Friday, May 20, 2016

Blessed and Thankful!

I didn't expect to feel up to writing a Journal Post tonight - but here I am!!

Surgery is never a favorite thing to do but it was a really good experience for me today.
I didn't even have to wake up early but had a leisurely morning and arrived at the hospital shortly before 11:00. Actually it was 10:30 and I told the lady at the desk that being early hardly EVER happens to me!!!

It's such a small world! I looked up and saw a Quad Mom working in the unit . It was Suz of Steece's Pieces! Her quads are now 8 years old with three boys and one girl - just the flip side of Amber's Quad Squad!! Not only is it a small world, it gets even smaller in The Land of Blog not to mention the Quad Community!!
 The staff there was super efficient and at one point there were three nurses at my bedside all working on different things. One was drawing blood and putting in the IV, the second was hooking up the EKG and a third was getting my medical history. After two of the three finished, a physical therapist came in and I did a practice walk/hop using the walker.

When all was said and done, Dr. Adam Crawford came in to go over the procedure I was to have.

Louis Dean was able to come in and visit for less than half an hour before it was time for me to go!

The final x-ray showing the art work in lengthening my toe as well as all the carpentry Dr. Crawford had to do! My foot is all bandaged up and I won't get to see it until I go back for my post-op appointment in two weeks but I think it will look GOOD!!

Time to trade in my designer gown and go home!
It was right at 5:00 but the traffic coming our way wasn't too bad.

Summer arrived just minutes after us and she came bearing dinner and a box chock full of all my favorite things!!

Not to mention, I LOVE the BOX itself!!!

Louis Dean was as happy to see Summer as I was!

She got me all settled and comfy!

Louis Dean decided to take this opportunity to stretch out on the other sofa but not before he scarfed down the Kentucky Fried Chicken with all the trimmings she had brought for dinner!!!
I loved the mashed potatoes and gravy - everything!!

Thanks to my friend, Lynn, who is a dedicated physical therapist,
I have had a jump start at therapy.
She loaned me her Don Joy Ice Man that comes with a  pack I can wear for 30 minutes on and 30 minutes off to ward off the swelling that is certain to set in tomorrow.
The day AFTER surgery is most often MUCH more painful than the day of.

I am so thankful for all the prayer support today as well as the wonderful words of encouragement!
My heart is simply overflowing with all the love and gratitude I'm feeling. And JOY!!
I had the surgery!!! It's no longer hanging over my head!
"I love it when a plan comes together!!!"


Unknown said...

Praise God all went well. Romans 8:28

Penny said...

So very happy to see you looking well Linda! Very happy that you have it over, and now just to be looked after by your very own 'Florence Nightingale in Blue Overalls' (Louis Dean I am looking at you!!) Sending much love XXxX

Mummers AKA Summer said...

So grateful the plan came together and you have had the surgery to fix your right foot! You have been a great patient! Love YOU!

Deb said...

You are such a trooper Linda blogging after surgery ❤️ Prayers for a speedy recovery 🙏🏻😘

Kathy said...

I am so surprised to see you blogging today. Hope you have a quick recovery. You have such a positive attitude and that goes a long way. Glad you have so much family to take care of you.

peggy said...

We were all waiting for you to tell us it was a piece of cake. I am glad it is done, so hurry and heal.

Estelle's said...

So glad it all went well...advice....don't over do it! Take it easy and have a restful weekend....hugs!!! How do you manage to look so chic in a hospital gown?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

so glad you are home and safe and all went well. i thought your foot was swollen until i read about the ice pack... you are so blessed to have Summer to come and help and next to burgers and pizza KFC is my favorite... hope today goes well and no pain

Arlene G said...

So glad to see your post this morning Linda as I was not sure if you would feel like checking in! That Summer outdid herself. I was trying to figure out what all was in that box!:) Do what the doctor ordered and you will be up at at em in no time.

Susie said...

