Sunday, December 8, 2024

I'm Loving These Quiet December Days.......

 This December feels different from any previous ones....and that's not a bad thing....just different.
Back in previous years, Decembers were really busy and full of all sorts of activities.
Visiting nursing homes and shut ins, cooking and hosting and going here and there at nearly break neck speed. Louis Dean would play his music for Mother, Reaoma, Lillian and June and others.
We visited all my siblings and had great family gatherings.
I hosted huge Christmas Tea Parties for my friends as well as dinner parties for close friends and family.
It's bittersweet to realize those days are over and yet I feel good about embracing our slower life now.
I am a 'keeper at home' and able to enjoy time with Louis Dean with less responsibilities for others.
Actually, Louis Dean is the ONE whom I am concentrating on.
He does best when I am home with him even if he stays in his room all day puttering and I am in other parts of the house doing what I do - cleaning and decorating - baking and cooking!

God continues to bring people into my life - as in my neighbors across the street.
I've known them since their children were very young.
Now the son and daughter are grown and taking care of their parents and recently sent some delicious Indian food over. That has led us to a deeper relationship to them and I took pumpkin muffins over to them two days later.
Do you know why we had not 'connected' sooner?
I could not pronounce their names!
The family has watched out for us all these years and know us better than we know them - when our pecan trees gave us big harvests - the mother would chase off people coming into the yard to gather them.  If friends wanted to pick up some, I would go out with them!
Now that I know their names and can call out to them - our friendship is growing by leaps and bounds!
The dad is named Anise - like the spice.
Once I accidently called him and he immediately called me back thinking I was in need!
Now that is a friend!
The mom is Habiba - which means My Love and that's what I call her!
The son is Ahmed and I can say that.
The daughter is Katoon (I think) - which means Melody.
I saw her yesterday morning and called out, "Good morning, Melody!"
She has THE most precious dog named Mocha and that dog LOVES me and I LOVE him!
Times change and things change but God is always moving and bringing to us the ones we can minister to no matter what time of life we are in.
And I thank God for that.
Have you ever prayed the Prayer of Jabez?

His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain.” And God granted his request.
I Chronicles 4:10

I have prayed that prayer before and am praying it again now.....
Perhaps you will join me.

Louis Dean loves the days that we stay at home - and he stays here for days on end while I go out to do errands every other day or so.

Samantha only has eyes for Louis Dean!
Tabitha is the one who is keen on escaping so when we get going with our days - meaning in and out the doors - I put them in the guest room for their own protection.

I've been looking through my old recipes I keep in a metal box.....

And made up a batch for the first time in 19 years!
Still as good today as it was back then!

A small pan of pepper poppers because I forgot I had them so I could only use a few parts of them since they were old.

Filling was plain cream cheese and this seasoning.
SO good!
Served with potato soup from a day ago!

Friday was a 'spa' day for us.
I called ahead and made appointments for mani/pedis for three!
We met Brenda there and had such a relaxing time.
They always treat Louis Dean like he is super special - which he is!

I finished cleaning and decorating Louis Dean's bathroom on Saturday.

It's warm and cozy in there.

I took a bubble bath Friday night complete with candles and a glass of wine and fragrant body wash and lotions! It was an AHHHHHH time!

I tried to decorate 'man style.'

Candles make every room special.

Saturday I worked in our bedroom!

Not overly 'Christmas' but will last through the winter season.

The icicle ornaments are the only purchase I made at the thrift store this week.

I'm loving this season and the slower pace.
Pam came by yesterday and it was so good to see her. I sent her home with a bag of soup and muffins.
She's recovery from a recent knee replacement surgery.
I've been missing Ilene and will make sure we visit some this next week.
She is such a blessing to us.
Kimmy came by and picked up potato soup and pumpkin muffins.

No matter what our situation in life is - God can still use us to bless others while he brings others to bless us!
You cannot outgive God!


Beatrice P. Boyd said...

We are also having at home Christmas this year, like you both, aside from a quick RI road trip for grandson's birthday. Your home always looks comfortably decorated. The guitar playing Santa is wonderful.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I remember the Prayer of Jabez. I even had a prayer book—probably back in the late 90s. I'll have to see if I still have it.
I agree with you, though - sometimes we don't get out of our safe bubble wrap, and you're right; God can still use us to bless others as we get older. I've been explicitly asking God for encounters with those who need to hear the gospel - when I am out and about, standing in line, waiting - to the homeless. The more I study Revelation, the more imperative it is to reach out and share the gospel.
I loved this post, Linda. You have a beautiful life.

Chatty Crone said...

