Wednesday, January 29, 2025

A Day Late and a Dollar Short.....

 That's a saying my mother used to say and that's how I feel!
It's been a week since I posted a regular  journal entry and it seems that the more behind I get - the more behind I get!

Last Wednesday Louis Dean had a Medicare Wellness Checkup.

I am so grateful that as Louis Dean complains about going to the doctor visits - he is gracious and goes along with the program even when he doesn't like to do so.

Since he is diabetic, they always check his feet.
He is borderline but has no feeling in some parts of his feet.

Here he is waiting for his lab work.
Instead of seeing a podiatrist - we visit Lovely Nails on Beltline Road.
They do so much more than Dr. Garcia - plus they make over him like he is a movie star!
I think I've made him famous!

Since it was a fasting appointment and it was now 3:00 ....

He was excited to have a hamburger and fries at Braum's.

Louis Dean and I have enjoyed these cold evenings by the fireplace.
So have our cats.

I have no idea why this pic is here but we do love our pepper poppers!

Samantha is our super star and always posing!
I opened the fridge to prepare a meal and looked up......
We never know where we will find her!

She is quick to claim a new basket or investigate an open cupboard door.

I have a funny story about these pajama pants.
Louis Dean and I were having coffee in his music room and he wadded this pair of pajama pants up and said, "You can cut these up for rags or whatever you want to do with them but I slept in them last night and like to never got them off this morning!"

That's because these are my pajama pants!!!

I talked to my brother, Lonnie, on Monday and he laughed so loud when I told him this story!

Saturday morning we were up really early to go to North Richland Hills to watch Harrison's hockey game. It started at 9:15 and we were early!

Only for hockey games are we early!
I don't want to miss a minute.

Amber and Mike are loving the whole hockey adventure - just as much as I enjoyed her Synchronized Swimming! She explains to me the importance of a hockey game by comparing it to her swimming experience. This particular game was like playing Santa Clara's B Team.....they played the Penguin's B team.

And they won!

Amber, Mike and I went inside to the ice rink while Louis Dean opted to watch from the the windows where it was warm.

I love being a part of the whole hockey experience with not only Harrison, but Trystan, Kailey and Logan, too!

We made it to Harrison's Sunday game when the Brahmas played the Penguin's A team.

And, once again, they won!


Life seems to be slipping by and I hope to not get behind in my journal entries.

When Lonnie and I talked on Monday - I was telling him about chapter 3.
He was a baby in the last chapter but apparently the family next door to Granny and Granddad continued to live there for years and years.
Right off the bat, Lonnie said, "That was Joe and John Bowman! They went on to serve long sentences in the penitentiary. Lonnie has an amzong memory as did Deanie and Nita.
While I remember my early years, they helped me fill the blanks in later years.

Today is Lonnie's 70th birthday!
He is so precious to us and we all love him dearly!
His humor is so funny and we laugh and laugh when we talk on the phone.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Children in the Closet - Chapter Three

  Chapter Three


       Granny took care of us now and it wasn’t nearly as pleasant as when Mother was home all the time. All three of us girls slept in the same bed together and Lonnie slept with Mother and Daddy. We would wake up, get dressed, eat breakfast and then Granny ushered us to the back door and turned us out into the yard like puppies. She always locked the hook and eye latch to prevent us from coming back in. We stayed outside until lunchtime when we were allowed to come in and eat.

          We took afternoon naps on the living room floor. Granny had lace curtains on all the windows in the living room and I loved to watch them billow in the breeze since the windows were always open due to the summertime heat. Not many people had air conditioning back then. She had hung framed prints on the walls and my favorite was the one of the angels helping two small, ragged, frightened children across a rickety bridge into what I assumed was Heaven. As I would gaze up at it, I imagined the children to be Lloydine and myself on that bridge and found great comfort knowing that God had angels to take care of us.

        Once we all woke up from our naps it was back outside until suppertime. Then we played some more until it was time to come in and get ready for bed. Occasionally we would watch a TV program in the evenings if both Mother and Daddy were home.  The Ed Sullivan Show and The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin were two of my favorites.

         None of us can remember playing with a single toy in all those summer days we spent outside. We generally followed the shade, playing up close to the house under the Seven Sisters rose bushes in the mornings. We used our imaginations and dreamed up all sorts of things to do. The roses were intertwined with a huge honeysuckle vine and we would pick bouquets, tear the blossoms into tiny pieces, put them in an old tin can, add a little rain water and stir it all up with a stick to make our own perfume.   We also tried to making our own glue using flour and water and mixing it together in another old can. We stirred it until it was smooth and white and looked like glue to us. Papers were always flying into the yard so Lloydine and I would gather up some of them and try to glue the edges of them together to make a book so we could play school. The glue never held. I imagine we kept getting it too thin.

