Monday, October 28, 2013

One More Day in the COUNTRY!!

 It was so nice to wake up this morning in our cozy little camper.
We had our morning coffee with some panettone bread and did our reading - the Bible, The Language of Letting Go and the first two chapters of The Duck Commander Family.

While I puttered around in the camper Louis Dean worked on his fishing line......

and swatted flies! Swatting flies is a typical country past time!

I decided to ride Betsy for a little while!

MAN! That was FUN!!

My two Deans and I then drove into Waco for some lunch.
Ninfa's for some Pork Fajitas for TWO that fed THREE with LEFTOVERS!

Next stop? Farm and Tractor Supply!
When it rains in the country it gets MUDDY!!!

Love my new pink mud boots!! Louis Dean found some as well - not pink though!
We will be ready for the next rain event!

Lots of cool things at the Farm and Tractor Supply!
They even had overalls and LD got him a new 'Sunday' pair!!
We then hit up a huge HEB!! I didn't really NEED anything but I could NOT pass up a trip there.
Found some dried okra snacks, Texas grapefruit, a trip through the olive bar and various and other sundry items. We scored on a Christmas gift for the quads! Louis Dean spied it and then he insisted on buying it!

Back on the ranch. Father and son visiting. I love it.
Louis Dean was enjoying his son so much he didn't want to leave.
So we didn't! One more night in the country!
I am enjoying it every bit as much as HE is!
However, tomorrow is Tuesday and I have plans!
LD promised we would get up and get on the road so I can get home in time to pick Ruth Ann up for our fifty cent movie, Goodwill run and ART!!
Not to worry. We will back down here before we know it.
Staying means one more night to gaze at all the stars in the inky black sky.
You just don't see things like this back in the city.


Kathy said...

One more night! What a treat! Enjoy your time in the country and the stars! Safe trip home tomorrow.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you look like you are having a blast on the mower and at the traactor supply store. great pink boots

darlin said...

Linda it's so good to see your huge happy smile, naturally on a John Deere! lol LOVE the pink boots, and good for you to get the quads Christmas gift this early... must admit now I'm curious what it might be. ;-) LD's son is every bit as good looking as his father is, you can let him know this and see how easily he blushes... what a brat on this end eh? lol Yup, time in the country, there's nothing quite like it.

Have a fantastic week!

Susie said...

Linda, Young Dean does look like LD. What a lunch !! Almost looked like you needed a bigger table !! I am glad you stayed another night so your boys could have time together. Have fun .xoxo,Susie

Kelly said...

I bet the air you're breathing is better in the country too! Love your new pink rain boots. Looks like y'all have had such a good time there. I'm all about eating a good Mexican meal too! I think I could live there. LOL!

Vee said...

Are you two having too much fun yet? Nah...not possible! I had such fun looking at your photos and enjoying the meal via cyber space...gosh that Mexican food looks fabulous! And I love your rain boots! I can see some little girls tromping about in those one day. Oh and I loved the sign that said: My horse is smarter than your honor student! LOL

Linda said...

Linda, it looks as if you had a great time riding on that tractor! Love the photos!

Deb said...

love those pink boots...what a fun time in the country.....