Saturday, August 18, 2018

Thursday and Friday Things.....

One of the prayers I pray for Louis Dean is that God will give him the desires of his heart.
I know that music is the great love of his life and I've been looking for a group of other musicians he could play with.

Now he gets all the credit in finding this Cowboy Church that hosts a group every third Thursday called The Silver Spurs. Seniors all gather for a potluck lunch and then there is a band lined up to play some music. The food was plentiful and delicious! We brought a crock pot of BBQ along with sliced onions, buns and a bag of Lays Potato Chips. I'm proud to say we took home very little. Seniors are big eaters!

The featured entertainment was a bluegrass band.
They were really good and Louis Dean was having fun!

Then some of the church members added their talents to the show!
These two were GREAT!!!
I am so new that I don't know their names but the lady had just had a total knee replacement only a week or so ago! She is a real trouper!
It was an afternoon of great fun!

Earnestine was A-Maze-Ing!!!!

The Cowboy Church is in the middle of old Irving and Reaoma's place is not far away so  we dropped by there for a quick visit. There was an ice cream social set up in the lobby when we came in so I took a little bowl of chocolate and cookies and cream to her room.

I was so glad we came.
While I was feeding her the ice cream - which she loved - a member of the staff came in to check on her and told me she had been having a rough day. She cried a lot, the nurse said.
It was good that we were there. Ice cream can cheer just about anyone up!
So can a handsome guy sitting in a chair close to you singing softly.
Ice cream, sips of water, I combed her hair and spritzed some perfume on her and then had prayer.
I firmly believe that both of us - Reaoma and I - felt better after we visited.
These are precious times with her and I treasure our every visit.....

I came home and went to work on the front porch.

Fresh garland around the front door.
This time I used burlap ribbon.
That white rocker was in the living room before I bought that amazing $15 chair and ottoman from the thrift store. No place in the house for it.....although perhaps I can use it in the gazebo.
But for now it's on our front porch.
That's what we do. Put things where one would not expect them to be.

I came in and baked a Crack Cake to share with the folks at the nursing home.
As soon as it came out of the oven and I had it glazed I headed to bed.
I was tired to the bone and I had a really bad headache so I took Tylenol before I went to sleep.

Thankfully the headache went away in the night and I woke up feeling fit as a fiddle.
I sliced up the cake and put them in individual bags to share. It was delicious!!!!
While Betsy used Pumpkin Spice Pudding and a Yellow Butter Cake mix, I used what I had.....a white cake mix and a box of pistachio pudding. Chardonnay instead of Pinot Grigio.....
I'm positive any number of combinations would work! I intend to try a red velvet cake mix with a Merlot or sangria......the possibilities are endless!

We were stuck in traffic for a good while getting to the nursing home.
I handed out cake slices at the nurses station and then gave out milkshakes and cake to the ladies who congregated in Ms Lillian's room for music. It was fun like a party!

I took Mother's milkshake down to her and we had a nice little visit.
She gave me the handkerchiefs from her drawer.
That means a lot to me and I told her I will treasure them and always think of her.
I love hankies and I carry one in my purse at all times. Real cotton ones - most of them given to me over the years by my mother and my daughter, Summer.
I didn't take Mother down to hera Louis Dean play music.
She was in bed when I got there and stayed ther while we visited so I thought it best to leave it like that. Next week we will arrive early and do a mini concert just for her and then go visit the other ladies.

Louis dean played their favorite songs......

I think this is A Daisy a Day....
I got a little confused over the videos and photos.....

Then I joined him in The Far Side Banks of Jordan.
I promised I would sing one duet with him each week......

This is Roberta.....she is the most gracious and elegant 100 year old lady I have ever had the blessing to meet. I think these ladies that come to hear Louis Dean sing are amazing and strong women. I want to be like Roberta.

And then there is Lillian.
I love her so much! She has been so good to Mother and she is a comfort and encouragment to me.
I call her a few times during the week to see how she is and she's my role model of kindness and caring.

Thankfullythe traffic coming back home was easier than going over there!
We walked in the door at 5:45 and walked back out at 6:45!
We met up with Brenda and Billy at Cheddars for dinner a last get-together planning date for our upcoming Alaskan cruise.

We came back to our house to get online and see all the details of our trip.
I can think of no better people to be traveling with than Brenda and Billy.
Brenda and I both have September birthdays and have been getting together at some point in September to celebrate ever since 2004! This year will top them all!

It was a fun evening and Brenda and I had a version of Margaritas!
I bought the wine at Costco and added a splash of Patron and a little margarita salt - plus plenty of ice.
I am so excited about our trip! I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I am actually going to board one of those huge ships! AND go to Alaska and Canada!!!
Then there's the 10 day drive home!
We reserved our rental car today.

