MiMi Camp for Levi began this afternoon! We picked him up and will enjoy a week of fun activities together!
He is the CUTEST little thing! Said his bunny's name is "BUNNY Rabbit......but I can't SPELL it!"
First stop was Snow cones from the stand at Forest Ridge and Pipeline in Euless. He wanted CHERRY since "CHERRY is my favorite!"

Levi played with trucks, cars, trains, blocks and walked Lucy around the block with me. I was holding her leash and Levi wanted to give it a try! I said I had to hold it hard.....to which Levi responded, "I'm STRONG!" And he was and he DID! As we rounded the corner to come home he noticed it was getting dark and wanted to hold my hand. Levi said, "I LIKE holding hands! If GRANDDAD were walking with me I would not be scared!" We are collecting 'Levi-isms' this week!

After the hot dogs and walk and earlier snow cone a bath was in order. A BUBBLE bath complete with a terry cloth puppet. All fresh and clean he said his good nights and settled on a comfy pallet beside our bed. A good first day! Louis Dean and I are headed to bed as well. Takes a LOT of energy to keep up with LEVI!
How adorable is he?!?! I just love it. Sounds like a great start to his MiMi camp. Enjoy!
What a sweet little boy, Linda. Have a great time this week.
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