     Do you remember the first conscience sin you ever committed? I do. It was right there underneath that Seven Sister rose bush. One day I had got hold of some matches in the house and I took them with me when we were shooed outside. I had them hidden in my hand behind my back so Granny didn’t notice them.  I tried and tried to burn a stick. I managed to strike the matches but the stick would never catch on fire. Even as I struck each match, I knew in my heart that it was a sin for me to be playing with them like that. No one saw what I was doing but I eventually felt so guilty I tried to go inside and confess to Granny what I had done. However, the door was locked so I tucked the book of matches down beside the little step under the door and went back to play. I didn’t forget what I had done, though, and confessed it to Mother later that evening. She didn’t seem to pay much attention to me and I didn’t even get a spanking as I was certain I would.

      As the day progressed, we would go further and further into the back of the yard. At the very back was a huge old mulberry tree. We did love those mulberries! Lloydine and I would climb up in the lower limbs and discovered two “seats” where the branches curved in such a way as to form what we called our chairs. We spent many an hour up in that tree. Lanita was too little to climb since she was only two years old. She didn’t stay outside as much as Lloydine and I did. Granny had her come in for an extra nap in the mornings. Lonnie was just a baby so he got to stay in the house most of the time.

    The people living next door to Granny and Granddad had chickens, roosters, pigs, they even had a donkey! They also had a boxer dog and Lloydine was so scared of it, probably because of his constant barking. She loved that old donkey, though. After supper, Lloydine and I would take a single plate of scraps out to feed the chickens and the pigs. Feeding the critters was the highlight of our day.

      While we liked the neighbor’s animals, we were a little bit afraid of their boys. They were on the older side by at least a few years and they were mean to us. While we didn’t have real toys to play with -- we did have good imaginations. Lloydine had a pet dog, which was really an old glass pickle jar with a string tied around the neck of it. She would pull that thing all around the yard and play like it was real. She even named him Pee Wee. One day we were playing close to the fence between our yards and the boys started throwing rocks at us. One of the rocks hit Pee Wee and killed him, shattering the glass. Lloydine was devastated and ran to pick him up, cutting her finger. Daddy ran outside when he heard her crying and took her in the house to put a bandage on the cut.  We learned to stay more in the center of the yard after where the neighbor boys couldn’t hit us from that distance. 

     I have a particular memory of Daddy mowing the grass that summer. It was Johnson grass for the most part, with Bermuda grass in the middle of the yard. It would get so high he had to use a scythe to cut it.  Standing in grass up to his waist swinging that scythe back and forth, back and forth, he would work his way up and down the yard.  We weren’t allowed to be anywhere near where he was cutting, so my sister and I would stay just far enough back to be safe and watch him.

      Rain was no excuse for coming in the house that summer! That was the only time we were allowed to go in the little storage shed that was built next to the mulberry tree. It was open on one side and we would go in and find something to sit on and listen to the rain fall on the tin roof. It felt kind of like we were playing house. We would stay in there until we could hear our Granny calling us to come out because the rain had stopped.

     One afternoon, as we were trooping out after the rain was gone, Lanita tripped, lost her balance and fell against an old metal bedspring that had been leaning up against the side of the shed. It fell over on top of Lloydine and her head went right up through one of the spring coils. She was stuck and we could not get her head out! I ran for the back door screaming for help all the way. Granny came to the door to listened to my story, never bothering to unlock the door, much less even take a step outside to see about Lloydine. She just said she would call someone to come over and get her head out. That someone turned out to be Granny’s oldest grandson, Anthony. It took a good little while for him to get there. In the meantime, Lanita and I huddled around our sister -- who was crying hysterically --and tried to comfort her until help arrived. Granny’s backyard was certainly not a child safe area and it’s a wonder we were never seriously injured while playing there.

The second Sunday in August was when we had the Carlton/Hancock reunion in Stephenville, Texas. That was the highlight of our whole summer! Mother cooked all morning that first Saturday of the month. That afternoon we took baths and put on our pajamas. This was Lanita’s very first memory of Daddy – he gave her a bath and she remembers seeing his arms covered in thick black hair. While she could never see his face in her memory, it didn’t matter. She knows it was her Daddy.

