Saturday, November 2, 2024

Under Construction for Christmas!

 Preparing for Christmas is a labor of love - and trust me - it IS a labor!
Changing out the seasons is a good thing, though. We can sort through stuff we no longer love and embrace new things. Try different styles and arrangements.
I've purposed to decorate each room a bit differently this year.

I've spent the last few days working in the kitchen - taking all my fall tableware to the storage building and bringing in the Christmas coffee cups and dishes.

But today I went back to the den and worked in there for a few hours.

This white Christmas tree was on our front porch last year but it did not do it justice.
I knew then it would need to be inside this year and so it is!

This is the beautiful quilt my friend, Sharilyn, made me!
I wanted to use it somewhere wher I can enjoy it every single day and the den sofa is perfect!

Work in progress......

And it's coming along bit by bit and day by day.

I thought I would publish my progress every day since this is the month for my Santa giveaway drawing.
Plus I don't get confused like I did in my last post - forgetting and mixing up my days.
I went back this morning and corrected the post,  realizing I need to keep my wits about me when I write. That's not always easy to do!


Anonymous said...

I love Christmas and I love watching you decorate your home for Christmas!

Deanna Rabe

Ginny Hartzler said...

Take it easy and don't overdo! The quilt is really lovely and one of a kind! Can't wait to see what you do with the tree.

Anonymous said...

Love getting inspired to decorate for Christmas and I always enjoy your blog. Valena

Anonymous said...

It's too early and that's too much stuff.

Anonymous said...

I have already failed in the "keeping my wits about me" category, I fear! This aging brain and poor memory are two things I would hope would get better, BUT I doubt they will! After having that stroke a few years years back ( and maybe some in between!, things have gotten harder!
By the way, the quilt is a beauty What a really nice thought, and a nice gift!
Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

You’re decorating is beautiful Linda! Paula

Kathy said...

Everything is so beautiful. I don't decorate for Christmas until December, but a lot of people do it earlier. It's your house and your choice. And if you have a lot of stuff, you need the extra time. I'm just starting Thanksgiving decorating this week.

Shug said...

What came to my mind when I saw a few of these pictures was Hallmark. Yes...your living area could be in a Hallmark movie. Your home nestled up in the scenes of some of my favorite movies. Your Christmas paintings on the wall are spot on!! ❤️

Chatty Crone said...

Keep calm too my friend - Christmas is coming - you have a lot on your plate. Love your posts any way they come. Your home will look Christmasy in no time.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

It will all be gorgeous. Enjoy the process!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have been an entire year with out my wits about me and no calm at all. if you find a way to conquer that, please let me know. each year I have put out less and less, last year was the least, I did not put anything in the nook but 2 deer and the tree, I might skip the deer this year. I want to dig out the 4 containers in the closet and get rid of all of it, and keep just what goes in the nook. which is the only place I deocrates except where I hang your Santa. beautiful quilt and forgot to mention yesterday I love your plaid in the other room.. good idea to use the table cloths, except I can't sew

Susie said...

Linda, I do very little decorating, so I will enjoy yours. My girls also keep me informed when they put their trees up. So fun to see. Love that awesome quilt ! Blessings to all there. xoxo,love, Susie

Stacy said...

Something to look forward to. I love watching the progress of your Christmas decorating every year!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

I love that Christmas quilt! That is beautiful! What a lovely gift! And the little white tree is so pretty there...isn't that where you took out the organ? It looks lovely! You are an amazing decorator! Always something new and interesting to see! Thank you for sharing your progress with us! It is an inspiration to us!

Anonymous said...

I love all the inspiration. Thank you, Bless you

Granny Marigold said...

Although I have cut back on Christmas decorating I love seeing what you do. It inspires me ( and it is NOT too early).

Ann said...

It's looking very festive already. By the time you get done you'll be living in a Christmas wonderland.

Luann said...

loved the hocky photo

MaidenLady said...

Everything is looking so festive. I always say I'm going to start early but never do. The older I get the more I decorate less for the holiday's. You amaze me doing what you do. Love it. ~ Carol Talbot Smith

Great-Granny Grandma said...

The white Christmas tree looks so pretty.