Monday, October 7, 2013

California: Day 2 ~ Ben Joins Us in San Francisco!

My 'Mother' Heart was filled and brimming over today! I spent the day with my first born and last born! There's 25 years difference in their ages. What a glorious day it WAS, too!!
10 hours jammed packed with all sorts of adventures here in San Francisco!

We had so much fun!

Summer was our navigator and drove us into town. We parked the car and hit the streets of San Francisco!

We walked through some of China Town.

Rode a few cable cars!

Saw some beautiful sights!

We three haven't been together since right after Christmas last year.
We have MISSED Ben!!

Our first stop off the cable car was to the Boudin Bakery for lunch!

We opted for the full service dining upstairs so we could sit and visit.

It was as good as ever!!

It was SUCH a beautiful day!

Today there was a special event -  the blessing of the fishing fleets.

There is so much to SEE and HEAR and EAT and DO here!

Summer found an interesting place......

 'Hydro Massages!'
I'm a bit claustrophobic so I passed on it myself and just watched Summer and Ben get one!

You never get wet but it is all jet powered WATER massage.

They loved it!

After a bit more walking we took a beverage break where I checked in on Louis Dean back at home.
More about his adventures - and he has had some! - at the end of this journal entry.

We lingered there a little while to learn how the Dallas Cowboy game ended.
We are all die hard Cowboy fans - and it didn't end well!!

Back to the cable cars again!
We parked up in Union Square but managed to see the highlights from the cable cars and trolley system.

I can't tell you how much I enjoyed spending time with Ben!
He lives in Huntington Beach here in California so I don't get to see him often.
He's in the insurance business and it is thanks to HIM that I have the good Medicare and supplemental insurance policies now!

Before we left the city we thought we would have one more meal together.

Now I am not a big fan but I AM a pretty good sport and it turned out to taste rather good.

The next thing on our agenda - crossing the Golden Gate Bridge!

It is so majestically beautiful!!

God blessed us with perfect timing the entire day!
The sun was beginning to set as we got out at Vista Point to take pictures.

I will long remember the blessings of this time with my son.

My youngest and oldest child and treasures of my heart.
Someday I hope I can take a trip with all four of my children together.
Now I know why my mother gets so excited when she sees all of us together!

God is good! It has been a great day!

I am so proud of Ben! 

This day would never have happened without Summer and her great navigational skills!

Our last stop before heading out to the airport - Sausalito!

We stopped to look at the quaint and clever house boats and met a lady who has been living in hers for 40 years!

What a glorious sunset to end our day!
As we crossed back over the Golden Gate the sun was setting making the city sparkle like diamonds.
Ben was back at the airport in time for his flight home and Summer and I are now tucked in our room with  our PJ's and socks on and about to make our plans as to where and what we will be doing tomorrow!
The week end is over but we still have days and days left for more adventures!!

Now for what Louis Dean has been up to while being 'Home Alone!'
It seems he has taken it upon himself to relocate some of the squirrels who have been ravaging our pecan trees to the point that we HAVE no pecans because they are EATING them all!
He has an cage for trapping animals (he caught a opossum once) and fixed it up with corn on the cob to entice them to come. All well and good. But just exactly WHERE he put it is the interesting part!
On top of the house!! I can see it now! The neighbors standing in their yards and driveways wondering what a cage of squirrels is doing up on the roof of our house!!

Bless his heart! He may have watched one too many episodes of Duck Dynasty!


Lynne said...

What a glorious day, Linda! It is so wonderful when you can have the kids together. It's hard enough corralling two, let alone four! You jam packed a lot into your weekend! I am so happy the weather has cooperated so you can take in the beautiful views.
The squirrels are busy up here too! They are always digging in our flower pots!
Sleep well!

Kathy said...

What a wonderful day you had, Linda. That is so fantastic that the three of you got to hang out together. I absolutely love your pictures -- especially the sunset ones. Isn't Sausalito a cute place? I loved it.

How did LD get the squirrel cage on the roof? Or maybe it's better if you don't answer that.

Robin@DecoratingTennisGirl said...

Linda, Isn't San Fran great! I am going in Nov to see my son and I stay at the Wharf. We have eat at Boudin many times! I LOVE their French onion soup!!! Have a great time!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you could have been singing Happy Days are Here again. what a wonderful day, and the perfect place to spend it in all that beauty. i am with you on the massage thing. that is a lot of years between babies... wow

Judy said...

That sounds like the best of San Francisco with your eldest and your youngest. Most special!

Kelly said...

I have never been to San Francisco before but would love to go someday. Your pics are quite pretty! Your son Ben is so handsome! I can't imagine how hard it must be to live so far away from each other. You know it's far when you have to take a flight to see each other. Hope that LD catches some squirrels after all his hard work. We have a problem with squirrels too, but I don't think we could ever catch them all. They're everywhere!


OMGoodness sweet friend, what a fabulous trip in gorgeous San Francisco! All the fun and the great shots, wow! I'm specially happy your handsome, youngest son could join you guys! Thank you so much for your sweet and always kind comments sweet lady...we're ok, beauty is in the eye of the beholder Darling lady! Much appreciate your generous comments! Give my love to the darling quads when you get a chance for me, please. Big hugs,