Friday, October 11, 2024

Catching up on October Days...and The Great Pumpkin Project!

 I am playing Catch Up!
Sunday was our last full day at the ranch and we had a dinner party to celebrate!

Our sweet friend, Rosey, came in her big red pick up from Lott, Texas.
She is military and always right on time!

Our cocktail hour featured Mojitoes!
These were really good with a twist of lime and a sprig of rosemary!

Dinner was pulled pork sandwiches....

and potato nachos - along with tortilla chips and salsas!

Rosey brought brownies and ice cream for dessert and it was GOOD!

Good Food!
Good Friends!
Great Time!

Monday I woke up and Louis Dean had completely loaded the truck with all sorts of things!
The tiller (and there is NOTHING to till at home) plus a huge empty propane tank, a stainless steel double sink, and a big critter trap cage for large animals - of which we do NOT have here in the city!

Fortunately, Son Dean came down and talked him into unloading most of that!
He gets a notion to do things and it's hard to redirect him!
Praise God for Dean and Sherry!

On our drive out of the country, we noticed the solar farms had goats or sheep to keep the grass/weeds under control.

I'm a city girl and can't tell what kind of animals these are!

Acres and acres of solar panels.....

We arrived home on Monday afternoon and I was worn out from driving that Big White Truck!
It was before 5:00 when we got here and it didn't take long to unload and put things up AND start the laundry!

My pictures are out of order but this is my 'checker' at Aldi's on Tuesday!

I shop Aldi every Tuesday after Treasures With Brenda!

And these are my treasures!

I only spent $36 for my haul that day!

This pillow is packed in one of my spring Deck boxes.

Gift bag sets may take the place of Christmas stockings this year!

Wednesday was another busy day!
We are weary of 'busy.' Just saying....

My son Jesse met us at American Airlines Credit Union late Wednesday morning and - because I am his mother - I was allowed to join! This will help me get a lower interest rate when we get a new car soon.
My 2010 Ford Fusion has been a good car for us but it's reached 'the end of useful life.' Isn't that a phrase to remember??
*** Pic taken on Thursday morning***
Love that coffee cup! It heats only the coffee in the microwave - not the cup!

We left the credit union - 12 minutes from our house - and promptly got lost!
I finally got my bearings and we went to the Aldi in South Irving and then to the only Chase drive through banking to cash a check for an overpayment for one of LD's medical bills!
Home finally!!
We regrouped and had some lunch together.

My dear friend and hair stylist, Yulisa, decided to change careers and returned to college and is now off and running and living her best life! I'm so proud of her!

Our sweet neighbor, Ilene, hooked me up to her hairdresser and I LOVE her!!
My appointment was at 4:00 and afterwards - my day turned stressful!
VERY stressful!! Louis Dean is on a memory medicine that should NOT be stopped cold turkey!
That's why we came home early from the ranch - he was out of his meds. I called it in and by the time I picked it up he had missed 10 doses!! It was a comedy of errors and I was at fault as well as the pharmacy! I should have refilled BEFORE we went to the ranch! We came home and the system was down at our Walgreens and after two days I called another Walgreens. Their system was down. I called yet another one and she said she could transfer the Rx to her store. But, alas, the first Walgreens had already billed the insurance. SO I went to the FIRST Walgreens - and they said it was at another Walgreens! All this in 5:00 traffic! I picked that one up at the third Walgreens and then went back to the FIRST one to get his Rampril Rx.
Keeping up with our meds and doctor appointments require a good bit of mental energy!

Through all of this, we have been praying night and day for our friends impacted by Helene and Milton!

So that was Wednesday and Thursday was better!

We missed having pedicures last month so we really needed them now!
I called ahead and they were all ready for us!

It was such a wonderful hour!
We got the Deluxe treatment and I relaxed as I haven't in days.
A trip to Home Depot for Louis Dean - I told him when he surrendered his drivers license - that I would take him anywhere he wants to go! At least I didn't say WHENEVER!!!

Sherry came to spend the night as she was working in Irving on Friday.

I love having a guest room!

I falled it up with a velvet bedspread I bought in the 1970's that survived my house fire in 1983.

This is a favorite room for me to retreat to and read or play my word games.

That chair is where I take a tea break during the day when I need some alone time.

This is in the guest room window facing the street!