       We got in the car with Daddy driving and Mother sitting in front holding Lonnie. We three sisters filled the back seat, with the food securely stored in cardboard boxes in the floor board of the car. Daddy stopped for gasoline at the Texaco station and when the attendant came to the window, Daddy said, “Give me five of ethyl.” I’m thinking that must have meant five gallons. We were headed to Stephenville, Texas which was about 100 miles west of Fort Worth.

      It was nearly dark when we arrived at the Stephenville Community Center. Mother had packed a stack of quilts, blankets and pillows and Daddy made beds for us in the gymnasium.  We were so excited to be there that Mother allowed us to run around for a few minutes before we settled down and went to sleep.

       The aroma of coffee filled the air as we woke up the next morning. Mother and Daddy were already awake and sitting at one of the long tables with other relatives. She noticed we were awake and came over to help us get dressed in our Sunday clothes. Mother was already wearing her favorite floral printed dress and had on her pretty blue rhinestone necklace and matching earrings. Mother always dressed so nicely. Daddy wore khaki pants and a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up. I asked him why he rolled them up like that and he said because they were torn. He wore his good white shirts to work and to church but kept the old ones until they were absolutely worn out. Everyone dressed up for the reunion in those days.

        Granny and Granddad arrived later that Sunday morning and pretty soon the parking lot was full of cars and the gym was overflowing with families. We watched and waited excitedly for our cousins to arrive! Most of them were older than we were, except for Uncle Truman’s two youngest, Mae Ellen and Dale.  I looked up to Mae Ellen and tagged around behind her. We played in the gym until just before lunch was served. That’s when the photographer came and we all gathered up on the bleachers to take a group picture. I sat on the floor along with a dozen other young cousins with nine bleacher rows filled all the way up to the top behind us with as many as 16 people on each row.

        A preacher or church deacon in the family would lead in prayer and then lunch was served. There was an enormous amount of food! A solid row of tables spanned the width of the building and it’s a wonder they didn’t break under the load. That food still lives in my memory! Fried chicken, roasts, hams, large platters of sliced home-grown tomatoes, fried okra, corn on the cob, potatoes of every description, black eyed peas cooked with bacon, fried squash, stacks of sliced white bread with jars of jams and jellies. There were pickles and chow chow (diced green tomatoes, bell peppers, green chili, vinegar and spices) and pepper sauce. One table at the end was just for desserts and oh, those desserts! Pies with meringue piled high and lightly browned, cakes, cobblers, cookies of every sort and, best of all –- freezer after freezer of homemade ice cream. There were huge galvanized barrels with spigots filled with cold tea and one was full of ice water. There was no air conditioning in that old stone building, so it was hot as it always is in Texas during August.  Every drop of the tea and water was gone by late Sunday afternoon.

      After lunch, the mothers would put their children down for naps while the grownups played dominoes or 42 or just sat around and talked. Daddy would get the blankets back out and we would lie there listening to the hum of voices and before we knew it we had fallen asleep. This day never lasted long enough

        Shortly after the family reunion, Aunt Irene and Uncle PR came to see us. They lived on a farm out in West Texas. I remember that visit for two reasons, one -- Uncle PR taught me an easier way to make up the beds. It was kind of him to pay attention to me and help me simplify one of my chores. The second reason is that they took me home with them! I got to spend a whole week in the country. My cousins, Shirley and Jerry, still lived at the farm but they were nearly grown up by then. I loved being the center of attention and seeing all the exciting things there was to see on a farm. I would only get homesick at night when I would gaze off into the distance and see tiny lights from a faraway town and think, “My mother is where one of those lights are.” While I loved being there, I was ready to go home when the time came. I missed my sisters and brother and my mother and daddy.

        Another good adventure that year was visiting our Aunt Alice and Uncle Truman. It was every bit as much fun to visit them in the summer as it was at Christmas time.  I believe it was Labor Day 1956 when Daddy drove us all out to their place. Mae Ellen was all agitated over an incident that had happened just a few days earlier. Air conditioning was not all that common back then. Everyone left their windows open to let in what small breeze might be blowing. In the early evening, Mae Ellen noticed someone peeking into her bedroom window. She didn’t scream or call for help. Instead, she very quietly slipped out of her room and went to get her mother. Now our Aunt Alice was an amazing woman –-hardworking, feisty and fearless! She marched herself in there and slammed down that window, trying to catch the peeping tom’s hands under it. He barely jerked them out in time! He took off running and Aunt Alice went flying out the front door after him. Their yard had a tall cyclone fence around it and that fellow was headed straight for it! He pulled himself up and was trying to jump over it when his feet got tangled up.  He did not make a clean getaway, but cut himself up pretty badly on the sharp wire and they had to cut him down from there and take him to the emergency room!

