We left the city early aftternoon on Thursday!
I use two big outdoor cushions - one behind me and one to sit on - so I can fit in the driver's seat!
Our firststop was for fuel in Waxahachie and I was ready to get out and stretch for a few minutes.
Driving that big white truck is WORK and my hands were aching.
While Louis Dean put the diesel in, I bought us some sandwiches and we pulled over to some shade to eat. We have changed places and drive and he navigates and it's working out well.
We both went in at HEB in Belmead.
Look what a cute photo op they have set up!
We make a good team and he does all the heavy lifting.
It was shortly after 5:00 when we pulled through the ranch gate.
SO good to be back!!!
With Louis Dean giving me instructions I was able to back the truck in perfectly!
I've missed everything about the country including the pretty spiders!
Son Dean met us and helped us unload.
Within 5 minutes LD was out there mowing!
He was so happy to be out there and he would mow for a few minues and then rest. Repeat and repeat!
Son Dean checks on our place while we are away and had noticed the seal on the fridge had come loose so re paired it before we arrived. While LD worked outside, I worked inside - cleaning the fridge and putting up groceries and things. The only thing we forgot to load was our Bible Basket with our Bible, devotional books, diary and prayer book. It is still sitting in the foyer at home, I'm sure!
This makes only the second time we've left it in all the times we have been down here!
No worries! I have two devotional books and a Bible here plus a scripture card collection.
No notebooks or writing paper but I have two of those notepads for making lists and am using one for my daily diary and the other for my prayer list.
We ended the evening with Thursday Night Football watching it on my iPad.
It was an exciting game!
Yay, Cowboys!
Friday feels like Saturday here since Sherry works Monday-Thursday.
Her parents came mid morning to visit and see the progress on the house.
I waited awhile and then I walked down to take a tour.
I'll take photos this week so you can see the progress!
Sherry showed me her 'accidental' pumpkin patch!
This is right outside her kitchen door!
Daughter Crystal gave her a box of pumpkins and some went for goat food and the rest took on a life of their own. These are fancy ones - not an orange one in the patch. Most are white and there's one green one and ses hoping there will be some Princess pumpkins soon!
That top right photo in the collage is a Cocklebur bush!
NOT something you want to grow!
Dean will be dealing with that soon!
I walked back up to our place and let the ducks out on my way.
They have a LOT of ducks!!
Noisy critters!
Our sweet granddogs came up to see us!
Remmie and Rugar.
Our dearly loved Rufus passed away a week or so ago and we miss him.
Friday afternoon - for the very first time EVER - I heard sirens!
They were coming down County Line Road and turned up at the corner.
Sherry and Dean said it was two Sheriff's cars as they were heading to Waco and saw them.
No clue where they went or why - but it was a a first for me here in the country!
Louis Dean s having the time of his life!
Son Dean got him a water faucet so he has been watering everything!!!
He is such a hard worker.
I put some pics on Facebook and Louis Dean's beloved granddaughter, Chandy, made this comment.....
Lol. U know... alot of people I've met since being with Chris have asked me "does he ever NOT work or wanna be working on something?" And when I say "nope" their 2nd question is "how do you deal with that? If he's always busy and no time really with you?" My answer: "boy I wish you could know my Granddad who raised me!" 

cause if they did then they'd get it
. Yes he is always busy... if he can walk around at all then his happy place and what keeps his minds sharp and entertained is feeling like he's being productive. If hes not actually AT work providing then hes at home and he always has projects going on cause it's his way of taking care of us and showing us they love us 

. These 2 men, Granddad and Chris, are what people use when they say "be a man. If u don't know how to be... look at these 2 and take notes." 

I'm so happy she found such a good man - just like her granddad!
Saturday evening at 6:30 we walked down to Dean and Sherry's for a special birthday dinner they made for me. The hoard of goats accompanied us.
It's so good to be here!
Everywhere you look - there's a critter!!
I was surprised when Sherry carried the dinner food to the annex - the structure they had buikt to tie the two houses together!
She strung up fairy lights and we all had our very first meal in the 'new' 1925 house they had moved to their property! It was such a memorable meal!
Son Dean made his amazing chicken enchiladas and Sherry made Spanish rice, beans and pepper poppers! Being there inside the house having dinner was a magical moment I will never forget.
To top it all off - Sherry had repaired and painted the porch swing and Louis Dean and I sat on it!
How special!!
Dean rebuilt the porch and it is magnificent!
Imagine the history in this setting!
As we were leaving to walk home I took this picture.
A dream come true!
Still under construction but we are already enjoying this house!
Our place as we walked up last night.
In other news...
Harrison's hockey team will be going to Canada and everyone is so excited!
"Harrison’s team is going to Canada!!! We are so excited about this group of players, our amazing coaches and this incredible opportunity to compete in one of the world’s most prestigious minor hockey tournaments!"
From Amber's Facebook post...
Harrison is a wonderful young man!
A throwback photo from when the kids were 4 years old!
Here they are wearing all the awards and medals and ribbons fro their mommy's synchroized swimming years. Who KNEW all four would be hockey players and on travel teams by the time they were 12!
Sunday has been such a beautiful day.
I made a counrty breakfast for us of scrambled eggs, oven roasted potatoes, bacon and toast.
We watched church online and then Louis Dean went outside to play ...
and he just now came in!
He is in his element and loving it!
He asked me how long we can stay here and I said, "As long as you want!"
We have no appointments or commitments until October 11 so we COULD stay until the 10th!
We will see!
I loved Maggie Smith.....
And Louis Dean loved Kris Kristofferson .....
At our age - 76 and 88 - I am really treasuring the gift of each and every day.
I'm not in a hurry to leave but I am confident of where I will go when the last breath leaves my body.