Monday, May 2, 2016

Facebook, Quadville and Our Gazebo!

I love Facebook!! I check it every morning, afternoon and night to see what my friends and family are doing. I love being able to keep up with them all without being intrusive.
Just today I saw posts from Nita, Deanie and Lonnie.

This was a 'See Your Memories' pic from 2010!
I smiled when I saw it pop up!!
Not only can I keep up with the happy comings and goings but I can also find out about the challenges and sorrows others are going through. Facebook can be and is a wonderful 'Prayer Chain' for me. I read last night that my sister, Luann, was bringing her husband home from the hospital to be placed in hospice care. My heart goes out to her and Monte.

 I hear people complain about Facebook from time to time. I have my privacy settings in place and I am selective about the friends I have.  We do have control over what we see on there! You can even 'hide' people that you do not necessarily want to see their every post!! I hope people know they can hide me! I admit to posting nearly every single day and I even give a warning to posting overload when I know that's what I am going to be doing! I have several friends I have never met on Facebook who came over from the World of Blog. Facebook allows me to get a glimpse into their lives making our relationships two way streets!
Anyway, that's my take on Facebook!!!

Sunday afternoon Louis Dean and I loaded dinner up and headed over to Quadville.

We are always happy to see the kids and we never fail to get a loud reception!!
We ate together 'as a family' the kids say!
Nap time followed I was happy about that!!!
My napping place was on the floor between the two nursery rooms.
Trystan gave me one of her blankets and a pillow and Logan gave me a furry blanket for my feet.
I needed that one as I injured my right big toe Saturday morning and it has continued to hurt more and more with each passing day!
I DID nap! A little. Harrison did NOT but he stayed quietly in his bunk. Trystan and Logan were out like lights and Kailey FINALLY went to sleep right before everyone else started to wake up!!

We enjoyed the rest of the afternoon out on the playground!

Just watching kids play may be one of the most relaxing things to do ever!

They kept us entertained!

Dada passed around graham crackers and they drank all my tea - time after time since I kept refilling it! I'm so happy they love tea as much as I do!! ALL my children love tea! 

The afternoon and early evening sped by!

Their mommy was coming home after a Quad Mom Retreat and they wanted to have flowers ready for her. We raided the front yard for roses and fillers!

Pretty roses from pretty children for a pretty mommy!!

We left Mike and the kids just as they were getting ready to head to the airport!
I know there was a happy reunion of mother and children, husband and wife last night!!

This morning, or early afternoon as the case may be, saw Louis Dean back outside working on the gazebo area! He hauled an old fire pit that was nestled under the elm tree and had ground cover growing up and over it to the curb! This opened up a space where we can see more of the Seven Sister Roses around the back pond.

I hobbled around like a crippled woman today so I wasn't much help to him in getting the gazebo cover up and on. I made an appointment with a foot and ankle specialist for Thursday. It's been 12 years since I was diagnosed with degenerative joint disease and had both big toe joint replacements.
I think it's about time for a check up and maybe he can help me with the increasing pain I am having. It has affected my ability to walk for exercise.....not to mention the throbbing and PAIN I'm having!!!

Who should come to help Louis Dean but our dear sweet Sherry!!!!
She came over straight from work to see what she could do!

She did a lot!!!

Together they got the gazebo cover on!

She even hung up the chandelier!

It won't have the orange extension cord on it once LD gets through with it!
Still, I was anxious just to SEE it hanging up there!!!

Step by step, we are getting it done! 
This is the BEST gazebo we have ever had!!!
Louis Dean is using railings from the first one to reinforce it and thus form it into more of a room than just an open gazebo! You know me! I like enclosed cozy spaces!!!
We bought 11 cans of a good brown spray paint to coordinate everything - railings, chairs, tables and such together!!! I am SO excited!!! We are nearly THERE!!!!


Kathy said...

So sorry to hear about your toe. I hope the doctor can help you out with that. Especially the pain!

Your gazebo is beautiful. So glad you are getting it done. Can't wait to see the finished project.

Linda said...

This is exciting news. Do you have a special bed for the possums, maybe one embroidered 'Possum Bed'? Be sure and color coordinate it with everything else. I'm anxious to see what all you're going to do out there. Don't do too much brown, make it cheerful. Wish I could see the quads faces when they see it for the first time.

Pondside said...

