason game tonight!
• I will be MIA until February 2019. It's football time!
• The Dallas Cowboys play their first preseason game tonight!
• I will be MIA until February 2019. It's football time!

And I am closing my journal entry under midnight!
I am glad you are getting some days of rest, but still going out to have fun, too. I have never seen so many unusual chile foods!! There are lots of Cowboy churches around here, but I have never been to one. They usually end with a chuck wagon meal. It would be fun.
A good time was had by all - and rest and sleep was also included. Thanks Linda for sharing some great stores as well as your visiting love.
You lead such an eventful life, all the while keeping those you love in mind. You are so sweet.
Your mother seems seems like she is in a good place, her declining is to be expected. I think you and your family keep her moving on.
Sending love,
Those vacation at home days are the best. I love taking a day or two now and then. I have never heard of Hatch, but it looks like it has some very interesting products.
I love this time of the season, when Green Hatch Chilis are featured everywhere...the football season is beginning...GO COWBOYS....I had an association with the Lena Pope Home when I was a director at ALL Saints Hospital....I know your dear friend Reoma enjoyed the music...what a wonderful gift for her. Have a good weekend!
THAT CHILI FEST LOOKS AMAZING!!!! You and your husband are just such good people, the world is a better place just for having you guys in it!
Looks like fun times and what a blessing you are to others!!
How wonderful to be able to spend a day out with friends. And it is a blessing to see how well your loved ones and friends are cared for in the nursings homes. I bet they loved having Louis Dean sing for them. Enjoy your day at home. Happy Friday!
Linda, What a fun time LD and you had with Ruth Ann & Roy. I like to look through the World market stores. I have always looked for note cards or stationary.:) I like trying different breads and that big round one looks good. There's no way I could eat an egg out of a jar...ewee. So sweet of LD to entertain the residents of the home. I think I know what LD means by the older hymns . Ted and I do those slow days more and more. LOL. Not that we want too, but we know better that to work in extreme heat. We have a big project for this fall...finish painting the shed and make something of all of junk. Blessings to you dear friend, love you, xoxo, Susie
Oh, yes...those are the kind of days I love best...being out with either family or friends...always a good time.
Yes...those peppers all over our stores, too...I'm afraid to buy any of it,thinking it all might be H.O.T. I love peppers of all kinds, but not real hot..just want them spicy.
When Bill was still here, we went to a Cowboy Church for awhile...old hymns which he loved (I love the praise and worship type) but the church is clear across town from us. I haven't gone back but it was a fun church. I am still in the stage of getting upset when I try to do much of anything that we did together...I hope to get past that some day. That's one reason I love my back patio...I feel free to cry my eyes out back there without anyone watching.
oh no, bob missed that game last night. he is a die hard Cowboy fan...from the beginning of time, he has 2 cowboy shirts, the only team he has ever worn.
LD might like the cowboy church, waiting to hear what it is like... you have fun even in a grocery store
You all have such a big life! I could not keep up, but I love keeping up with you. You make do many people so happy. You will surely have a crown awaiting you. You and Louis are such a blessing --- keep a goin'!
hatch mango kombucha - wow. I drink kombucha - but usually just lemon & ginger flavored. Great that you had a quiet day... finally. Cheers
What a fun day!!!
Your visit to Lillian and your Mother went very well! You and Louis Dean are very thoughtful!
LD is gathering up a pretty big fan base:) Fun event in the store and hope that chili isn't too hot.
Hi Linda, thanks for your comments on my blog posts about our cross country road trip, we so appreciate them and glad to know folks enjoy seeing where we've been :-) I also enjoyed reading about your outing with friends and seeing all the foods, which is not a good thing before dinner, cause now can't wait till we go out. And, I have to agree with a previous comment that you and Louis Dean are very special folks to do so many nice things for others and sure your mother and friends appreciate it.
i enjoy all kinds of days, the lay back and the over scheduled ones and anything in-between!!! ld is becoming quite popular with the ladies, you are doing great things!! i love your sons Facebook post, too funny!!!
Stopped in to see how your weekend is going. Looks like ya'll had a super fun day our shopping and gallivanting around!! And all the free samples, yum! Did you make your pepper roll ups yet and how did they turn out?--the ones with the bacon? Sure sounds DELICIOUS!! so glad Louis Dean got to sing and play for the group there, he is such a blessing for them I am sure! Thank you for your sweet comments and compliments, I love your outfits too!!
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