Today - Friday - I took one of those testing strips to see if I have a UTI and I do.
Made a call to Dr. Bloom and I have an appointment on Monday afternoon.

I have felt 'under the weather' for over a week now and after our morning rituals reading, prayers and meditations....and after praising God for His mercy, protection and comfort for all our friends in Florida and continued prayers for our friends still suffering from Hurrican Helene....
we made it to the appointment for Louis Dean to get his laser surgery on his right eye!

We have a tradition of taking selfies as we wait to be called back.

He did NOT want to be there and I felt like I needed a HUGE hug.....
together we make a good team!

He has griped and complained and it went on and on ...... and yet he offered no resistance  to making it to the appointment. He was here fot the Laser Iridotomy on his right eye to treat his angle-closure glaucoma.

I stayed with him before and after the procedure.
He told Dr. Dharma that she needed to tell ME the instructions because "I will forget. Better tell my wife." Squeezed ny heart.

We were weary as we left the office and still had errands to do - filled our car with gas, picked up some items at Kroger's, and Walgreens had BOTH our Rx ! Only mine was ready so I told her I would come back after dinner and she was so sweet to go back and fill his Rx  for his eye drops that were due in two hours.

We are home and I'm about to make a salad dinner for us tonight as we watch The Rookie.
LD took a nice long hot soaking bath and I finished filling our medicine boxes.

Jesse made a couple of photos of me and Louis Dean using AI....

I think this one is my favorite and I hope to paint it on a canvas in 1925.

And now to the Great Pumpkin Project updates.....
This is from Shannon Hopps.
She and her husband are in the Haunt Industry and they are professionals.

Oct 4th- The Christmas Tree Farm: Not far from our property is a Christmas Tree farm we pass when making our way to the highway. By the gate is a farm stand with an honor system for eggs and preserves so you know they get my money. But more than that, this road is wide open and on a clear night, it can be incredibly bright depending on the phase of the moon. We stopped after finding a great fence post with the full, clear sky behind it and began to position the Jack when we heard the first coyote. It started with the yapping which called to more coyotes and soon, a chorus started up close to the farm where the live stock began getting nervous and edgy. My first thought being the chickens as I enjoy buying eggs from this farm and apparently, it was the farmer’s concern too as suddenly, right as I began to get my shot, a Roman candle firework shot through the sky. The initial pop sounding like a shotgun which is not uncommon here and definitely made me jump. But then the sky lit up with a green pyrotechnic display that made us and every animal within range either run or freeze. We froze. The live stock fled. And so, it would seem, did the gang of coyotes which was probably the intention of the farmer. Fireworks are not illegal out here and on occasion I have heard them shot off when there are no holidays but now I know why- to scare off the coyotes or other predators. And in this case, it scared off the Great Pumpkin photographers, too. Get the shot, let’s get out of here!

Oct 5th- The Dead End: Dead end roads have their own sort of humor though this road truly does end up going nowhere. It is unknown as to why it dead ends, maybe someone ran out of money or time, but it is a short road near a busy intersection that is easily missed. But once the lights from any oncoming car hit the Dead-End sign, everything lights up right down to the summer sunflowers growing wild, still hanging on to our warm days. Watching our own lights move over the Jack, the sign and the flowers, yellows and oranges flashed over, almost showing a sign of the colors to come once the leaves start to turn. We do not always get brilliant fall leaves here and we certainly do not get them this early in October but right then, for just a moment it looked like a prelude to what is coming. Autumn. I am looking forward to that change in the weather which affects everything here- the trees, the leaves, the sunsets, the light, the stretching shadows and the scent of wood smoke. Soon..

Oct 6th- The Haybale: I cannot resist a good haybale. Out here, they are everywhere and this time of year, tall fields are full of these enormous rolls of hay waiting to feed livestock in the winter months ahead. This bale was over 6 feet tall and to access it, we had to park on the side of the road and trek through a long field while we tried to race the sunset. Once in place, it quickly became darker by the minute and by the time I got the shot, it was too dark to see our car. On any night we go for Jack drops, I always bring a strong flashlight for this reason because trying to get the shot can land us in treacherous places. Walking back, Allen had me match his steps exactly as the terrain was uneven and full of holes made by moles, voles and who knows what else. Perfect footing for twisting an ankle. Back to the car, the Blue Hour was well and done with this day and we turned back to look at the Jack who was glowing brilliantly in the dark, easily seen from the road. But the haybale was completely gone, leaving the pumpkin almost in a state of levitation. Driving by, you could not see what it was sitting on, just that it was lit, shining bright and appearing to float. Thank you, October magic!