The Gazebo will be a thing of beauty! Just think of the hours of relaxation and companionship in its shelter.
Facebook? After years of scoffing I went on with tight privacy settings and find I am getting a lot of enjoyment from it.

Blondie's Journal said...

I like FB, too...just for family happenings. A great way for those of us far from home to be in touch.

Oh...I'm so sorry about the pain you're in... never knew and I've always thought you were a whirlwind and I was a sloth. Not that you are a! We all have those aches and pains but you push on and I admire that.

Your gazebo is going to be spectacular!!!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I hope your toe is okay! Glad you'll be seeing your doc.

Those quads are darling!

Hurray for the gazebo! It's beautiful! I know you'll enjoy it so much!

Nancy Chan said...

Hi Linda, I hope your toe is okay by now. Its a beautiful gazebo and the chandelier to light it up!

Susie said...

Linda, I am sorry to read this about Luann's husband. You will all be in my prayers. The kids look so cute playing and fixing flowers for their mom. It was so nice of Sherry to come help out. She and LD did a fine job on the canvas cover...and the chandy. I sure hope your toe will improve. You may have to put your feet up for awhile. Blessings to all of you. Love, xoxo, Susie

Estelle's said...

I think I am as excited as YOU are about your new gazebo! I adore the you! This is just going to be great and so enjoyable especially when fall comes in. Y'all be careful!!!! Hugs!

Stacey said...

The gazebo is wonderful and I love the chandelier. How fun!

Vee said...

The gazebo is gorgeous! I can tell already. Glad that Louis Dean had good help with it.

So sorry about your paining toe. I have some experience with toes that scream their way through the day. I know that your doctor will be able to help you out. In the meantime, I am praying for your relief.

Facebook is so not my thing, but I am glad that it is working for you and your family. (Obviously, some families know how to behave.) Heartbreaking to hear about Luann's husband. I am praying for her and for him. May the comfort of The Lord be very real for them.

Can't wait to see what the next pic of the gazebo looks like.

Arlene G said...

I agree with you about Facebook. I find it a fun place to keep up with family and old friends. I stay away from the drama that some seem to enjoy!! Love your new gazebo....isn't it fun to see a plan come together! How you napped on the floor I do not understand?lol As I get older I have to have cushions for all my older bones. Have a blessed day Linda.

Arlene G said...

Forgot to add I am sorry to hear about Luann's husband. Is she the sister who lives in Birmingham?

Changes in the wind said...

I too am excited about your both enjoy it and this one will be the best ever. Hope you get some pain relief soon.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i hope the injury to your toe did not mess with your surgery on them and that the doc can help. walking is what we need and way to hard with pain.. hard enough without pain these days.
the gazebo is looking super.. God bless your helper neighbor. the quads look so sweet with the flowers for mommy.... i know Amber had a wonderful get away..and a wonderful home coming.

BeachGypsy said...

I love it!! Its going to be great!

bj said...

My dear sweet, always-happy-even-with-a-broken-toe,
sister just spread happiness all around you..when I leave your precious blog, I am smiling ear to ear...I can't believe how much the kids have grown..I can remember Amber going to the hospital as if it were yesterday...your outdoor room is sooo nice. I just today, about an hour ago, ordered a small pergola for our back door patio..(well, really it's a long driveway that isn't used so we are claiming it for a little patio.) I am getting it all fixed up pretty and it is looking really good. Things aren't blooming all that much here yet but when things DO start blooming, it sure is going to be pretty. I will post some of it this week but our pergola won't be here and up until next week...go have that toe looked at..probably can't cast it (and I don't even know if it's broken but hurting more ea day sounds like it could be a fracture...I dropped a full glass pitcher of tea on my barefoot toe once and broke it...H.U.R.T. so go get some heavy duty drugs...:) xoxo

ellen b. said...

So sorry about your toe and the pain you are experiencing. I enjoy facebook for the keeping up with friends aspect. We are going to visit a friend in Hospice care this Thursday. We also just put up our patio structure covers. Hope your foot and ankle specialist has good ideas and relief for you! ellen b. at

Laura said...

You are busy, loving, and well loved-
that is living life to the fullest!
I hope you painful toe improves.
Enjoy your gazebo!

Carole said...

Good luck with your toe - I've only had 2 episodes of gout and that was quite bad enough thank you! Cheers from Carole's Chatter

Penny said...

So sorry to hear about your poor toe! Hope the medics can help you. The gazebo is looking great! X