       As Aunt Alice and Uncle Truman was recalling the story to us, even Mother and Daddy were hanging on every word. Then we were shooed out to play while the adults visited. I confess to being envious of my cousins and their family. Aunt Alice and Uncle Truman didn’t fuss with each other as Mother and Daddy did. Uncle Truman was Granny and Granddad’s only son so he was treated special.  We later learned Granny and Granddad lost their first son when he was three years old so this made Truman even more special. He was a man’s man and was usually building something. He liked to fish so they always managed to live near a lake.

     Aunt Alice and Uncle Truman had five children; two sons and three daughters. Paula, Joyce, Anthony, Mae Ellen and Dale.  Dale was five years older than I and he was really spoiled. They must have had a real soft spot for him. Sadly, the spoiling ruined him and he brought a great deal of harm to many people including myself and especially my sister, Lloydine. But at the time we only knew that Dale could have anything he wanted and we wondered how he got to be so lucky.

               At last, the summer months came to an end, and it was time for me to return to school and begin second grade.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Tuesday Thrifting With Brenda......

 This was such a good dish for our inauguration party with Ilene on Momday.
She arrived about 11:00  so we watched the entire event together! Louis Dean came in and joined us from time to time so it was really nice to watch the whole thing with Ilene.

I found this recipe on a reel from Facebook and took screen shots so I could remember how to prepare it.

It was really good!!
The recipe calls for a pizza crust - which I didn't have - so I used a tube of crescent dinner rolls.
Basically - it is the dough and the hot dogs are placed areounf the edges and then we pull the dough over the dogs. Chili goes in the middle and
topped with a can of chili and chopped onions.
I added some Fritos and then grated cheese.
Brush the dough edges with melted butter and sprinkle Everything but the Bagel seasoning over the dough.
Bake for 20-25 minutes at 350.....

We enjoyed watching the presidential inauguration of President Trump and Ilene and I are planning on watching The Hillbilly Elegy together.

I've  already seen it but am looking forward to watching it  again with Ilene.
She is such a good friend to us.

Tuesday morning Brenda and I ended our thrifting adventure with lunch at the original Sonny Bryan's Barbecue.....

And it was SO good!!!

This is next door to the Salvation Army thrift store on Inwood Road.
Their Senior discounts are 50% off on Mondays for brick and brack and clothes.
Wednesday is 50% off on everything else.
Brenda and I are adjusting our thrifting stragedy.

We had such a good day!

I am already finding gifts for next Christmas!
These will be for Faith.....shhhhh....

I love all things Sunflowers!

I'm thinking thoughts of spring and this lemon pic will fit right in for me.

Brenda found this wallet/bag and I am so excited!
I have a never ending search for a handbag that WORKS for me!
Brenda says I can put this 'wallet' inside a bigger bag - and then take it out when I go in somewhere to shop! Win! WIN!!

I love this denim bag....I may use it in the kitchen to hold my tea towels.

How could I pass on this lantern??

Brenda found this Traveler's black cover and I turned it down at first.
I already had several....

But it is such a quality piece with pleats in the back - 
it went right into my cart!
I'm going to love wearing this!

I had picked Brenda up and we talked about what we were looking for in our thrift adventure that day.
She and Billy had given us a really nice piece of furniture which I am going to put in the den where the white Christmas tree is. Louis Dean loves to watch western movies and we have quite a collection - thanks to our friend, Susie Q, son Jesse, daughter Amber, and others.....
So I found exactly what I was looking for!
The baskets will hold the DVDs so Louis Dean can easily pick out what movie he would like to watch.
He can follow the old movies he is familiar with and this is good for him.
It's amazing how God works things out for us!

Louis Dean was going out to fill the bird feeders when he discovered a frozen faucet that had defrosted!
He was Johnny-on-the-spotn and a trip to Home Depot for a new faucet took care of the situation in short time!

Louis Dean has an appointment for his annual checkup tomorrow.
He is doing so well and life is good for us. We do appreciate all the prayers!

We are hoping to go back to the ranch as soon as it's above freezing at night and warm enough in the day so LD can go outside to play.

I would like to thank all of you for your positive responses to my postings of  Children in thw Closet. This has been a labor of love and I have  have felt compelled to share my story.
It's not been an easy book to write and  I will be glad to finish it.
My next book will be a happier one -Life With Louis Dean!
God saved the best of my life for the last of my life and even though we are now dealing with dememtia and Alzheimer's disease - I would not trade these days for anything.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Children in the Closet - Chapter Two



    We continued living on our side of the house while Granny and Granddad claimed the three rooms of the original house for their side. Mother slept days and worked nights as a switchboard operator. Granny grudgingly watched my sister and me for those hours when Mother was sleeping but she was quick to turn us over to Daddy the moment he got home from work.