I really loved your words here Linda. We are staying home and enjoying the season this year too. I am sure glad your neighbors have made friends with you. My hubs would never get a pedicure although I want him too. Ane you are right - no matter who you are or how old you are - you can always give help and accept help!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love visiting with you, Linda. It would be such fun to do so in person, but even so, I enjoy peeking in at your life through your pictures and stories and words of loving life! I love that you are now friends with your neighbors since you now know their names. They sound like really wonderful neighbors...the best kind. I'm sure that you minister to them just by being YOU. Thank you for the wonderful example you are to all of us, of your love of your husband, family, friends and home. You are a blessing to me.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda! I love this post and your positive perspective when life gives us challenges. That is so sweet that you are getting to know your neighbors better. I love your guitar playing Santa in green and can see that in many ways your sweet husband was your model. I hope you have a good week. See you again soon!

Ginny Hartzler said...

The blue bedroom lights are so pretty with the black and white, very elegant. There comes a time when we must all slow done. Me too, I am unable to do so many things now. Cannot be in crowds, use any steps, stand or walk more than five minutes or so without a cart or walker. But God is good, and does send us just what we need when we need it! We are so blessed to have our wonderful husbands!

Deanna Rabe said...

I enjoy having a few fun gatherings at my home during the Christmas season, or going out to eat! I also love being home. I love, as you do yours, my home and love to be in it and to share it!

Louis Dean is so blessed to have you. You understand what is best for him during this season of his life. Did you hear that Phil Robertson has Alzheimer's?

Enjoy every moment of this special season.

Granny Marigold said...

The Eggnog bread recipe looks interesting and I like the Pennsylvania Dutch (?) recipe card. We're going into another week of Advent. I hope you have a lovely one.

Estelle's said...

You have some beautiful Christmas treasures and I love looking at every room...yes, life certainly slows down as we age but the days we are given are gifts...I wish both you and Louis Dean the happiest of Christmas days...loving my Christmas card!

Ann said...

Slower pace works for me. I've always been a bit of a homebody. How wonderful that you have gotten to know your neighbors and that they look out for you.

Changes in the wind said...

Enjoyed this post, it gives me hope as my life is changing as well and it is important to just try to make the best of it.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

LD looks great and I am so happy for both of you that you have found your new groove and adjusting to it.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post, Miss Linda, and it made me hungry! Slow days can be very happy ones - enjoy every moment of the holiday season! And, what a gift your Indian neighbors now are. Isn't it wonderful to learn about other people?

photowannabe said...

Linda, you are the gift of Love !!!
I love how you are working on adjusting to the "new normal".
Slow is good too. I am missing all the entertaining I have done in the past and all of the service projects too. It sure is a different year... but I do miss the couples friends we have

I was just saying to my Dave "why is it that our very closest friends have all moved away" To other states and to hundred of miles from us. I am glad for our neighbor friends and thankful for part of our family living close by.
Yes I do remember the Prayer of Jabez too . Funny how those things keep returning to be thought about again.
Love your sweet LD and how you are keeping him living vitally.

Wanda said...

We got your beautiful card today. Such a treat to get snail mail. My dearest has another bumb in the road....tooth ache, that turns out to need a root canal. Yikes...But we are happy they can do it without taking him off the blood thiners. Everything about you home and kitchen goodies are so delicious and delightful.
Hugs and kisses

Anonymous said...

I like the blue lights in the bedroom. Merry Christmas. Jan

terre said...

we too are having quiet days at home. Joel is recovering nicely. we take walks and short drives to have something different to look at. we both are looking forward to getting back to church again. we are sort of letting the holiday season pass us by this year as far as decor and celebrations go. wishing you joy!

Arlene G said...

You always encourage me to enjoy each season of life even the challenging ones, Linda! I received my beautiful card and I told Marvin that you had painted it and he said to tell you that you are one talented lady. Merry Christmas to you and Louis Dean.

Shug said...

Everything looks gorgeous around your place and I am so enjoying getting to see all the work you have put into the decorations.
How long do you leave the Christmas Decorations up? I know it is peaceful sitting in your home during the evening hours, with all of the glowing lights.

Anonymous said...

I loved seeing all the pictures of your pretty decorations at your home, Linda. Love seeing your old recipe cards.....those sure can bring back many memories, can't they? Different times, different years, different friends and family. Hope your week is going great. PS....I love eggnog! I think it's one of those things you either LOVE IT OR HATE IT, ha ha LOL.

Anonymous said...

PS....ooooops, above that is me, debbi at debbisfrontporch, not anonymous, LOL LOL said...

No, you sure can't outgive God! I feel your Christmas spirit all the way over here! Such beautiful decorations!