Linda, I am so thankful your surgery is over and went well. Like you said today will be a tough one. Just know that many of us out here are praying for you and wishing you the best. Thank you so much for the card and book mark. It just made my day.:):) Hug the quads and thank them for me. Your sweet Summer girl..She's just like my Angie. So caring. Please don't be in a rush. Let people wait on you for a little while. LOL. Blessings to all, love you, xoxo, Susie

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

You are such a good and faithful blogger!!! I love it. I am so happy you are home and starting the healing process. Yay for Summer to come and help and for LD to get that yummy chicken dinner. xoxo!

Changes in the wind said...

So glad all went well and you were able to keep us informed. It is clear you are loved:)

PATI CLARK said...

Rest up & Heal sweet friend !!! Glad to hear all went well !!!!

Linda said...

I did not expect to see a post and I failed to check for one. Shame on me. I should have known better. Florence Nightingale in blue overalls lends a special touch. Summer, I do love that woman. She has the most infectious smile, can't look at her without returning the smile.

I would say this second stage of recovery will be the most challenging for those who love you, how to keep Linda entertained!!

That surgery really amazes me. Isn't it wonderful what the medical world can do today. Don't hesitate to take pain meds today, and remember to take them at scheduled times, not just when you're in pain. That's the secret to pain management. If you wait until you're in pain you've waited too long.

Have to say this all looks pretty challenging for the Goodwill circuit. Will be interested to see how you manage mobility.

Stacey said...

Linda, I hope you do well in the next few days and do not have too much pain.

Jackie See said...

Linda, so happy you are home and feeling so good. Bless that Summer, her smile is always so bright. I am praying for Gods comfort and healing. Relax and let Gods work bless and heal your body. Please keep us all posted on your recovery! Hugs from Missouri!

Vee said...

Good heavens, Linda! Your doc installed a hinge! =D Listen here, Little Lady, you take care of yourself and don't fret about us. I see that your foot is bandaged to the hilt. Praying that all your helpers make life as smooth as possible for the next while. Gifts! Always a good thing!

Cheapchick said...

Glad to hear surgery went well - now two weeks of recovery :) Take care of yourself and let others take care of you :)

Kelly said...

I'm so glad that you can rest easy now knowing that the surgery is behind you. I think the anticipation is the worst part. Glad that you have a good support team at home to take care of you while you recover too. Summer's gift was so sweet and thoughtful! Get well soon.

Nonnie said...

You look absolutely fabulous. Love the box OFMGOODIES (especially Nonni's biscotti) from Summer and now I am seriously craving some KFC. Take care and DO NOT OVERDO.

Nonnie said...

Of goodies! I hate when that happens!

Carole said...

So glad it all went well - here's to a speedy recovery! Best wishes from Carole of Carole's Chatter

Ginny Hartzler said...

Bless your heart! What a lot of hardware you have in your toe, they really fixed you up. And through the whole thing, you remain upbeat and make it sound like summer camp! You are amazing! And you look better than ever!

Terra said...

I think you are looking at a good recovery, and great you are smiling already.

ellen b. said...

Glad to hear things went well and you had special help and box of goodies when you got home. Too sweet. Now take care and allow that toe to heal up nice.
ellen b. at the Happy Wonderer

Linda said...

So glad your surgery went well and you are on the road to recovery. Heal quickly!

Jan said...

So glad the surgery went well. Praying for a swift recovery and as little pain as possible!

Jan said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Jill said...

Hoping you have a quick recovery!! So nice to have dinner and a box of goodies sure to lift your spirits. Get some rest and enjoy your weekend!


Joy@aVintageGreen said...

Hugs Linda and so GLAD that you shared a post tonight and that you got a great ice pack to help with swelling. Take all your pain pills when they are scheduled. You have great friends. So happy to see Summer too! LD looks pretty darn glad to see you home again.

Hootin Anni said...

Hope all goes well in healing...and the two of you take things easy for now and get all better before the NEXT surgery.

Carol said...

Linda, I am thankful that your surgery is over and that you are on the road of recovery. I pray that all goes well in the healing process and that you are soon up and running after those quads again.