    Though we lived in separate sides of the house, we all ate our meals together in the dining room. At least we did when Mother was home to do the cooking. The nights she went to work early, Daddy fixed simple suppers of soup and sandwiches for us and Granny and Granddad ate by themselves. Once again, Granny made it known that she did not like Daddy.

     Granny never showed any special kindness to me that I can remember. Perhaps she simply didn’t like children. Any special treats in the house were hers and she didn’t share, at least not with me. I would look yearningly at the small glass bottles of Coca Cola in the refrigerator. Granny would sniff and say that they were her medicine and not for children. By the time Lloydine was old enough to walk, Daddy started keeping out enough money from his paycheck to buy a bag of candy for us every payday. He rode the bus to work and it would drop him off at the corner right by the little grocery store next to Smity’s Barber Shop where Granddad worked. He would buy a small white paper bag of Brachs Jelly Nougats. I would take my piece of candy, unwrap it and admire the creamy white square of nougat and how pretty it looked with the colored jelly pieces pressed into it. Lloydine and I would eat our one piece of candy very carefully and very slowly, making it last as long as possible. As we got a little older, Granny would turn us out in the back yard after our naps and lock the screen door behind us. We were still outside one day when Daddy got home from work. Since it was payday, he was carrying that familiar white sack with the candies in it. As he unlocked the screen door, Lloydine and I came flying up to greet him and get a piece of candy. Granny thought this was a waste of good money and she would sniff her displeasure and turn her head away. I wonder if she was really wanting a piece of that candy herself? Most likely Daddy shared even if she didn’t.

    In the early fall of 1952, Mother and Daddy, Lloydine and I took the train and moved back to Kansas City. I guess the tension had built up with Granny and Granddad until it was unbearable. Lloydine and I were thrilled!!! We both still remember the train ride and how exciting it was! We had fun looking out of the windows and watching the scenery as the train sped down the rails. Our favorite thing on the train was the water fountain. It held a stack of small white paper cone cups that you pulled out from the bottom of the dispenser one at a time. We couldn’t reach them by ourselves but Daddy would hold us up and let us get our own. We drank a lot of water on that train trip!

     At first we lived with Daddy’s parents in their apartment. Lloyd’s parents were Walter Rush Ewing and Edna Vern Lyon. We called them Grandma and PoPo. After a week or so we moved into our own apartment a few floors below theirs. The apartment building resembled a huge white birdcage to my sister and me. The stairs were on the outside of the building running up and down and around. They were encased with a white lattice and wire screen and we had so much fun running up and down the staircases from our apartment to our grandparents. One day we accidently stopped at what we thought to be Grandma’s door but we were on the wrong floor. A strange lady opened the door and we were so surprised it wasn’t Grandma! She was a nice lady and we ended up playing this “wrong floor” game over and over. Our shenanigans never seemed to irritate her and she would laugh with us every single time we knocked on her door.

     I don’t remember there being as much tension in Kansas City as there had been when we lived in Fort Worth, but it was still there nonetheless. We had not even lived in Kansas City even a year before we were boarding another train and heading back to Texas. I guess we had worn out our welcome in Kansas City, too. Or it may have been that Mother was expecting another baby soon. We left without a lot of hugs and kisses and smiles. Actually, we left without any. I think they were glad to see us go. Grandma Ewing didn’t like Mother any more than Granny Whitfield liked Daddy.

     The train car we boarded was different from the one we had ridden before. This time the water fountain with the little white paper cone cups was attached at a lower level that we could reach ourselves and we were having fun filling our cups, drinking and then refilling them! This didn’t last very long until a conductor came and directed us to another car. Apparently we had boarded the wrong one. It made for a wonderful memory my sister and I share to this very day! I still love the sound of a train. This was the last trip we made to Kansas City.

     We moved into a very small, shabby frame house on Barber Road in Fort Worth, which was just around the corner from Granny and Granddad’s house.  We were living on our own as a family for a little while at least. The neighborhood boys had made some homemade stilts using 2 X 4 pieces of lumber. They nailed a smaller piece of wood to the inside of each long board to put their feet on, and tied them to their legs with rope to hold them in place. They looked pretty scary walking around on them and Lloydine was absolutely terrified and refused to go outside and play when they were out there. We loved playing outside and had both a front yard as well as a back yard to play in. While we didn’t have any toys, we did have our imaginations. One afternoon Lloydine discovered an ant hill so she sat down in the dirt beside it and started playing with the ants. The little critters wouldn’t stay where she put them and they started crawling up her arm and eventually began to sting her. She yelled out, “Darn ants!” Mother came out to see what was happening and told her darn was a bad word and never to be said by good little girls.

