Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday Update....

 I am still doing the edits on chapter seven of Children in the Closet and will finish later tonight.
We are about to leave for the ranch to spend a few days so it may well be tomorrow before I can publish it.

Louis Dean has loaded the truck and is ready to go but I still need to pack up some things and get dressed.
I want to get down there before traffic and stop at Home Dpot and HEB on our way.

Son Dean is doing some plumbing repairs as I write.
The PVC pipes in the shower froze in last week's weather and he discovered it when he went down to turn our water on.

Dean and Sherry are so good to us!
It's going to be like spring this week!

This is probably the only journal entry I have ever made with not even one photo.....

There is a first time for everything!


Jan said...

Have a safe trip! The weather will be wonderful this week!

BeachGypsy said...

Yall have a safe drive and enjoy the pretty scenery as you get back to the country! Hopefully you'll get nice spring weather!

photowannabe said...

Have a safe trip and enjoy your days at the ranch. Your family is such a blessing to you. Hope the plumbing gets fixed and there is no damage.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Have a safe trip. So glad your son is taking care of the plumbing issue before you get there! What a blessing. We will be looking forward to the next chapter of your story when you get it ready. But meanwhile, just relax and enjoy your time away in the country!