Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Cane Gang!!!

Mother and I are rocking it as a Cane Gang!!
Between a cane, walker and a set of crutches that Summer brought over, I'm getting around fairly well. Not that I'm up much just yet!

Deanie and Charlie brought Mother over late yesterday morning and she has been a lot of help.

Back when I had my original toe joint replacements, Mother had broken her ankle by stepping off a curb wrong. She and I recovered together at her home in Fort Worth. Deanie said she remembered coming over to check on us and we were both propped up in bed holding hands as we watched the movie 'Shrek!'

Both of my daughters came over to spend Friday evening with us bringing everything from dinner to movies! Amber cooked up some delicious comfort food - pinto beans, cornbread and blackened chicken while Summer stocked me up on fresh fruits! She brought watermelon, fresh tiny little apricots, blackberries and pineapple - all cut up and bagged for my convenience!

Amber provided us with some impromptu entertainment!!!
We were just about to start a movie and she was going around the den turning off my thousand points of light when a large, black, nasty water bug decided to take a shortcut through the den and scampered across her feet!!! My, oh, my!! I did NOT know she could jig like that!!!

Michael Flatley would have been impressed!!!

After Louis Dean killed the bug and order was restored to the den, we settled down to watch a movie!

Revenant was a very different movie than Shrek!!
Jeremiah Johnson is my all time favorite movie and all my children can quote pretty much the entire script! Revenant - which is a film loosely based on true events -  seemed to be a kind of remake of Jeremiah Johnson. Mother covered her eyes during a good portion of it!

This morning we had some special visitors and, once again, they came bearing gifts!
I had talked to Summer on Marco Polo late last night - a new way to message using video and voice -and said I was going to send LD to the thrift store for a pair of crutches. Because of the bone and skin grafts, I wasn't able to put all my weight on my heel when I got up during the night. My kids are so thoughtful of me!
Summer, Sabrina and Rayne left home early this morning and were sitting in the parking lot just waiting for Big Thrift to open. Sure enough, they bought a pair of crutches for  $4.99!!!
The thrift stores win again!!!

We all sat in the gazebo having coffee and visiting together!
Summer and Sabrina had picked up breakfast for us so it was like a little party and the gazebo was like a casual living room! It is wonderful that LD was able to get this gazebo set up and decked out before I had this surgery!
Isn't Rayne cool in her pretty hat!

She even let Granddad wear it awhile!!

I am so very grateful for children. 
What would life be like without the curiosity and enthusiasm of children?
I am often reminded how BIG the 'little' things are!
Take make up, for instance! I am seldom seen without mine but I am long past insisting I be 'made up' before seeing friends and relatives. However, as a rule, I never go out in the world without at least eyebrows and lashes on!

We were having fun like a party!!!

After they left, Mother, Louis Dean and I put our feet up and had another cup of coffee before we went in for naps. Mother slept in the guest room, I in our bedroom, and Louis Dean went off to do errands!

I was hurting a good bit last night when I went to bed, but for the most part, I am staying ahead of the pain. The ice machine Lynn loaned me has been a tremendous blessing and I have not had much swelling at all! I wear my boot around the clock except for when I am using the ice therapy. I even wear the boot to bed and I keep that leg elevated on pillows.

They say the day or two AFTER surgery can be pretty difficult.
Surgery was Thursday afternoon. The pain block wore off completely last night before I went to bed.
I admit to being rather sickly last night but today has been much better!!
I am starting to go longer in between pain medicine and taking only one instead of two.
All in all I am doing very well!!
Thank you so very much for the prayers. They have made all the difference!

I will close this evening's journal entry with a photo of my sister, Deanie!

She and Charlie celebrated 21 years of marriage yesterday!!!
Happy HAPPY Anniversary!!!


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Happy Anniversary to Deanie and Charlie!

I am so glad to hear that you are doing well! Sorry that you had pain last night, but it sounds as if you are moving past it!

Glad your mother is able to be a help and you do have such thoughtful children! You raised them right!

