Saturday, October 5, 2024

Catching up on The Great Pumpkin Project and a Couple More Days in the Country!

This is our last Saturday here before we home on Monday.
The only reason we are leaving is I forgot to bring enough meds!

I was surprised to see the fig bush Nita's beloved neighbor gave us is still alive!
I thought it was a goner - but it came back!!
Louis Dean is babying it and will weed around the plant and then put a circle of stones around it.

The ducks have discovered they can sqeeze through the fencing!

Friday I started working in the camper.

I have 5 plugs (original to the camper) that do not work!
Getting light in there was not easy but I did it!

Can you see the black power strip in the left upper photo?
These are the books LD reads before bed or when he wakes up and can't go back to sleep.

I fixed a good Friday night supper....

And he was wide awake to eat it!

Louis Dean lost his wedding band earlier this year and I bought a metal detector to see if we can find it.

So far - no luck!
I probably should have just bought him a new wedding ring instead.
But still - he spent several happy hours searching and it was in the shade so Win! WIN!!

When I woke up this morning I found Louis Dean busy at work in his shop room.
This takes the place of his music room while we are in the country.

He does love to DO things!

Our sweet Tabitha is so cute! 
I love how she crosses her feet all lady like!

Now to catch up with The Great Pumpkin Posts from Shannon!!

 Catching Up! October 2- The Lonely Railroad Tracks: Why do railroad tracks seem lonesome? Maybe it's because it is a form of commerce that is rarely seen and yet the paths that they took are still here. We see them everywhere around here. Grass growing up in between the slats, trees that are way too low to make clearance and rarely cut back now because trains seldom come through anymore. But this is an active train track and it is my hope that passengers will see this grinning face in the dark. Placing the Jack, it was incredibly dark and quiet here, and the tracks calm with no vibrations, no horns or bells in the distance. But one will come from out of the dark and rush by this Jack o’Lantern only to be swallowed up into the dark again. Trains in the daytime are impressive things. People stop what they're doing and they watch them pass. But trains at night are almost spectral sights, with mournful, ghostly sounds that can be both shiver inducing and comforting. Tonight’s Jack is just for this train and anyone aboard who looks out and sees this little gift to celebrate October. Shine on, little guy.

Oct 3rd: The Winter Trees in early Autumn- It is too early for trees to be bare here in Texas. They have hardly started to fall at all so to find this one perfect fence post by a bare tree was surprisingly perfect. Sometimes our wanderings take us down old country roads and a moment stops us because everything is framed just right. “Stop! Right there!” Like it was waiting for us. The post, the tree, the moody sky and the gun barrel grays, pewters and charcoals which look so much more wintery than fall. I love how much these Jacks glow on old roads and while I know that they will not get quite as much traffic as other Jack drops, those who do pass by will surely see him from a good distance and that makes it even creepier and perfect for this time of year. It was absolutely still taking this photo. No sound. No wind, no birds, no crickets or cars or sound of life. Just silence and the car was a good trot away from where I was shooting. So get the shot, walk back to the car in silence. Walk faster. *shiver* #gpp24 #thegreatpumpkinproject #greatpumpkinproject


Ginny Hartzler said...

I always thing the train whistle sounds so mournful. But hopefully, what a surprise someone will get looking out the window in the dark! Will you need to out up another fence to keep the ducks out?

Anonymous said...

True. I think Hank Williams( and lots of other country music singers) caught the " train whistle blues"! Ed will sing it for you in a second, if asked!
Tabitha is a cutie! Where is Samantha?!
Your plate of food looks good, as always.
I think you would live at he ranch, if possible! I don't blame you!