     The radio was inexpensive entertainment and, in the evenings, we would sit around the kitchen table listening to shows like The Six Shooter with Jimmy Stewart. We listened to Amos ‘n’ Andy, The Lone Ranger, The Roy Rogers Show and Hopalong Cassidy and Fibber McGee and Molly! One of my favorites was Melody Ranch with Gene Autry. It would be hard to choose between Gene Autry and Roy Rogers! I loved them both!  We also listened to musical radio shows like Dinah Shore and Rosemary Clooney. Life was simple then.

    Even as children, we knew we were poor. Our main food staple was potted meat sandwiches. What is potted meat?

 “In the Industrial Age, when mass production of food took over, the process for potted (or canned, as it became) meat changed. These days, a whole bunch of “meat junk” is thrown together, regardless of the animal, mashed up into a paste, and sealed in a can."

     Mother mixed the potted meat with the cheapest mayonnaise she could buy and if we had a little extra money, she would chop up an onion and add to it. On the rare occasions we had a little more money, she would add a chopped boiled egg. But we mostly ate them with just the mayo. It was the same thing with peanut butter. Mother will make it go further by adding Karo white corn syrup to it and would put it on crackers. For special treats she would sprinkle a tiny bit of sugar on top.

     Our sister, Lanita, was born in November of 1953 while we still lived on Barber Road. It was in the spring of 1954 when she was a crawling baby that she somehow managed to get a wire coat hanger stuck in her eye. Mother was hysterical and grabbed her up and ran to Granny’s house, which thankfully was not that far away. Mother didn’t notice the coat hanger had slipped out of her eye as she ran with the baby in her arms. She was so surprised but thankful and relieved when she showed her to Granny. Lanita’s eye was just fine and no complication ever came from the incident.

    Mother had always had a problem with her teeth and after Lanita was born, she had all of them pulled. Since there was no money for a set of false teeth, she went to Sunday School and church “without a tooth in my head” as she would say. Finally, she and Daddy managed to save up enough money to buy her some new teeth. As children, we never even noticed.

    The water heater in the house resided in the bathroom right next to the toilet. I was six years old and just beginning to feel the stirrings of the Holy Spirit in my heart. I was learning about how God sent His only son, Jesus, to suffer and die for our sins and how we needed to ask Him to forgive us and trust him with our whole heart. I was taught Satan is real and a powerful evil being. When I would get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, that old water heater’s pilot light remained lit and it would sometimes flare up with a rush of flames and scare me. I believed Satan lived in that water heater. I did believe in God but had not accepted Christ as my personal Savior yet – so just to hedge my bets, I thought up in my mind that if in the end Satan was really stronger, I could tell him I remembered him living in the water heater! 

     By late fall of 1954 we were back living with Granny and Granddad. Uncle Truman and his family had moved to their new house and were no longer living on Poinsettia Road. Our grandparents may not have wanted us, but it is to their credit that they did take us in time after time. Mother was pregnant again.

    Our baby brother was born on January 29th, 1955 and we were all thrilled. Daddy finally had his son! Everyone fussed over him! My sisters and I took turns holding him and Mother let me give him his bottle. We loved having Mother at home with us and I suppose this was the happiest period of time for us children.

     Daddy worked and Mother brought in extra money by babysitting. Daddy’s brother, Gene, lived in Kansas City. His girlfriend had two children and for whatever reason, she had moved them back to Texas. Mother took them in for several months while she went back to Missouri to tie up some loose ends.  Her children’s names were Debbie and Mike were their names, and they fit right in with us. That made six children for Mother to take care of.  Lonnie was the youngest. Lanita was just 18 months old, Debbie was two, Lloydine was three, and Mikey was five. I was the oldest at six. In addition to looking after all six of us, Mother also did all the cooking and cleaning, too.  Being a child, I was not aware of what a load that must have been for Mother to bear along with the ever-present stress of living with Granny and Granddad. All I remember is how much fun we all had playing together and the joys of a happy family life.

               Mother loved her nieces and nephew and in July of 1955, she gave her niece, Joyce, a bridal shower. She made party favors using tiny plastic umbrellas turned upside down and filled with small party mints. After Joyce married Clarence, they lived in the same little house on Barber Road that we had lived in just the summer before.