Linda said...

Glad to know you've been able to stay ahead of the pain. Don't know what that ice machine is but it certainly seems to be a good thing. Amber reminds me of my daughter and bugs. Water bugs are pretty evil looking. It appears your girls are taking very good care of you. Louis Dean has probably never taken orders from so many women at one time. Will be looking forward to coming reports on your progress.

Kathy said...

Again, I am so surprised that you are blogging each day. You have a great family and good friends to take care of you. I don't think I'd like that movie at all. I'd be like your mom covering my eyes. I'm with Amber on water bugs. We'd be dancing together along with a few screams thrown in for good measure. Ha, ha!

Arlene G said...

Those ice machines are wonderful. My husband used his when he had his knee replacement and it made all the difference in pain management. So glad everyone is waiting on you. As for the movie, I thought it seemed like Jeremiah Johnson when I saw the previews. I would probably be like your Mama and I would cover my eyes We tried to watch the movie, Unbroken but I had to leave the room. I just could not take it. Have a blessed Sunday and I hope you are feeling much better today!!

Latane Barton said...

Poor thing but looks like you are making the best of a bad situation... with the help of family. Hurry up, Girl, and feel better!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

happy anniversary to Deanie.. that is some boot you have.. and wow on the 5 dollar crutches. everyone is having so much fun with your surgery they might want you to have another. pintos and cornbread. oh photos of LD and R, she is so adorable.. glad the pain is some better, hope it is even better today... have more fun today, but i know you will...

Nonnie said...

Happy Anniversary to Deanie and Charlie. Happy healing to you. You will heal quickly because you are surrounded with love and your attitude is so good. I believe you were given a double portion of the gift of having fun.

Cheapchick said...

You are surrounded by people who love you - what a great environment to get better in!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your comparison of Amber to Michael is hilarious, and gave me my first big laugh of the day. I am so must be so painful. At least you are making good progress. You look just as beautiful with no makeup as you do with it on! Your joy always shines through. Have you seen the quads yet or are you waiting till you feel a bit better?

Hootin Anni said...

Sweet photos...perfect post.
But, you know have a song going through my head..."Chain Gang". Oh dear. How long will it take to leave, y'wonder?

Susie said...

Linda, I always love seeing your pictures. Honey, don't worry about no make are beautiful. I love how sweet your kids are. Oh I want a little Rayne of my very own. My Emma Pooh doesn't seem to want to come over so much any more...that growing up thing. I miss little kids . I have been around them all my live and now none. I have the two great grands but they live too far way to see like I would want. LOL. Well you know what I mean. Blessings to all of you there. I love you guys, xoxo, Susie

Jaybird said...

My heart is with you.....I had 5 toes done about 2 years ago, and I still hobble on occasion :^( The first week was a horror story even with the knee scooter. After that is was not as bad, but two years later I am still looking for decent fitting, comfortable shoes!!
Blessings to you and your "gang".

Carol said...

Sounds as though you are all getting along just fine. I had both feet operated on once and I remember having to stay ahead of the pain. I feel for you.

Debbie said...

the picture of you and your mom holding hands is priceless, really!!! shrek is one of my favorite movies, i met him in universal studio's ;)

i can't wait into your up and about, it's hard to see you on the couch!!!!

bj said...

I am so so glad to hear you are doing a bit better than yesterday...ea day should get better...
and, yes, what in this world would we do without our sweet hubby and kids and grandkids...just couldn't make it and I never, ever forget to thank HIM for giving me so many blessings. Feel better soon. xoxo

Kelly said...

I'm so glad that you're being well taken care of since your surgery. Looks like you're receiving the royal treatment! I bet you'll be glad when you can get back to walking again. I hope that you continue to improve and only have better days ahead.

Angie said...

I'm so glad you are doing well. You are so blessed with an amazing family. That photo of you and your mom is beautiful. Prayers you recover completely very quickly!

Penny said...

You are doing so well! Hope you are not overdoing things on your crutches. Louis Dean suits the hat! X