Yes! I am!!!

Goodnight, Friends and Family!!!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

You deserve to be happy!

Penny said...

Good morning linda, I have been keeping up with you on FB but it is always so nice to read a full blog post for the full ‘Linda eggect’ which is like no other! How exciting to be going on a cruise, you will make friends with everyone I know and be redecorating your cabin in no time too! X

mxtodis123 said...

Today's post warmed my heart. I wish I had had that time with my mother. Milkshakes. Hmmm. Sounds like an idea. I guess it's a good thing they don't have an ice cream place near me. That cake looks delicious. It's nice that you bring to the nurses.

Hootin Anni said...

Your life is so rich & rewarding!

Susie said...

Linda, I know that LD absolutely loves to play music and sing. It's part of what keeps him young. I smiled ear to ear when I saw you had made Betsy's(Estelle) cake. Doesn't she show us wonderful food. In your pictures I saw the whole cake and then I saw part of it gone in the next picture, and I thought sure you were going to say , LD ate part of the cake in the night. LOL. I love that you have your mom's hankies. She was thinking of you. Sweet Reaoma, heartbreaking to know she was crying. All the twinkling lights looks so nice. Blessings to you and LD. Love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Estelle's said...

I am thrilled you tried the cake recipe and I agree, I think there are many combinations that would work on this! That is some aggressive trip you have planned. We went on one cruise to the caribbean and found out we are just not cruise people...I was motion sick most of the time even though we had meds with us. Then I had dizziness and sea legs for a week after. But if you are experienced travelers, then you will probably really enjoy it. Sounds like the trip of a lifetime!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's very touching to see how you both treat those in the homes and the staff. I'm sure those visits are greatly appreciated by all. It's early morning here and now I have a craving for ice cream! I'll be sure to have some later in the day! I love your fall decorating and all the lights. What a difference they make. You must be so excited getting ready for your trip! It sounds wonderful. Hope you have a super Saturday.

Bluebird49 said...

I'm so glad you have the good health to do so much together! Y'all go around spreading so much joy,and you get so much in return.
Can't wait for tales from Alaska!!

Arlene G said...

I just bet LD loved that time of music at the Cowboy church. Looks like a fun time to me. God Bless you and Louis Dean for your caring hearts to those in care facilities. It is hard to go there regularly when you see so many people who are hurting...I know some never have visitors. When my Grandmother was in the nursing home in our home town, my mother would boy BOXES of Little Debbies and hand them out to all the people sitting in the halls etc. ( Of course she checked with the nurses first.) It is the little things in life that can have the most impact.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am happy that LD found this church with all the music he loves. hope he can play with them. you and LD are blessings to all those women, but also receive blessings from them to.... have a wonderful cruise..did not know about the drive home, will all four of you be doing that togehter

Kathy said...

Everything about this post just made me smile. So much good music. I'm so glad you found the Cowboy Church. It seems just right for LD. The ladies in the nursing home must love it when you come to visit. You two are so kind and thoughtful to do this for them -- cake and music. I know the people in these homes get lonely and you and LD really care about them. That makes all the difference in the world. I am so looking forward to all your posts on your trip. But first there's your September 1st holiday!

Mitzi said...

I just started reading your blog this year. It it is absolutely my favorite one of all I read. Your enthusiam for life and al l your decorating and activities just amaze me. I want to be like you
Please tell me you will be posting from your trip. I dont want to wait so long to hear what you are seeing and doing.Thank you for enriching my life through yours.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Will Louis Dean be performing at the Cowboy Church? Will he be solo, or in a group? This is the best find for him! Those nurses must love you so much! You take the time to make them happy, and that is the best! Nurses so often work very hard and are on their feet so long, with very little reward. I can NEVER get twinkly lights to look like yours! Mine always just look so sad and all strung out. You have a gift of bringing light wherever you go, and that is why you know how to use lights so well. From what I can see of Roberta, she sure doesn't look 100!

Joy@aVintageGreen said...

You and LD spread love and happiness when you visit the nursing home. Bright lights. Thank you, always, for sharing your life stories with us.
Love and Hugs.

Carole said...

I always carry a hankie too - my mother always told me you can't go out of the house without a hankie and enough money to get yourself home... Still valid I think. Cheers ... I am looking forward to hearing all about the cruise as well. We have talked about doing one for years. I don't like being cold though.... Cheers

Blondie's Journal said...

Finding the church where LD could play is so heartfelt and beautiful, Linda. I am not only amazed by your energy, but I've never met anyone who does so much for others and so little for herself. And you find pleasure in all of it!

You deserve this cruise, and to get out of the Texas heat!

Sending love,