     By fall of 1955, I began school. In order to register, I had to have my birth certificate and get my ‘shots.’ Mother couldn’t find it so she sent off for a certified copy of my birth certificate which I still have. I remember going to the Public Health Service on University Drive in Fort Worth. In fact, we all went that day, Mother and six children. It was a sweltering hot and we had to wait for hours in a long line. It took all afternoon and by the time we were done, all of us were whining and fussing. We would come back to this same place in 1957 so Lloydine could get her shots. We never went to a regular doctor’s office in all the years we were growing up.

    Since my birthday is September 24th and you had to be six years old by September 1st, I was a bit older than my other classmates.  My teacher was named Mrs. Woods and I loved her. Don’t all children love their first grade teachers? I enjoyed school and the new adventure of learning how to read and write. I already had a love for words even though I couldn’t read when I started school. I loved the Dick and Jane books and the stories about Spot chasing a ball and Dick and Jane each receiving a cookie. Jane wore a pretty little dress and had blond hair.

     I brought home a supply list one day and two of the items were blunt scissors and a box of the large Crayolas with a flat side so they wouldn’t roll off the desk. I was long past due with getting the supplies and when Mother finally got around to buying them, she bought sharp scissors and the wrong Crayolas. I was devastated and didn’t know how in the world I was going to face my teacher with the wrong things! Thankfully, Mrs. Woods was very kind to me and didn’t draw any attention to the mistakes. I later felt so guilty for telling Mother she didn’t buy the right supplies. I tried to tell her how sorry I was but she didn’t seem to be paying any attention to what I was saying.

    In the mornings Mother was up before anyone else making breakfast. The milk was delivered in glass bottles and when you opened it, cream filled the top of the neck and the grownups would put that in their coffee.  Granddad and I would eat breakfast together on school mornings. The other kids were still asleep and Daddy went to work very early in the morning.  One morning I was the first one up, got dressed and went to the kitchen to eat breakfast.  No one was in there. Mother must have over slept so I very quietly took a grapefruit from the bag and cut it in half. I didn’t manage to cut it evenly so one half was a good bit bigger than the other. I decided to eat the small one first and then I would eat the big one. I had just sat down when Granddad came in. He fixed his coffee and then, noticing the other half of the grapefruit sitting on the counter, asked if he could have it. I said, “Yes, sir.” But I thought to myself, “Next time I will eat the big half first!

    For my seventh birthday that year I was allowed to walk over to the little store, and buy a package of paper dolls. It was so exciting! I took Lloydine with me so she could help me pick them out since we were going to be playing with them together. We decided on a packet of Betsy McCall Paper Dolls for ten cents.  The sharp scissors Mrs. Woods had sent back home with me came in handy to cut them out and it was a tedious job! It took hours just to cut out enough figures and clothing changes for us to play with together. I had second thoughts about buying them and vowed to get something different the next birthday. We didn’t have birthday cakes or birthday dinners when we were growing up. Just a dime or two to spend at the store for something special. 

    While I loved learning to read, the book I loved most of all was the Bible. Mother had a big family Bible and allowed me to look at it. In the back of the Bible, there are blue tinted pages with children’s stories and illustrations. I longed to know what they said. When I learned new words at school, I would come home and see if I could find the same words in the Bible. I treasured that Bible and still have it today. It survived the big Fort Worth flood of 1949, the house fire of 1950 and my own home fire in 1983. It is battered and torn now but remains one of my most treasured possessions.

    Later that fall, one of Granny’s favorite cousins became seriously ill. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating my cereal while the grownups were discussing his condition. I looked up at them and said, “If you would all pray more and talk less, he might get well.” Even as a young child, I knew the mighty power of prayer.

    As Thanksgiving approached, Mikey and Debbie’s mother came back for them. While we all missed them, I’m sure Mother must have been relieved to have only four children to take care of instead of six.

     A few weeks before Christmas of 1955, we woke up to the fragrant smell of a Douglas Fir Christmas Tree standing in our living room.  Daddy had brought it in and set it up after we had gone to sleep. We helped to decorate it by hanging crinkly foil icicles on the lower branches and then throwing the rest as high as we could throw them. That Christmas Eve, Mother gathered us into the living room and we watched A Christmas Carol on TV. We were all dressed up in pretty dresses and kept our ears open to any sound that could possibly be Santa’s reindeer on the roof.

     Christmas morning, we all piled in the car and went to Uncle Truman and Aunt Alice’s house. Uncle Truman was mother’s only brother and that’s just what she and her sister called him “Brother.”

