Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tuesday With Ruth Ann.....

Ruth Ann and I are always excited about our Tuesdays! I am so blessed with having a very best friend to pal around with every week. Not only are we such good friends - we are almost related!
Ruth Ann is the younger sister of Louis Dean's first beloved wife. I am his second beloved wife.
Having Ruth Ann as my best friend is one of the blessed perks in being married to Louis Dean.
Every family needs a 'Ruth Ann!'

We really do treasure our Tuesdays. I would have to look back and research how they started but I DO remember the very first time we went to Starplex for their $0.50 movie day.
It was in honor of Ruth Ann's birthday and we saw Jeff Bridges in 'Crazy Heart.'
That came out in 2009 so is that when our Tuesdays started?
I think perhaps sooner than that. Perhaps I remember THAT day because I treated her to the movie - remember! it only cost $0.50! - and leaned over during the scene when Bad Blake retrieves his precious sunglasses after throwing up before a performance and said, "Happy BIRTHDAY, Ruth Ann!!!" We have laughed about that so many times!

Well, today we TRIED to see Jungle Book. You know our movie choices are appropriate for 12 year olds! When we arrived, there was a long line of day care children from various day schools all waiting to get their tickets. We decided to wait until after school starts to see any G or PG films!

Instead of a movie - we decided to hit up the thrift stores and go out to lunch!
This is such a good pic of Ruth Ann and I think it shows off her personality!

Jason's Deli was our lunch choice and we lingered long over our salads and black current tea!
She and I have not had a real chance to sit down and visit in a long time!

Here's my haul from Goodwill and the Union Gospel Mission today.

I love night gowns that don't really LOOK like nightgowns!
Plus I got three of my favorite size wine glasses. Not too BIG and not too small.

The Harvest Gold stoneware plates from Pier 1 look great with my Pfaltzgraff Village dinner plates and topped with the smaller hand painted Sunflower Clay Art plates.

So far, THIS is my favorite spot to look at in my home.
I added the sunflower hot pad just because I like the way it looks.
I consider it a large wine coaster!

Our other stops this afternoon included Michaels where we picked up an assortment of good things followed by a visit to our local Hallmark shop for decorative fall paper napkins.

I bought some clear glass plates at UGM and am putting together some craft projects for Quad Wednesday since it is so HOT in Texas and we will need to stay INSIDE until after the sun goes down.

I could not resist these clever wooden masks I found at Michaels for the kids to paint.

I already had an art appreciation theme of MASKS in mind for tomorrow.

Tonight I spent a good bit of time working on my seascape.
I have been dawdling over it but now have some other projects I want to get to so I went into 'Get 'R DONE' mode!

I think one more good session plus a touch up and glaze will be all I need to call this one a done deal.
I have painted this same seascape a few times before. I gave the original to my youngest son, Benjamin. I may ask him to send me a photo of it once I am done so I can compare the two.

I'm calling it a day and hope to be heading to bed within minutes of shutting down my laptop,
However, Louis Dean took a more than two hour nap this afternoon and then slept while I was writing this journal entry. He is now up - bright eyed and bushy tailed - so I imagine it may be another hour or so before I turn out the lights.
That's okay. The NIGHTS are a favorite part of our DAYS!


Linda said...

Now really Linda, more plates? Plates are heavy. One of these days every cabinet in your house is going to come crashing down around you. I know the perfect job for you. They should hire you to be in charge of the White House China room. While you're at it you could do table settings also. Perfect job for you. I like your seascape. Will be interested in what you do for crafts with the quads. Sounds like life is back to normal at your house and that is good.

Kathy said...

I am just in love with your seascape. I could never paint water.

You and Ruth Ann are back! Lunch, thrifting and art class. Life is good.

Susie said...

Linda, I have had 3 wonderful Ruths in my life. The 1st was my guardian angel, a saint of woman. She took me to church, church camp, helped me get baptized. She was truly like a grandmother to me. I had a best friend at work named Ruth Ann. My daughter had a best friend named Ruth, who always chose me to be her Ideal Lady for the Sunshine Girl Sorority Banquets. Those that is a special name in my book. :):) So glad you have your sweet Ruth. One day you need to post about all your dishes.LOL. Blessings to you, love , xoxo, Susie

Gert said...

Oh Linda, what a fun day you must have had. I too have a Ruth Ann (Mary). Yes, they are a blessing. I had an aunt Ruth who I adored, great name! Love your finds especially those beautiful dishes . Tell us more about them.


Laura said...

Linda - your Ruth sounds wonderful.
What adventures you have both shared.
And your thrifting! How much fun.
I hope you will share it tomorrow at Thoughts of Home on Thursday.

Just stop by my blog to join in.
White Spray Paint


MadSnapper n Beau said...

You are blessed indeed to have her as a friend and to have someone to do all these fun things with. I would not have watch the movie with all those kids either. I love the gown.

mxtodis123 said...

I envy you...in a good way, of course. Never had time to develop any 'real' friendships. A workaholic, aside from family, that took precedence. Just now, at 69, am I reaching out and making friends.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

So glad you have Ruth Ann! What a precious friend.

I am addicted to plates and dishes too, so I understand yours! I love great seasonal napkins. Do you have a Christmas Tree shops near you? They have fabulous napkins for every holiday/season at wonderful prices!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I LOVE everything you bought at the thrift shops! That nightgown is so YOU! Your first Tuesday with Ruth Ann is so funny! What a history you two have. We have a Jason's Deli in the area. We have all the grandchildren Saturday, and I will run to Michaels to get those masks! I do so love visiting to see what you are up to...and also for decorating ideas! I am not as talented in that as you are! Everything you touch turns into beauty!

Bev said...

Linda...where does all you Goodwill stuff go!! You find such good stuff...and know you can't resist any sunflowers!!... Lunch sounded good!!

Terra said...

What a wonderful friendship, and I like your painting of the sea.

Angie said...

You seem to have many special people in your life and Ruth Ann must be at the top of the list! What a wonderful friendship you two have. Cherish it as they are far and few between, trust me I'd know!

Great thrifting finds. I too love thrifting but never get quite as lucky as you. You find the best stuff!

Doreen@foxdenrd said...

Long term friends are the best, and they're definitely one of life's blessings.

Sorry I haven't visited for a while, but I'm trying to catch up now.

Love your painting!

Pondside said...

You are blessed with good friends, Linda....but they are certainly blessed with you!

Cheapchick said...

Sounds like a fabulous day to me! Lunch with a friend and thrifting, two of my favorite things. More sunflower goodies!

Carla said...

Long time friends are the best. Lunch looked pretty darn tasty and your painting looks very pretty