Oct 7- The Dark Harbor: Tonight’s Jack found a home by a personal phobia of mine… dark water. It was a very still night, little wind so the water there was very still and glassy. With no boats in motion nearby, there were no wakes, nothing lapping against the other boats or the shore. Just silence and beautiful light. But while it was a quiet night by the lake, we know there are big things out there so while placing the Jack and getting the shot, the huge push of water and splash that hit nearby made us both jump. I had a moment of “Dagobah” fear, wondering what it was under the surface while Allen wanted to grab a rod and start casting, hopeful for some prehistoric alligator gar or worse. Dark water is beautiful and terrifying which makes me question why my favorite kind of scuba diving was always night dives. Still, whatever broke the surface, settled and the water was quiet again. There are giants under the waves out there and I wonder sometimes if they are watching us, wondering and waiting until we leave. Whatever it was, whatever dwells out there, when this Jack slides off the deck into the water, I hope they enjoy the meal!

Oct 8: The Lonely Street- Allen carved this jack-o'-lantern with leaves and celebration of fall and we found an excellent place which was more residential than we planned. But sometimes a residential area that promises traffic is a great spot to surprise, travelers and residence as they pass by. This area has promise to get a lot of attention for this beautiful jack. What you see in the background is actually a street light instead of the moon but still gives the same effect especially with the sky. It's warm tonight, warmer than I would like and it does not feel like fall yet. But the gloomy sky and deep shadows cast from the streetlight gave this spot the perfect mood. What is it about October? This same location two months ago would not have been near as perfect whether it was the light or the color of the sky. But tonight, here in early October while we have yet to get our first real cold snap, it is still perfect. October magic, it never fails.

Oct 9: The Stairs to Nowhere-
Trapsing around strange places is part of this yearly project. While we often drop pins through the year of locations we might find for Jacks in October, sometimes we just wander, and I am convinced these strange places simply find us. “Turn here…” “…make a left…” – like a whisper. Tonight’s Jack finds a home on an old pair of metal stairs in the middle of a heavily wooded field. There was likely a house here once because of an old foundation nearby but where the stairs went and what they were used for, we will never know. They are rusted through but still sturdy. Trees are growing through the slats, so they’ve been here a while. Birds’ nests are tucked up under some of the steps and railings and vines wrap around the base of each foot. Nothing has been here for a long time, and it is unlikely anyone is going to find this Jack. But no matter, it was a perfect spot for tonight’s drop. With the Golden Hour fading, we placed the Jack and waited for the Blue Hour to work its magic. Waiting meant just being still and listening while the wind moved over us, and tall grasses hissed nearby. We’re still warm in the daytime but at night, we are cooling down more and shorter days bring out our local wildlife earlier each night. In the distance are deer and feral hogs who are likely going to make a meal out of this pumpkin which is why we never use any kind of preservative on them. Finally, the light was right, and we got the shot as the wind began to pick up, gently pushing the trees around the stairs so the metal groaned softly. Goodnight, Jack. May you be a healthy snack for many.

Oct 10: The Lighthouse- I love me a good lighthouse and Texas has plenty of them situated at the Gulf of Mexico. But we are far from the salt water tonight and were so surprised when we found this cute little one near one of our area lakes. Easy to access and no one around to see our Jack drop, it demanded some Halloween attention. Tonight’s Jack found a perfect home at this small lighthouse which was conveniently located and…. open. OPEN!! Is that trespassing? Well, we had to take a look. Inside sadly was only an electrical box and a dirt floor but it had great potential for a scare of some kind. This of course had Allen’s mind going as to what he could put in there to create a good fright during the spooky season, and I won’t say that is not going to happen…. However, for tonight, it was enough to find this sweet place and leave a Jack there for people to enjoy. There may or may not be a scare placed in this conveniently accessible lighthouse before the month is out. After all, if you’re going to have a lighthouse, you should totally have a ghost or two in there as well…. Yes. I promise to get video.