    It was a long drive and I recall looking at the passing country side from the window of the back seat and wondering how long it would take us to get there! Finally, we arrived, spilled out of the car and swarmed into the house. Aunt Alice always made three kinds of candy and I loved them all. The candy filled platters sat on a little round table of their own and rightfully so – it was so special and so good! The first platter was full of fluffy little clouds of divinity! They were pure white and with a curl on the top and looked so elegant! The second dish was full of chocolate fudge, all cut up into neat little squares. On the third plate were slices of date nut loaf candy. That was my favorite! That particular year, we arrived in time for me to watch Aunt Alice unroll the tea towel she had wrapped the candy in and cut it into thin sweet slices. These were special treats reserved only for Christmas. It’s a treasured memory I continue to hold close to my heart every December when I prepare the very same recipe my dear Aunt Alice used to make.              

    While I remember the candy in every tiny detail, I do not remember the Christmas dinner I am sure we had! I do recall all us children, including our older cousins, gathering in one of the bedrooms that afternoon. We spent hours perched on the bed, happily playing with our Christmas gifts of books, puzzles, crayons, coloring books and paper dolls.

     It was dark when we left for the drive back home and it didn’t seem nearly as long as the drive there. I thought to myself then, “Does going home always take less time than getting somewhere?” Little did we know that this would be the very last family style Christmas we would spend with our cousins, aunts and uncles. The holidays were over and I returned to school and life continued to move on.

     I came home from school every afternoon to a loving mother, my two sisters and our new baby brother. Life was good and we were happy. Then school let out for the summer and Mother went back to work, and once again, things changed. 

Back in Granda's farming days in west Texas...
Linton, Myrtle, Truman, Irene and Linna Pauline Whitfield

Sunday, January 19, 2025

A Cold January Weekend!

It's been cold in Texas this weekend and I have enjoyed it!
We don't get true winter cold often and I have gone outside to sit and sip coffee - for a very few minutes anyway - for the last three mornings.

Louis Dean does not like the cold and yet he does enjoy playing outside.

He planted nine flower bushes on Friday. Some in the ground and some petite knock out roses in containers.

We  came in, cleaned up and drove over to the Bell's to spend Friday evening with them.

We started with the girls' hockey game.
You can see that Louis Dean doesn't like to be cold!
We rode with Amber and Harrison since I can't drive at night.
And since I can't - I really enjoy riding at night enjoying the lights.

Amber and Mike make such a beautiful couple and are the best parents I have ever known!

The girls didn't know we were coming to their game so it was a surprise!
They were even more surprised when they arrived home and saw us there for pizza, popcorn, Cokes and a movie!

This was an excellent one!
Kept us all totally involved - including Louis Dean!

We came home and went straight to bed!

When I woke up, I thought it was Sunday!
I tried to watch Fellowship online only to find last week's message so I watched that instead.
Pastor Ed started a new series called In the Zone and now I'll be ready for next Sunday.

Louis Dean and I bundled up and went to Jesse's to help them unpack.

Happy smiles all around!!

Levi pitched in and helped his dad haul in the beds and carry boxes.

I helped Rachel unpack the kitchen things.

Just look at that magnificent gas stove!

One feature I love in this house is that every inch of space for storage is used.
Some cupboards are so tall that Louis Dean had to climb a ladder to wipe them down.
All kinds of nooks and crannies are for storage.
The sink has a shelf that tilts out to hold scrubbers and such.

I had myself a nice cup of coffee!

I took it out on the deck and sat in the sun praising God for asking Him to bless this beautiful house as Jesse and Rachel make it into a home.

I love all the trees and the winding path down to the yard.

Jesse says these two huge crepe myrtles are different colors and can be seen from the street.

Jesse turned the football games on for LD. He watched one before we went home to watch the Chiefs play. My brother Buster called me and we promised to root for our team even though we are far apart.
I do wish I could watch a game with him - maybe someday.

Louis Dean used his heated throw and I built a fire!

A perfect day and night!
We are still burning the old elm tree which is like balsa wood now!

Today (Sunday) was another cozy day at home watching church online and then football games later in the afternoon.

I've been busy moving out the Christmas cups, glasses, serving dishes and plates to my storage building. I just set them on shelves and can find them easily as the seasons change.
It's been fun to see my dishes again!
It's like they are new again!

I've also been doing the edits Amber gave me of the Prologue and Chapter 1.
 I went in and updated those two posts after I made the edits.
She was spot on!

I still need to edit Chapter 2 before I publish it on the blog tomorrow.
LD and I are looking forward to watching the inauguration of President Trump.

I'm hoping Ilene will come down and watch some of it with us!